1 Parsing simple dice expressions
2 Parsing full dice expressions


Carmine Margiotta <car.margiotta@icloud.com>

 (require dice-parser) package: dice-parser

dice-parser is a tool for parsing and rolling dice expression.

A simple dice expression is in format ndX where n and X are natural numbers or, simply, n. Simple dice expressions can be composed in full dice expressions with + and - operators.

1 Parsing simple dice expressions🔗ℹ

A simple dice expression can be parsed using
> (simple-roll expression)

For example:
> (define expr "6d6")
> (simple-roll expr)
'(6 5 3 5 2 2)

2 Parsing full dice expressions🔗ℹ

A full dice expression can be parsed using
> (roll expression)

For example:
> (define expr "6d6+1d20-4")
> (roll expr)