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10 Huffman Codes🔗ℹ

Added in version 1.3 of package binaryio-lib.

This module provides support for computing Huffman codes.


(make-huffman-code alphabet)  prefixcode-encode-table/c

  alphabet : 
(or/c (hash/c any/c rational?)
      (listof (cons/c any/c rational?))
      (vectorof rational?))
Produces a prefix code encoder table (see prefixcode-encode) based on alphabet, which contains the encodable elements and their relative frequencies. Elements with zero or negative weights are included in the code book; negative weights are clipped to zero.

If the alphabet consists only of exact integers, characters, and symbols, then a canonical Huffman code is constructed: alphabet elements having the same code length are sorted and assigned sequential, ascending code values.

If alphabet is a vector, the alphabet elements are the vector indexes, and the resulting encode table is also represented as a vector. Otherwise, the resulting encode table is represented as a hash table.

> (define hc
     (vector 2 1 1 1 1)))
> (for ([code (in-vector hc)] [v (in-naturals)])
    (printf "~v ~a\n" v (sbv->string code)))

0 0

1 100

2 101

3 110

4 111