On this page:
4.1 Command Line Arguments
4.2 Command Messages
4.3 Published Messages

4 pex-driver: PEx Power Control🔗ℹ

This driver was written to control the ApolloArt PEx Devices for power and lighting control. Namely, it supports their relays and faders.

4.1 Command Line Arguments🔗ℹ

Apart from these flags, the pex-driver command expects a path to serial port device file to open and an identifier of the bank to scan. For example:

  pex-driver --identity power /dev/ttyS3 0

Would open the /dev/ttyS3 device, assume the power identity and scan for relays and faders in the bank number 0.

4.2 Command Messages🔗ℹ

4.3 Published Messages🔗ℹ