2 Module Reference
(require bookcover/draw) | package: bookcover |
This module is automatically provided by #lang bookcover. The only difference between the require form and #lang bookcover is that with the former, finish-cover is not automatically called at the end of your program. You might prefer to use the require form when doing something fancier than creating just a single static cover; for example, when defining your own functions that create multiple book covers of the same style for different titles.
(setup #:interior-pdf interior-pdf #:cover-pdf cover-pdf-filename [ #:bleed-pts bleed-pts #:spine-calculator spinewidth-calc]) → void? interior-pdf : path-string? cover-pdf-filename : path-string? bleed-pts : real? = (* 0.125 72)
spinewidth-calc : (exact-positive-integer? . -> . real?) = (createspace-spine 'white-bw)
The cover dimensions are calculated as follows:
The width and height of the first page in interior-pdf are used as the size of the front and back covers.
The page count of interior-pdf is passed to spinewidth-calc to determine the width of the spine. (See spine width calculators.)
A width equal to bleed-pts is added to all four edges of the cover.
; The minimum viable setup call (setup #:interior-pdf "my-book-contents.pdf" #:cover-pdf "cover.pdf") ; Using more options: (setup #:interior-pdf "my-book-contents.pdf" #:cover-pdf "cover.pdf" #:spinewidth-calc (using-ppi 339) ; Calculate spine width using 339 PPI #:bleed-pts (inches->pts 0.25)) ; Use 1/4" bleed
(current-cover-dc) → (or/c null? (is-a?/c pdf-dc%))
If setup has not yet been called since the start of the program, or if it hasn’t been called since the last time finish-cover was called, then there is no active cover, and current-cover-dc will return null.
(finish-cover) → void?
If current-cover-dc is already null, calling this function has no effect.
This function is automatically called at the very end of your program when using #lang bookcover.
It is also called automatically on successive calls to setup whenever current-cover-dc is not equal to null.
2.1 Spine width calculators
In order to properly calculate the overall width of the book cover, the module needs (among other things) a way to calculate the thickness of your book’s spine.
This spine width calculator is any function that takes a page count (a positive integer) and returns a value in points.
You may pass any such function to the #:spine-calculator argument of setup; if you choose not to, setup will default to the function returned by (createspace-spine 'white-bw) —
Different printers specify different ways of calculating the spine width of your book. As a convenience, this module provides some functions which return ready-made spine width calculators that cover the most common cases, but you can also supply your own.
(createspace-spine paper-type)
→ (exact-positive-integer? . -> . real?) paper-type : (or/c 'white-bw 'cream-bw 'color)
> (define spine-func (createspace-spine 'cream-bw)) > (spine-func 330) 59.400000000000006
(using-ppi pages-per-inch)
→ (exact-positive-integer? . -> . real?) pages-per-inch : real?
Use this if your printing service instructs you to calculate spine width using a PPI value for a particular paper type.
2.2 Drawing functions
(cover-draw pic x y) → void?
pic : pict-convertible? x : real? y : real?
(frontcover-draw pic [ #:top top #:left left #:horiz-center? hcenter #:vert-center? vcenter]) → void? pic : pict-convertible? top : real? = 0 left : real? = 0 hcenter : any/c = #f vcenter : any/c = #f
(backcover-draw pic [ #:top top #:left left #:horiz-center? hcenter #:vert-center? vcenter]) → void? pic : pict-convertible? top : real? = 0 left : real? = 0 hcenter : any/c = #f vcenter : any/c = #f
; These two lines do exactly the same thing: (cover-draw pic 0 0) (backcover-draw pic) ; These two lines also do exactly the same thing: (cover-draw pic (spinerightedge) 0) (frontcover-draw pic)
The 0 coordinates for either function’s #:top argument (as well as the #:left argument of backcover) start at the very outside edge of the bleed.
When hcenter is #t, left is ignored; likewise when vcenter is #t, top is ignored.
(spine-draw pic [top-offset]) → void?
pic : pict-convertible? top-offset : real? = 0
By design, this function does not check or care if pic will fit inside spinewidth.
; Draw some text on the spine (define spine-title (text "My Book Title" "Helvetica" 10 (degrees->radians 270))) (spine-draw spine-title (centering-offset spine-title page-height pict-height)) ; Draw a blue rectangle that wraps around the spine equally on front and back (define spine-rectangle (filled-rectangle (* (spinewidth) 4) (pageheight) #:color "lightblue" #:draw-border #f)) (spine-draw spine-rectangle)
(outline-spine! [#:color color]) → void?
color : (or/c string? (is-a?/c color%) (list/c byte? byte? byte?)) = "black"
(outline-bleed! [#:color color]) → void?
color : (or/c string? (is-a?/c color%) (list/c byte? byte? byte?)) = "black"
2.3 Measurement functions
When setting up your cover, everything is specified in points. But when you ask Racket for the dimensions of the PDF object you’ve just created, you’ll get a different value than the point value you specified. This is because PDF objects in Racket also have a scaling factor (0.8 by default) that is applied to each dimension when the object is created. So if you specify that your cover should have a bleed of 9 points (1/8 inch), the “actual” width —
(pageheight) → real?
(coverheight) → real?
(spinewidth) → real?
(coverwidth) → real?
The pagewidth, pageheight and coverwidth functions each include the width of the bleed on all applicable sides:
The (pagewidth) includes the width of the bleed along one edge (i.e. the right edge for the front cover, the left edge for the back cover).
The (coverwidth) and (pageheight) include the width of the bleed along two edges (top and bottom for height, left and right for width).
(spineleftedge) → real?
(spinerightedge) → real?
(centering-offset pic context-dim [dim-func]) → real?
pic : pict-convertible? context-dim : real? dim-func : (pict? . -> . real?) = pict-width
If centering vertically, use pict-height as the last argument.
> (define blue-rectangle (filled-rectangle 20 60 #:color "blue")) > (centering-offset blue-rectangle 100) 40
> (centering-offset blue-rectangle 250 pict-height) 95
2.4 Testing
(dummy-pdf output-pdf width-pts height-pts [ #:pages page-count]) → void? output-pdf : path-string? width-pts : real? height-pts : real? page-count : exact-positive-integer? = 1
This PDF can be useful for mocking up a cover if you don’t yet have a PDF of your book’s interior to pass to the setup function, or for rapidly experimenting with different paper sizes. See the documentation for check-cover for an example.
(check-cover [#:unit-display unit-func]) → void?
unit-func : (real? . -> . string?) = pts->inches-string
> (dummy-pdf "my-book.pdf" (inches->pts 4) (inches->pts 6) #:pages 100)
> (setup #:interior-pdf "my-book.pdf" #:cover-pdf "my-cover.pdf") > (check-cover)
pdf-dc% get-size: 763.75 ⨉ 562.5
Cover size (w/bleed): 8.475″ ⨉ 6.25″ (610.2144pts ⨉ 450.0pts, w/scaling 762.768 ⨉ 562.5)
Scaling factor: 0.8
Bleed: 0.125″ (11.25)
Interior PDF size: 4.0″ ⨉ 6.0″
Interior pagecount: 100 pages
Spine multiplier: 0.162144
Spine width: 0.225″ (100 pages ⨉ 0.162144 = 16.2144 pts)
CreateSpace would not allow text on spine (pages < 101)
2.5 Unit conversion functions
> (inches->pts 1) 72.0
> (cm->pts 1) 28.346456692913385
(pts->inches-string points) → string?
points : real?
(pts->cm-string points) → string?
points : real?
> (pts->inches-string 72) "1.0″"
> (pts->cm-string 72) "2.54cm"