avro: Apache Avro
This package implements support for decoding and encoding data specified using the Apache Avro protocol.
1 Schema Evolution
I agree with the authors of the goavro package that Avro schema evolution seems broken. While this package supports field defaults, I would caution against using them. Instead, version your schemas by tagging your data.
2 Missing Features
2.1 Aliases
Aliasing schemas during read is not currently supported, but I may add support if there is interest.
2.2 JSON Encoding
JSON encoding is not currently supported and it is unlikely it will be unless someone else is interested in adding support.
2.3 RPC
I don’t plan on supporting the RPC features at the moment.
3 Reference
(require avro) | package: avro-lib |
Codecs are opaque values that can be used to read and write data according to an Avro schema.
Primitive values are mapped between Avro and Racket according to the following table:
Avro Type | Racket Contract |
null | 'null |
boolean | |
int | (integer-in (- (expt 2 31)) (sub1 (expt 2 31))) |
long | (integer-in (- (expt 2 63)) (sub1 (expt 2 63))) |
float | |
double | |
bytes | |
string |
Records are represented by hasheq hashes with symbols for keys. Enums are represented by the symbols that make up their variants. Unions are represented by hasheq hashes with two keys: 'type representing the fully-qualified name of the variant and 'value, containing the value.
(make-codec schema) → codec?
schema : string?
> (require avro json)
> (define c (make-codec (jsexpr->string (hasheq 'type "record" 'name "LongList" 'fields (list (hasheq 'name "value" 'type "long") (hasheq 'name "next" 'type '("null" "LongList")))))))
> (define v (hasheq 'value 1 'next (hasheq 'type "LongList" 'value (hasheq 'value 2 'next (hasheq 'type "null" 'value 'null))))) > (define buf (open-output-bytes)) > (codec-write c v buf) 4
> (codec-read c (open-input-bytes (get-output-bytes buf)))
#hasheq((type . "LongList")
#hasheq((next . #hasheq((type . "null") (value . null)))
(value . 2)))))
(value . 1))
(codec-read c in) → any/c
c : codec? in : input-port?
(codec-write c v out) → exact-nonnegative-integer?
c : codec? v : any/c out : output-port?
3.1 Object Container Format
(require avro/container) | package: avro-lib |
(read-container in) → list?
in : input-port?
(write-container schema values out [ #:block-size block-size #:compression compression]) → void? schema : string? values : list? out : output-port? block-size : exact-positive-integer? = (* 100 1024 1024) compression : (or/c 'none 'deflate) = 'deflate