1 Definitions and Checks
(definec fn-name (param ...) :out-type body-expr)
param = param-name :in-type
; sum-n : Nat -> Nat ; Given n, return 0 + 1 + 2 + ... + n
> (definec sum-n (n :nat) :nat (cond ((equal n 0) 0) (t ; else (+ n (sum-n (- n 1))))))
(defunc fn-name (param-name ...) :input-contract in-ctc-expr :output-contract out-ctc-expr body-expr)
; sum-n : Nat -> Nat ; Given n, return 0 + 1 + 2 + ... + n
> (defunc sum-n (n) :input-contract (natp n) :output-contract (natp (sum-n n)) (cond ((equal n 0) 0) (t ; else (+ n (sum-n (- n 1))))))
(check= actual-expr expected-expr)
> (check= (sum-n 5) (+ 1 2 3 4 5)) > (check= (sum-n 0) 0) > (check= (sum-n 3) 6) > (check= (sum-n 4) -32)
name: check=
location: eval:7:0
actual: 10
expected: -32
> (check= (sum-n 4) 10) > (check= (sum-n 100) 5050)
(defconst *name* expr)
> (defconst *num-letters* 26) > *num-letters* 26
(test? expr-with-free-vars)
The simplest test?s, without free variables, just check that the expression produces true:
> (test? t) > (test? nil)
name: check-t
location: eval:13:0
params: '(nil)
> (test? (equal (sum-n 5) 15)) > (test? (< (sum-n 10) 100)) > (test? (integerp 36)) > (test? (integerp "not an integer"))
name: check-t
location: eval:17:0
params: '(nil)
> (test? (equal (rev (list 7 8 9)) (list 9 8 7)))
Other test?s might use free variables to test that it works the same way for any values.
> (test? (equal (rev (list a b c)) (list c b a))) > (test? (equal (app (list a b) (list c d)) (list a b c d)))
To test functions that work on only a certain types of data, you can guard tests with an implies form. The sum-n function works on natural numbers, so you can wrap (implies (natp x) ....) around the test expression to test it with only natural numbers.
> (test? (implies (natp x) (> (sum-n x) x))) > (test? (implies (natp y) (< (sum-n y) (* y y))))
> (test? (implies (natp n) (equal (sum-n n) (/ (* n (+ n 1)) 2))))