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Art:   Composable Compositions

Art: Composable Compositions🔗ℹ

 (require art) package: art-lib

Throughout this doc, I will give some examples in the margin using the art music language, which is called tonart.

An extensible markup language and meta-language, for creating and manipulating works of art.

    1 Language Concepts

      1.1 Notations: the art forms

      1.2 Procedural Concepts: The three re’s of art

        1.2.1 Representing

        1.2.2 Rewriting

        1.2.3 Realizing

      1.3 Denotations: art expressions in context

        1.3.1 Expressions

        1.3.2 Contexts

        1.3.3 Rewriters and Realizers

        1.3.4 A note on boundaries

    2 Core Library

      2.1 General Forms

      2.2 Coordinates

        2.2.1 Interval

        2.2.2 Sets

        2.2.3 Indices

        2.2.4 Name

      2.3 Contexts

        2.3.1 Timeline

        2.3.2 Sequence

        2.3.3 Namespace