chk:   a minimal tester
1 Single Value Tests
2 Expected Value Tests
3 Expected Exception Tests
4 Meta Forms
5 Combining Tests
6 Test Sets
7 Contextual Failure Reporting
8 Filtering Tests with Command-line Arguments
9 Controlling Source Location and Syntax Display

chk: a minimal tester🔗ℹ

Jay McCarthy <>

 (require chk) package: chk-lib

This package defines a minimal testing library with a simple implementation, sensible defaults, useful flexibilty, and beautiful failure reporting. It is independent of all other Racket testing libraries, but it does cooperate with raco test and raco cover for displaying summary information.


(chk . t)

Evaluates the tests described in t as described below:

  t = (test ...)
  test = strict-test
  | (strict-test)
  | (ex ex)
  | (ex)
  strict-test = (#:t ex)
  | (#:? ex ex)
  | (#:= ex ex)
  | (#:eq ex ex ex)
  | (#:! test)
  | (#:x ex ex)
  | (#:do e)
  ex = (#:stx e e)
  | (#:src e e)
  | e

The syntax of t determines the test executed.

1 Single Value Tests🔗ℹ

The simplest form is a #:t e test, where chk ensures that e evaluates to exactly one value that is not #f.

> (chk #:t 5)
> (chk #:t #f)


kind      : "predicate"

predicate : #<procedure:identity>

actual    : #f


            eval:2:0: #f

value     : #f

predicate : "not false"

> (chk #:t (values 1 2))


kind      : "predicate"

predicate : #<procedure:identity>

actual    : (values 1 2)


            eval:3:0: (values 1 2)

part      : "how many values"

actual    : 2

expected  : 1

> (chk #:t (/ 1 0))


kind      : "predicate"

predicate : #<procedure:identity>

actual    : /: division by zero



               body of top-level

               /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


               /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process


            eval:4:0: (/ 1 0)

predicate : "not exception"

This may be abbreviated by removing the #:t.

> (chk 5)
> (chk #f)


kind      : "predicate"

predicate : #<procedure:identity>

actual    : #f


            eval:6:0: #f

value     : #f

predicate : "not false"

A #:t e test is a special case of a #:? p e test, where chk ensures that e evaluates to exactly one value and that the predicate p does not return #f on it. This form is robust to errors in p, which must evaluate to exactly one value that is a procedure of one argument.

> (chk #:? even? 0)
> (chk #:? even? 1)


kind      : "predicate"

predicate : #<procedure:even?>

actual    : 1


            eval:8:0: 1

value     : 1

predicate : "not false"

> (chk #:? even? (values 1 2))


kind      : "predicate"

predicate : #<procedure:even?>

actual    : (values 1 2)


            eval:9:0: (values 1 2)

part      : "how many values"

actual    : 2

expected  : 1

> (chk #:? even? "two")


kind      : "predicate"

predicate : #<procedure:even?>

actual    : "two"


            eval:10:0: "two"

value     : "two"

part      : "evaluating predicate"

exn       : even?: contract violation

              expected: integer?

              given: "two"



               /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


               /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process

> (chk #:? #f 0)


kind      : "valid predicate expected"

actual    : #f


            eval:11:0: #f

predicate : "procedure of 1 arg"

> (chk #:? (values 3 4) 0)


kind     : "valid predicate expected"

actual   : (values 3 4)


           eval:12:0: (values 3 4)

part     : "how many values"

actual   : 2

expected : 1

> (chk #:? list-ref 0)


kind      : "valid predicate expected"

actual    : #<procedure:list-ref>


            eval:13:0: list-ref

predicate : "procedure of 1 arg"

> (chk #:? (error 'boo) 0)


kind      : "valid predicate expected"

actual    : error: boo


               body of top-level

               /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


               /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process


            eval:14:0: (error 'boo)

predicate : "not exception"

2 Expected Value Tests🔗ℹ

An #:= actual expected test compares an actual evaluation with an expected evaluation. If expected raises an exception, then actual must also, with the same exn-message. Otherwise, the two expression must return the same number of values, which must be equal?.

> (chk #:= 1 1)
> (chk #:= 1 "two")


kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : 1


           eval:16:0: 1

expected : "two"


           eval:16:0: "two"

part     : "value 0"

actual   : 1

expected : "two"

> (chk #:= (/ 1 0) (error '/ "division by zero"))
> (chk #:= (/ 1 0) +inf.0)


kind      : "compare"

compare   : #<procedure:equal?>

actual    : /: division by zero



               body of top-level

               /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


               /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process


            eval:18:0: (/ 1 0)

expected  : +inf.0


            eval:18:0: +inf.0

predicate : "values"

> (chk #:= (/ 1 0) (error '/ "divided by zero"))


kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : /: division by zero



              body of top-level

              /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


              /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process


           eval:19:0: (/ 1 0)

expected : /: divided by zero


              body of top-level

              /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


              /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process


           eval:19:0: (error '/ "divided by zero")

part     : "exn-message"

actual   : "/: division by zero"

expected : "/: divided by zero"

> (chk #:= (values 1 2) (values 1 2))
> (chk #:= (values 1 2) 1)


kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : (values 1 2)


           eval:21:0: (values 1 2)

expected : 1


           eval:21:0: 1

part     : "how many values"

actual   : 2

expected : 1

> (chk #:= 1 (values 1 2))


kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : 1


           eval:22:0: 1

expected : (values 1 2)


           eval:22:0: (values 1 2)

part     : "how many values"

actual   : 1

expected : 2

> (chk #:= (values 1 2) (values "one" "two"))


kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : (values 1 2)


           eval:23:0: (values 1 2)

expected : (values "one" "two")


           eval:23:0: (values "one" "two")

part     : "value 0"

actual   : 1

expected : "one"

An #:= actual expected test may be abbreviated as actual expected.

> (chk 1 1)
> (chk 1 "two")


kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : 1


           eval:25:0: 1

expected : "two"


           eval:25:0: "two"

part     : "value 0"

actual   : 1

expected : "two"

An #:= actual expected test is a special case of a #:eq equal actual expected test where equal is equal?. equal must evaluate to exactly one value, which is a procedure of two arguments. If equal does not evaluate as expected, then the test is considered a failure.

> (chk #:eq = 1 1)
> (chk #:eq eq? (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2))


kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:eq?>

actual   : (1 . 2)


           eval:27:0: (cons 1 2)

expected : (1 . 2)


           eval:27:0: (cons 1 2)

part     : "value 0"

actual   : (1 . 2)

expected : (1 . 2)

> (chk #:eq (/ 1 0) 1 2)


kind      : "valid compare expected"

actual    : /: division by zero



               body of top-level

               /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


               /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process


            eval:28:0: (/ 1 0)

predicate : "not exception"

> (chk #:eq #f 1 1)


kind      : "valid compare expected"

actual    : #f


            eval:29:0: #f

predicate : "procedure of 2 args"

> (chk #:eq add1 1 1)


kind      : "valid compare expected"

actual    : #<procedure:add1>


            eval:30:0: add1

predicate : "procedure of 2 args"

> (chk #:eq + "one" "two")


kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:+>

actual   : "one"


           eval:31:0: "one"

expected : "two"


           eval:31:0: "two"

part     : "value 0"

actual   : "one"

expected : "two"

part     : "evaluating check"

exn      : +: contract violation

             expected: number?

             given: "one"


              /home/root/user/.local/share/racket/ *check=


              /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


              /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process

3 Expected Exception Tests🔗ℹ

An #:x actual exn-pred test is form when you expect actual to evaluate to an exception, but cannot (or do not want to) predict the exact error message. exn-pred must evaluate to exactly one value. If that value is a string, then it must be appear in the message of the exception that actual raises. If that value is a regular expression, then it must match the message of exception that actual raises. If the value is not a string or regular expression, it must be a procedure of one argument that does not return #f on the exception that actual raises.

> (chk #:x (/ 1 0) "division")
> (chk #:x (/ 1 0) "divided")


kind     : "exception"

actual   : /: division by zero



              body of top-level

              /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


              /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process


           eval:33:0: (/ 1 0)

part     : "exn-message"

actual   : "/: division by zero"

expected : #rx"divided"

> (chk #:x (/ 1 0) #rx"di.ision")
> (chk #:x (/ 1 0) #rx"(one|two)")


kind     : "exception"

actual   : /: division by zero



              body of top-level

              /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


              /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process


           eval:35:0: (/ 1 0)

part     : "exn-message"

actual   : "/: division by zero"

expected : #rx"(one|two)"

> (chk #:x (/ 1 0) exn:fail?)
> (chk #:x (/ 1 0) exn:fail:syntax?)


kind      : "exception"

actual    : /: division by zero



               body of top-level

               /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


               /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process


            eval:37:0: (/ 1 0)

predicate : exn:fail:syntax?

> (chk #:x 0 exn:fail?)


kind      : "exception"

actual    : 0


            eval:38:0: 0

predicate : "exception"

> (chk #:x (/ 1 0) 0)


kind      : "valid exception expected"

actual    : 0


            eval:39:0: 0

predicate : "exception expectation"

> (chk #:x (/ 1 0) cons)


kind      : "valid exception expected"

actual    : #<procedure:cons>


            eval:40:0: cons

predicate : "exception expectation"

> (chk #:x (/ 1 0) add1)


kind   : "exception"

actual : /: division by zero



            body of top-level

            /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


            /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process


         eval:41:0: (/ 1 0)

part   : "evaluating exn predicate"

exn    : add1: contract violation

           expected: number?

           given: (exn:fail:contract:divide-by-zero "/: division by zero" #<continuation-mark-set>)



            /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


            /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process

4 Meta Forms🔗ℹ

There are two meta-forms provided by chk.

A #:! t test, where t is another test, represents the expectation that test t will fail.

> (chk #:! #:t #f)
> (chk #:! #:t #t)


inverted  : #t

kind      : "predicate"

predicate : #<procedure:identity>

actual    : #t


            eval:43:0: #t

value     : #t

> (chk #:! #:= 1 0)
> (chk #:! #:= 1 1)


inverted : #t

kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : 1


           eval:45:0: 1

expected : 1


           eval:45:0: 1

> (chk #:! #:x (/ 1 0) exn:fail:syntax?)
> (chk #:! #:x (/ 1 0) "division")


inverted : #t

kind     : "exception"

actual   : /: division by zero



              /home/root/user/.local/share/racket/ body of top-level

              /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


              /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process


           eval:47:0: (/ 1 0)

A #:do e form is equivalent to e. (This does not appear to be useful, unless you read the next section!)

> (chk #:do (printf "Hey, listen!"))

Hey, listen!

5 Combining Tests🔗ℹ

A chk form can contain any number of sub-forms. This is why #:do can be useful. They may be wrapped in parentheses, or not.

> (chk 1 1
       2 2
> (chk #:= 1 1
       #:! #:t #f
       #:? even? 2)
> (chk [#:= 1 1]
       [#:! #:t #f]
       [#:? even? 2])
> (chk #:! [#:t #f]
       #:! [#:= 1 2])
> (chk #:= (+ 2 3) 5
       #:do (define x 1)
       #:= (+ 5 x) 6)

6 Test Sets🔗ℹ


(chk* body ...+)

Sometimes you want to ensure that if one test fails, then no other tests are evaluated within a block. chk* does this for all tests within (let () body ...).

> (chk*
   (define x "one")
   (chk #:? number? x
        #:do (printf "Hey, listen!\n")
        #:? even? x)
   (chk #:? odd? (add1 x)))


kind      : "predicate"

predicate : #<procedure:number?>

actual    : "one"


            eval:54:0: x

value     : "one"

predicate : "not false"


chk-fail-first? : (parameter/c boolean?)

A parameter which controls whether chk will quit after the first failure.

7 Contextual Failure Reporting🔗ℹ


(with-chk ([key value] ...) body ...+)

The failure reporting format used by chk is sensitive to the dynamic context it is run within. The with-chk form allows you to add details to all tests within (let () body ...).

> (with-chk (['author "jay"])
    (chk #:= 1 1
         #:= 1 2)
    (with-chk (['suite "1337"])
      (chk #:? even? "two")))


author   : "jay"

kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : 1


           eval:55:0: 1

expected : 2


           eval:55:0: 2

part     : "value 0"

actual   : 1

expected : 2


author    : "jay"

suite     : "1337"

kind      : "predicate"

predicate : #<procedure:even?>

actual    : "two"


            eval:55:0: "two"

value     : "two"

part      : "evaluating predicate"

exn       : even?: contract violation

              expected: integer?

              given: "two"



               /home/root/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: call-with-break-parameterization


               /home/root/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:891:2: user-process

A special key for use with with-chk that is not printed, but instead must be matched with a value that is a procedure of one argument. If there is an error, then the function will be called with all of the failure details.

> (with-chk (['author "jay"]
             [chk-inform! (λ (d) (printf "Woah:\n~v\n" d))])
    (chk #:= 1 1
         #:= 1 2))


'((author . "jay") (chk-inform!6529 . #<procedure>) (kind . "compare") (compare . #<procedure:equal?>) (actual . #s((res:values res 1) #<syntax:eval:56:0 1> (1))) (expected . #s((res:values res 1) #<syntax:eval:56:0 2> (2))) (part . "value 0") (actual . 1) (expected . 2))


author          : "jay"

kind            : "compare"

compare         : #<procedure:equal?>

actual          : 1


                  eval:56:0: 1

expected        : 2


                  eval:56:0: 2

part            : "value 0"

actual          : 1

expected        : 2

8 Filtering Tests with Command-line Arguments🔗ℹ

The key/value pairs specified in the current context by with-chk can also be used to group tests into catagories which can be selected and run by supplying command-line arguments to the module running the tests. Before each test is run, chk will use the value of current-command-line-arguments to construct a list of names and key/value pairs.

Key/value pairs are specified by arguments of the form key=value. If a non-zero amount of key/value pairs are specified, then only tests which match the set of key/value pairs specified on the command line will be executed. The command-line argument "foo=bar", for example, corresponds with the racket pair ('foo . "bar").

> (parameterize ([current-command-line-arguments (vector "foo=bar")])
    (with-chk (['foo "bar"])
      (chk #:= 1 2))
    (chk #:= 2 3))


foo      : "bar"

kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : 1


           eval:57:0: 1

expected : 2


           eval:57:0: 2

part     : "value 0"

actual   : 1

expected : 2

In the above example, the former test runs because it has been called inside of an expression where the key 'foo matches the value "bar", but the latter test is skipped.

Keys read from the command line are always treated as symbols and compared using eq?. Values are treated as strings, and the runtime values that they are compared against are cast to string with ~a before the comparison. Because of this, it is simple to filter against values of any transparent data type, not just strings.

> (parameterize ([current-command-line-arguments (vector "data=(1 2 3)")])
    (with-chk (['data '(1 2 3)])
      (chk #:= 1 2)))


data     : (1 2 3)

kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : 1


           eval:58:0: 1

expected : 2


           eval:58:0: 2

part     : "value 0"

actual   : 1

expected : 2

If multiple key/value pairs are present on the command line, then tests will only run if they match against all specified key/value pairs.

> (parameterize ([current-command-line-arguments (vector "foo=bar" "number=6")])
    (with-chk (['foo "bar"])
      (chk #:= 1 2)
      (with-chk (['number 6])
        (chk #:= 2 3))))


foo      : "bar"

number   : 6

kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : 2


           eval:59:0: 2

expected : 3


           eval:59:0: 3

part     : "value 0"

actual   : 2

expected : 3

In the above example, the former test does not run because it is defined in a context in which only the key 'foo has a value. The latter test runs because its context contains the correct values for both 'foo and 'number.

The keys 'file and 'line are special cases when present in the command-line arguments. They are case insensitive and are matched against the file name and line number of current test. Files are treated as regular expressions. Multiple file names and line numbers may be specified on the command line to allow more tests through in a single test run.

Any command-line arguments which do not fit the name=value pattern are treated as regular expressions and used as a set of names to run. In the execution context of the test, these names are compared against the value corresponding with the 'name key. Unlike with key/value pairs, a test’s name needs only to match against one of the names specified on the command line in order to be run. This way, multiple tests can be specified to be run. Tests with no 'name key specified will only be run in the case that no names are present in the command-line arguments.

> (parameterize ([current-command-line-arguments (vector "test1" "test2")])
    (with-chk (['name "test1"])
      (chk #:= 1 2))
    (with-chk (['name "test2"])
      (chk #:= 2 3))
    (chk #:= 3 4))


name     : "test1"

kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : 1


           eval:60:0: 1

expected : 2


           eval:60:0: 2

part     : "value 0"

actual   : 1

expected : 2


name     : "test2"

kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : 2


           eval:60:0: 2

expected : 3


           eval:60:0: 3

part     : "value 0"

actual   : 2

expected : 3

If both names and key/value pairs are present in the command-line arguments, then a test must satisfy both predicates in order to be run.

> (parameterize ([current-command-line-arguments (vector "test1" "foo=bar")])
    (with-chk (['name "test1"])
      (chk #:= 1 2))
    (with-chk (['foo "bar"])
      (chk #:= 2 3)))

In the above example, the command-line arguments are specifying that only tests which match the name "name1" and the key/value pair ('foo . "bar") should be run. Neither test satisfies both conditions, so neither test is run.

9 Controlling Source Location and Syntax Display🔗ℹ

Everywhere in the preceeding discussion where we referred to an expression evaluating to something, that position may be replaced with (#:stx stx e) or (#:src src e). In both cases, the expression evaluated is e. However, if there is an error, then a different syntax (stx, which is simply a datum) or source location (src which is evaluate to something that is a source-location?) is reported.

> (chk #:= (#:stx one 1) (#:stx two 2))


kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : 1


           eval:62:0: one

expected : 2


           eval:62:0: two

part     : "value 0"

actual   : 1

expected : 2

> (chk #:= (#:src #'here 1) 2)


kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : 1


           eval:63:0: 1

expected : 2


           eval:63:0: 2

part     : "value 0"

actual   : 1

expected : 2

> (chk #:= (#:src '(there 99 1 22 1) "one") "two")


kind     : "compare"

compare  : #<procedure:equal?>

actual   : "one"


           there:99:1: "one"

expected : "two"


           eval:64:0: "two"

part     : "value 0"

actual   : "one"

expected : "two"

This is intended to be used by macros that produce chks.