3 Generic Instructions
(require asm/generic) | package: asm |
3.1 Registers
f0 : register?
f1 : register?
f2 : register?
f3 : register?
f4 : register?
f5 : register?
fp : register?
3.2 Arithmetic
Can any scribble experts think of a nice way of documenting all these functions without a load of typing?
;; Binary ALU operations
add addx addc sub subx subc rsb mul div rem and or xor lsh rsh
;; Four operand binary ALU operations
qmul qdiv
;; Unary ALU operations
neg com abs sqrt
3.3 Comparisons
lt le gt ge eq ne unlt unle ungt unge uneq ltgt ord unord
3.4 Branches
blt ble bgt bge beq bne bunlt bunle bungt bunge buneq bltgt bord bunord bms bmc boadd bxadd bosub bxsub
3.5 Function calls
;; Function calls
prepare pusharg call finish jmp retval
arg getarg putarg prolog epilog alloca ret frame tramp
3.6 Other
;; Transfer operations
mov ext trunc
;; Network extensions
hton ntoh
;; Load operations
ld ldx
;; Store operations
st stx