Debuging scope-related issues
+  scopes
1 Hack for named scopes
1.1 Automatic use of named scopes

Debuging scope-related issues🔗ℹ

Suzanne Soy <>

 (require debug-scopes) package: debug-scopes


(+scopes stx)  string?

  stx : syntax?
The identifiers are adorned with superscripts indicating the scopes present on them. Each scope is represented as an ascending integer which is unique within the current expansion. At the end of the expansion, a table showing the equivalence between the small integers and the scopes as represented by Racket is printed. Ranges of consecutive scopes are represented as identifier³˙˙⁹ (which would indicate that the scopes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are present on the identifier). When only a few scopes are missing from the range, they are printed as identifier³˙˙⁹⁻⁵⁻⁷ (which would indicate that the scopes 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9 are present on the identifier). When there are too many missing identifiers within the range, the scopes are instead displayed alternatively as superscripts and subscripts, e.g. identifier²₃⁵₇¹¹₁₃¹⁷₁₉ (which would indicate that only the scopes 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17 and 19 are present on the identifier, and would also indicate that a developer is playing a trick on you). Finally the current macro scope (which can be removed using syntax-local-value) and the current use-site scope, if any (which can be removed using syntax-local-identifier-as-binding) is printed for the whole expression, using the notation (expression ) ˢˡⁱ⁼⁴⁺ᵘˢᵉ⁼¹² (which would indicate that the macro scope is 4 and the use-site scope is 12).

#lang racket
(require (for-syntax racket/base
(define-syntax (foo stx)
(displayln (+scopes stx))
(displayln (+scopes (datum->syntax #f 'no-scopes)))
(displayln (+scopes (syntax-local-introduce #'here)))
(foo (list 123))

When using named scopes—for example, via debug-scopes/named-scopes/overridea named scope is often used instead of the macro scope flipped by syntax-local-introduce. If +scopes is called within that context, it also annotates the whole expression with the named scope which acts as a replacement for the macro scope, using the notation (expression ) ˢˡⁱ⁼⁴⁺ᵘˢᵉ⁼¹²⁽ⁿᵃᵐᵉᵈ⁼⁵⁾ (which would indicate that the original macro scope was 4, the use-site-scope is 12, and the named macro scope is 5).

#lang racket
(require (for-syntax (except-in racket/base syntax-local-introduce)
(define-syntax (foo stx)
(displayln (+scopes stx))
(displayln (+scopes (datum->syntax #f 'no-scopes)))
(displayln (+scopes (syntax-local-introduce #'here)))
(foo (list 123))

You can combine +scopes with racket/trace to trace scopes through expansion.

> (require racket/trace (for-syntax racket/base racket/trace debug-scopes))
> (begin-for-syntax
    (define (maybe-syntax->scoped syn?)
      (if (syntax? syn?)
          (+scopes syn?)
      (let ([ctpa (current-trace-print-args)])
        (lambda (s l kw l2 n)
          (ctpa s (map maybe-syntax->scoped l) kw l2 n))))
      (let ([ctpr (current-trace-print-results)])
        (lambda (s l n)
         (ctpr s (map maybe-syntax->scoped l) n)))))
> (trace-define-syntax let
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(_ ([x v]) e) ((lambda (x) e) v)]))
> (let ([x 5]) (let ([y 120]) y))

>(let "(let⁰˙˙³ ((x⁰˙˙³ 5)) (let⁰˙˙³ ((y⁰˙˙³ 120)) y⁰˙˙³))ˢˡⁱ⁼²⁺ᵘˢᵉ⁼³")

<"((lambda⁰˙˙¹ (x⁰˙˙³) (let⁰˙˙³ ((y⁰˙˙³ 120)) y⁰˙˙³)) 5)ˢˡⁱ⁼²⁺ᵘˢᵉ⁼³"

>(let "(let⁰˙˙⁶⁻² ((y⁰˙˙⁶⁻² 120)) y⁰˙˙⁶⁻²)ˢˡⁱ⁼⁶⁺ᵘˢᵉ⁼")

<"((lambda⁰˙˙¹ (y⁰˙˙⁶⁻²) y⁰˙˙⁶⁻²) 120)ˢˡⁱ⁼⁶⁺ᵘˢᵉ⁼"



(print-full-scopes [reset?])  void?

  reset? : any/c = #t
Prints the long scope id and annotation for all scopes displayed as part of preceeding calls to +scopes, as would be shown by (hash-ref (syntax-debug-info stx) 'context).

This allows to get some extended information about the scopes in a summary table by calling print-full-scopes, while still getting short and readable display of syntax objects with +scopes.

After running (print-full-scopes), if reset? is true, then the scope counter is reset (and +scopes therefore starts numbering scopes starting from 0 again).

1 Hack for named scopes🔗ℹ

 (require debug-scopes/named-scopes/exptime)
  package: debug-scopes

Module scopes bear are annotated by Racket with the name of the module. As of December 2016, other scopes like macro scopesBoth the ones implicitly created when a macro is called, and the ones explicitly created via make-syntax-introducer are concerned by this or use-site scopes lack any form of annotation or naming.


(make-named-scope name)

  (->* (syntax?) ([or/c 'add 'remove 'flip]) syntax?)
  name : (or/c string? symbol?)
This function uses a hack to create named scopes on demand: it creates a dummy mododule with the desired name, expands it and extracts the module’s scope. The exact implementation mechanism may vary in future versions, for example if later versions of Racket directly support the creation of named scopes, make-named-scope would simply become an alias for the official mechanism. Later versions of this function may therefore produce named scopes other than module-like scopes.


(make-module-like-named-scope name)

  (->* (syntax?) ([or/c 'add 'remove 'flip]) syntax?)
  name : (or/c string? symbol?)
Produces a named module-like scope. The make-named-scope function currently also produces a module-like scope, so the two are equivalent for now. In later versions, make-named-scope may produce other sorts of named scopes if they can be created more efficiently, but make-module-like-named-scope will always produce module-like scopes.

1.1 Automatic use of named scopes🔗ℹ

 (require debug-scopes/named-scopes/override)
  package: debug-scopes

This module overrides define-syntax and syntax-local-introduce to automatically use a named macro scope. The use-site scope is not affected for now, as the original unnamed use-site scope from Racket benefits from special cooperation from definition contexts, which would be hard to achieve with the hack currently used to implement named scopes.


(define-syntax (name stx-arg) . body)

(define-syntax name value)
Like define-syntax, but the first form changes the macro scope introduced by syntax-local-introduce to use a named scope, bearing the name of the macro.

Note that this change only affects the scopes introduced by the overriden version of syntax-local-introduce, not the original syntax-local-introduce.

This means that if the macro calls a function defined in another file which uses the non-overidden version of syntax-local-introduce, both the original unnamed scope and the named scope may accidentally appear in the result. Macros defined using the overridden syntax-local-introduce should therefore take special care to always use the overridden version of syntax-local-introduce.

The use-site scope is not affected for now, as the original unnamed use-site scope from Racket benefits from special cooperation from definition contexts, which would be hard to achieve with the hack currently used to implement named scopes.


(syntax-local-introduce stx)  syntax?

  stx : syntax?
Like syntax-local-introduce, but uses the named scope set up by define-syntax if called within the dynamic extent of a call to a macro defined by the overridden define-syntax (and otherwise behaves like the original syntax-local-introduce).