On this page:
25.1 What code do you give the machine?
25.2 Testing Day 25

25 Day 25🔗ℹ

 (require aoc-racket/day25) package: aoc-racket

The puzzle. Our input is a row and column number for a grid.

25.1 What code do you give the machine?🔗ℹ

The puzzle involves a series of codes in a grid. The first code is 20151125 and subsequent codes are computed by multiplying by 252533 and calculating the remainder after dividing by 33554393. Then the codes are put into a grid in diagonal fashion, in the order shown:

  |  1  2  3  4  5  6
1 |  1  3  6 10 15 21
2 |  2  5  9 14 20
3 |  4  8 13 19
4 |  7 12 18
5 | 11 17
6 | 16

The grid is described as infinite. But this doesn’t play a role in the puzzle, since our job is to find the number at the finite coordinate given in our input. So we need a function for finding the nth code in the series, and a function for finding which n resides at a given grid location. Short & sweet.

(require racket rackunit)
(provide (all-defined-out))

(define first-code 20151125)
(define (next-code code)
  (modulo (* code 252533) 33554393))
(define (nth-code n)
  (for/fold ([code-so-far first-code])
            ([i (in-range (sub1 n))])
    (next-code code-so-far)))
(define (rc->n row col)
  (define first-col-val (add1 (apply + (range row))))
  (define col-offset-val (apply + (range (add1 row) (+ row col))))
  (+ first-col-val col-offset-val))
(define (q1 input-str)
  (match-define (list _ row col)
    (map string->number
         (regexp-match #px"row (\\d+), column (\\d+)" input-str)))
  (nth-code (rc->n row col)))

25.2 Testing Day 25🔗ℹ

(module+ test
  (define input-str (file->string "day25-input.txt"))
  (check-equal? (q1 input-str) 19980801))