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4 Command Line Flags🔗ℹ

 (require denxi/cli-flag) package: denxi

When parsing command line flags, Denxi does not store user-defined values as a side effect. Instead, it defers binding values from a command line to settings. Once a process is ready to determine a runtime configuration, it binds values from a command line using call-with-bound-cli-flags.

denxi/cli-flag provides identifiers that are not documented in this section. Each of these provided identifiers match the --<id> form of available setting names, so the cli-flag instance for DENXI_VERBOSE is provided as --DENXI_VERBOSE. You can view all acceptable flags for an instance using cli-flag-strings.


(struct cli-flag (setting
  setting : setting?
  kind : (or/c 'once-each 'once-any 'multi)
  additional-flag-strings : (listof string?)
  arity : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  convert : procedure?
  help-strings : (listof string?)
Represents a command line flag.

An instance of this structure corresponds to a suitable flag table entry in parse-command-line. The value of kind has the same meaning as it does in parse-command-line.

An instance is used to generate deferred bindings for setting, such that the strings passed in the command line are turned into a Racket values for the setting using convert.

Each instance of cli-flag implicitly carries a longform flag equal to (format "--~a" (setting-id setting)). additional-flag-strings holds acceptable flags recognized by an instance.

convert and help-strings are related in the same way as they are in a program using parse-command-line (see example below). However, arity describes the number of formals accepted by convert minus the flag argument. Therefore it must be the case that (equal? (procedure-arity convert) (add1 arity)).

The below example shows a setting that holds a list of lists, where each sublist holds three numbers. The following cli-flag instance describes the corresponding command line flag and the conversion from user-provided strings to a valid value for the setting.

(define-setting TRIPLET_LIST
  (listof (list/c real? real? real?))
(define --triplet
  (cli-flag TRIPLET_LIST
            '("-t" "--triplet")
            (λ (flag a b c)
              (cons (list (string->number a)
                          (string->number b)
                          (string->number c))
            '("number" "number" "number")))


(struct cli-flag-state (flag-string flag-definition bind)
  flag-string : string?
  flag-definition : cli-flag?
  bind : (-> (-> any) any)
Represents a deferred binding for a setting using flag-definition.

flag-string is bound to the exact flag used by the user. bind applies a given thunk such that the setting in flag-definition is bound to a user-defined value in the extent of said thunk.

A particular use of --triplet from the earlier example could generate this state.

; Generated from -t 9 7 22 -t 10 0 0 -t 2 4 5
(cli-flag-state "-t" --triplet
                (lambda (proc)
                  (TRIPLET_LIST '((2 4 5) (10 0 0) (9 7 22))

A list of all built-in flags.


(find-cli-flag s)  (or/c #f cli-flag?)

  s : setting?
Returns an element of all-flags used to defer bindings to s, or #f if no such flag is defined.


(make-cli-flag-table c ...)  list?

  c : cli-flag?
Returns a list suitable for use as a flag table in parse-command-line.


(cli-flag-strings c)  (non-empty-listof string?)

  c : cli-flag?
Returns all possible command line flags that reference c, including the canonical flag derived from (cli-flag-setting c).


(shortest-cli-flag c)  string?

  c : cli-flag?
Returns the shortest element of (cli-flag-strings c).


(make-cli-flag-string variant)  string?

  variant : (or/c string? cli-flag?)
Returns (shortest-cli-flag variant) when applicable. variant otherwise.


(format-cli-flags c)  string?

  c : cli-flag?
Returns a single /-separated string that shows each element of (cli-flag-strings c) in order of shortest to longest.


(call-with-bound-cli-flags flag-states    
  continue)  any
  flag-states : (listof cli-flag-state?)
  continue : (-> any)
Applies continue in a parameterization where all settings affected by flag-states are bound to their corresponding values.