9 Route 53 (DNS)
(require aws/r53) | package: aws |
Route 53 provides DNS.
(r53-endpoint v) → void? v : endpoint?
= (endpoint "route53.amazonaws.com" #f)
The endpoint for the service.
(create-hosted-zone name unique [comment]) → xexpr?
name : string? unique : string? comment : string? = ""
Create a hosted zone and return an xexpr? respresenting the
response XML.
(delete-hosted-zone zone-id) → xexpr?
zone-id : string?
Delete a hosted zone and return an xexpr? respresenting the
response XML.
Note that zone-id is not the domain name, it is the "zone ID".
(list-hosted-zones) → xexpr?
List all the hosted zones associated with the AWS account.
(get-hosted-zone zone-id) → xexpr?
zone-id : string?
Given a zone-id, return information about the hosted zone.
(domain-name->zone-id name) → string?
name : string?
Look up a zone ID from a domain name.
AWS requires the domain name to be in DNS style and end in a period, such as "foo.com.". However if name doesn’t end in a period, then domain-name->zone-id automatically appends one for you.
(list-resource-record-sets zone-id #:max-items max-items #:name name #:type type #:id id) → (listof xexpr?) zone-id : string? max-items : #f name : #f type : #f id : #f
Return a list of ResourceRecordSet xexpr?s.
(change-resource-record-sets zone-id changes) → xexpr? zone-id : string? changes : xexpr?
Make changes to the record sets for the the zone.
It’s up to the caller to create an xexpr according to the AWS docs.
(change-resource-record-sets "/hostedzone/Z3K3IRK2M12WGD" `(ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest ([xmlns "https://route53.amazonaws.com/doc/2012-02-29/"]) (ChangeBatch (Comment "optional comment about the changes in this change batch request") (Changes (Change (Action "CREATE") (ResourceRecordSet (Name "foo2.com") (Type "A") (TTL "300") (ResourceRecords (ResourceRecord (Value "")))))))))