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4.1 Generic Quasiquotation

4 Experimental Forms and Functions🔗ℹ

WARNING: The following forms and functions are experimental; compatibility will not be maintained.

4.1 Generic Quasiquotation🔗ℹ

 (require data/collection/experimental/quasi)
  package: collections-lib


(quasiquote datum)

Equivalent to quasiquote from racket/base, except that uses of unquote-splicing accept arbitrary sequence? values instead of only lists.

Note that this handling only applies to uses of unquote-splicing, not unquote, so `(1 . ,more) will produce different results from `(1 ,@more) when more is a non-list sequence.

> `(1 2 ,(+ 1 2))

'(1 2 3)

> `(Z = ,@(take 5 (naturals)) ...)

'(Z = 0 1 2 3 4 ...)

> `#s(prefab i ,@#(ii iii iv) v)

'#s(prefab i ii iii iv v)