On this page:
5.1 Primitive classes
5.1.1 Class bool
5.1.2 Class char
5.1.3 Class int
5.1.4 Class float
5.1.5 Class proc
Β«procΒ».vec_  apply
5.1.6 Class str
5.1.7 Class vec
5.1.8 Class range_  iterator
5.2 Predicates
5.2.1 Basic type predicates
flat_  contract?
range_  iterator?
5.2.2 Numeric predicates
5.3 Comparison operations
5.4 Randomness operations
random_  bits
5.5 I/  O Functions
current_  directory
file_  to_  string
string_  to_  file
5.6 Other functions

5 Built-in functions, classes, methods, and constantsπŸ”—β„Ή

5.1 Primitive classesπŸ”—β„Ή

DSSL2 includes seven primitive classes for building up more complex data structures. The constructors and methods of these classes are documented in this subsection.

5.1.1 Class boolπŸ”—β„Ή

The primitive class for Boolean values, True and False. The type predicate for class bool is bool?.

Booleans support logical binary operators & (and), \| (or, written without the backslash), and ^ (xor), and logical unary negation ~. They also support comparison with ==, <, <=, etc. False compares less than True.


bool(AnyC) -> bool?

bool() -> bool?

The constructor for class bool.

In its one-argument form, converts any type to bool. All values but False and None convert to True.

In its no-argument form, returns False.

5.1.2 Class charπŸ”—β„Ή

The primitive class for representing a single character of text. The type predicate for class char is char?.

A character can be converted to its integer value with the int constructor. Characters can be compared with ==, <, <=, etc.


char(char) -> bool?

char(int?) -> bool?

char(str?) -> bool?

char() -> bool?

The constructor for class char.

Given a character, returns that character. Given an integer, returns the character corresponding to the Unicode code point, or errors if the integer is not a valid Unicode character. Given a one-character string, returns the character of the string; any longer or shorter string is an error.

5.1.3 Class intπŸ”—β„Ή

The primitive class for representing integral quantities of unlimited size. The type predicate for class int is int?.

Integers support binary arithmethic operators + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), // (integer division), and / (float division, which always produces a class float). They also support unary + (identity) and - (negation).

They also support comparison with ==, <, <=, etc., and they can be compared against floats.

Integers support binary bitwise operators & (bitwise and), \| (bitwise or), and ^ (bitwise xor), and unary bitwise negation ~.

Integer operations require O(1) time.


int(num?) -> int?

int(char?) -> int?

int(str?) -> int?

int(bool?) -> int?

int() -> int?

The constructor for class int.


«int».abs() -> int?

Returns the absolute value of the receiving integer.


«int».ceiling() -> int?

Returns the same integer.


«int».floor() -> int?

Returns the same integer.


«int».sqrt() -> float?

Returns the square root of the receiving integer, as a float.

Do note that, to take the square root of a literal integer, it must be in parentheses:


Without parentheses, the parser (lexer, really) expects to see a float when it sees the dot.


«int».cos() -> float?

The cosine function.


«int».sin() -> float?

The sine function.


«int».tan() -> float?

The tangent function.


«int».acos() -> float?

The inverse cosine function.


«int».asin() -> float?

The inverse sine function.


«int».atan() -> float?

«int».atan(num?) -> float?

The inverse tangent function.

Optionally takes an argument, in which case y.atan(x) computes the angle from the origin to the Cartesian point (x, y).


«int».log() -> float?

«int».log(num?) -> float?

The logarithm function.

Without an argument, returns the natural logarithm of the receiver. When an argument, returns the logarithm of the receiver using the argument as the base.

5.1.4 Class floatπŸ”—β„Ή

The primitive class for representing approximations of real numbers (as 64-bit IEEE 754 numbers). The type predicate for class float is float?.

Floats support binary arithmethic operators + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), and / (division); when combined with an instance of class int, the result will also be a float. They also support unary + (identity) and - (negation).

They also support comparison with ==, <, <=, etc., and they can be compared against ints.

Float operations require O(1) time.


float(num?) -> float?

float(str?) -> float?

float(bool?) -> float?

float() -> float?

The constructor for class float.

Converts an exact integer to the nearest double-precision floating point value. If given a string, attempt to convert to a number, throwing an error if the conversion fails. Booleans True and False convert to 1.0 and 0.0, respectively.

Given no arguments, returns 0.0.


«float».abs() -> float?

Returns the absolute value of the receiving float.


«float».ceiling() -> int?

Returns smallest integer that is no less than the receiving float. That is, it rounds up to the nearest integer.


«float».floor() -> int?

Returns the largest integer that is no greater than the receiving float. That is, it rounds down to the nearest integer.


«float».sqrt() -> float?

Returns the square root of the receiving float.


«float».cos() -> float?

The cosine function.


«float».sin() -> float?

The sine function.


«float».tan() -> float?

The tangent function.


«float».acos() -> float?

The inverse cosine function.


«float».asin() -> float?

The inverse sine function.


«float».atan() -> float?

«float».atan(num?) -> float?

The inverse tangent function.

Optionally takes an argument, in which case y.atan(x) computes the angle from the origin to the Cartesian point (x, y).


«float».log() -> float?

«float».log(num?) -> float?

The logarithm function.

Without an argument, returns the natural logarithm of the receiver. When an argument, returns the logarithm of the receiver using the argument as the base.

5.1.5 Class procπŸ”—β„Ή

The primitive class for representing functions. The type predicate for class proc is proc?.

Procedures can be applied.


proc(proc?) -> proc?

proc() -> proc?

The constructor for class proc.

Given one procedure argument, returns it unchanged. Given no arguments, returns the identity function.


«proc».compose(proc?) -> proc?

Composes the receiving procedure with the parameter procedure. For example,

assert (λ x: x + 1).compose(λ x: x * 2)(5) == 11


«proc».vec_apply(vec?) -> AnyC

Applies the receiving procedure using the contents of the given vector as its arguments.

5.1.6 Class strπŸ”—β„Ή

The primitive class for representing textual data. The type predicate for class str is str?.

A string can be indexed with square bracket notation, which returns an instance of class char. Strings may be concatenated with the + operator. Concatenating a string with a non-string using + converts the non-string to a string first.


str(str?) -> str?

str(AnyC) -> str?

str(len: nat?, c: char?) -> str?

str() -> str?

The constructor for class str.


«str».len() -> nat?

Returns the length of the receiving string in characters.

O(1) time and space.


«str».explode() -> VecC[char?]

Breaks the receiving string into a vector of its characters.

O(n) time and space.


«str».format(AnyC, ...) -> str?

Formats the given arguments, treating the receiving string as a format string in the style of print.

For example,

assert '%s or %p'.format('this', 'that') == "this or 'that'"
5.1.7 Class vecπŸ”—β„Ή

The primitive vector class, for representing sequence of values of fixed size.

This section documents only the methods of the vector class. Vector-specific syntax (i.e., square brackets for indexing and construction) is documented with the other expression syntax.

The type predicate for class vec is vec?.


vec() -> vec?

vec(n: nat?) -> vec?

vec(n: nat?, init: FunC[nat?, AnyC]) -> vec?

The constructor for class vec.


«vec».len() -> nat?

Returns the length of the vector.

O(1) time and space.


«vec».get(i: nat?) -> AnyC

Returns the element at index i. Equivalent to v[i]

O(1) time and space.


«vec».put(i: nat?, new: AnyC) -> NoneC

Replaces the element at index i in the vector with new. Equivalent to v[i] = new

O(1) time and space.


«vec».mem?(i: nat?) -> bool?

Returns whether i is a valid index into the vector. Equivalent to 0 <= i and i < v.len()

O(1) time and space.


«vec».implode() -> vec?

If the receiver is a vector of characters, joins them into a string. (Otherwise, an error is reported.)

O(n) time and space.


«vec».map(f: FunC[AnyC, AnyC]) -> vec?

Maps a function over a vector, returning a new vector.

In particular, v.map(f) is equivalent to [ f(x) for x in v ]

O(n × Tf) time and O(n + Sf) space.


«vec».filter(pred?: FunC[AnyC, AnyC]) -> vec?

Filters the given vector, by returning a vector of only the elements satisfying the given predicate pred?.

In particular, v.filter(pred?) is equivalent to [ x for x in v if pred?(x) ]

O(n × Tpred?) time and O(n + Spred?) space.

5.1.8 Class range_iteratorπŸ”—β„Ή

An iterator over a range of numbers, constructed by range.

5.2 PredicatesπŸ”—β„Ή

All the predicates below require O(1) time.

5.2.1 Basic type predicatesπŸ”—β„Ή


bool?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is a Boolean, that is an instance of class bool.


char?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is an instance of class char.


contract?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is a contract. Contracts include many constants (numbers, strings, Booleans), single-argument functions (considered as predicates), and the results of contract combinators such as OrC and FunC.

See Contracts for more.


flat_contract?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is a flat contract. Flat contracts are contracts that answer right away and return the protected value unchanged on success, rather than wrapping it. Flat contracts include constants (numbers, strings, Booleans), single-argument functions, and the results of contract combinators such as OrC and AndC applied to flat contracts. Non-flat contracts include the results of FunC and VecC.

See Contracts for more.


int?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is an instance of class int.


float?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is an instance of class float.


proc?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is an instance of class proc.


str?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is an instance of class str.


vec?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is an instance of class vec.


range_iterator?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is an instance of class range_iterator.

5.2.2 Numeric predicatesπŸ”—β„Ή


num?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is a number. This includes both class int and class float.


nat?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is a natural number. Natural numbers include zero.


zero?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is a number equal to zero.


pos?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is a number greater than zero.


neg?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is a number less than zero.


even?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is an even number.


odd?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is an odd number.


nan?(AnyC) -> bool?

Determines whether its argument is the special class float not-a-number value. This is useful, since nan is not necessarily == to other instances of nan.

5.3 Comparison operationsπŸ”—β„Ή

All the comparisons below require O(1) time.


cmp(AnyC, AnyC) -> OrC(int?, NoneC)

Compares two values of any type. If the values are incomparable, returns None. Otherwise, returns an integer: less than 0 if the first argument is less, 0 if equal, or greater than 0 if the first argument is greater.


max(AnyC) -> AnyC

Returns the largest of the two given arguments, using cmp to determine ordering. It is an error if the values are not comparable.


min(AnyC) -> AnyC

Returns the smallest of the two given arguments, using cmp to determine ordering. It is an error if the values are not comparable.

5.4 Randomness operationsπŸ”—β„Ή


random() -> float?

random(limit: IntInC(1, 4294967087)) -> nat?

random(start: int?, limit: int?) -> nat?

When called with zero arguments, returns a random floating point number in the open interval (0.0, 1.0).

When called with one argument limit, returns a random integer from the closed interval [0, limit - 1].

When called with two arguments start and limit, returns a random integer from the closed interval [start, limit - 1]. The difference between the arguments can be no greater than 4294967087.


RAND_MAX: nat?

Defined to be 4294967087, the largest parameter (or span) that can be passed to random.


random_bits(nat?) -> nat?

Returns a natural number consisting of the requested number of random bits. That is, given n, returns an integer in the closed interval [0, 2 ** n - 1]. This procedure may be slow, but it is not limited by RAND_MAX in the way that the random procedure is.

5.5 I/O FunctionsπŸ”—β„Ή


print(str?, AnyC, ...) -> NoneC

The first argument is treated as a format string into which the remaining arguments are interpolated, and then the result is printed.

The format string is a string that contains a formatting code for each additional argument, as follows:

For example:

let a = 3
let b = 4
print("%p + %p = %p", a, b, a + b)

prints “3 + 4 = 7”.


println(str?, AnyC, ...) -> NoneC

Like print, but adds a newline after its output.


current_directory() -> str?

current_directory(str?) -> bool?

Given with no arguments, current_directory returns the current working directory as a string.

Called with one string argument s, current_directory attempts to change the working directory to the directory named by s. It is an error if the directory does not exist or the operation isn’t permitted.


file_to_string(str?) -> str?

Given the name of a file, reads its entire contents and returns it as a string.

It is an error if the file doesn’t exist or cannot be read.


string_to_file(message: str?, filename: str?) -> NoneC

Writes string message to file filename. If the file doesn’t exist, it is created; if it already exists then its contents are replaced.

It is an error if the file cannot be written.

5.6 Other functionsπŸ”—β„Ή


error(str?, AnyC, ...) -> NoneC

error(AnyC, ...) -> NoneC

Terminates the program with an error message.

If a first argument is supplied and it is a string, then the error message will be produced by interpolating the remaining arguments into the string à la print.

If there are no arguments, or if the first argument is not a string, then it formats all the arguments with commas in between and a “call” to error around it. This ensure that all calls to error produce some kind of sensible output.


len(o: AnyC) -> nat?

Equivalent to o.len().


range(start: num?, limit: num?, step: num?) -> range_iterator?

range(start: num?, limit: num?) -> range_iterator?

range(limit: num?) -> range_iterator?

Returns an iterator over the closed-open interval from start to stop in increments of step.

For example, range(0, 10, 2) counts upward from 0 to 10 by 2s, producing five values:

assert [ n for n in range(0, 10, 2) ] == [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ]

Whereas range(50, 0, -15) counts downward from 50 to 0 by 15s, producing four values:

assert [ n for n in range(50, 0, -15) ] == [ 50, 35, 20, 5 ]

If two arguments are given then they are the start and the limit, and if only one argument is given then it’s the limit. In the two- and one-argument forms the step defaults to 1. In the one-argument form, the start defaults to 0. For example:

assert [ n for n in range(3, 7) ] == [ 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
assert [ n for n in range(7, 3) ] == []
assert [ n for n in range(7) ]    == [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]


dir(AnyC) -> VecC[str?]

Given an object, returns a vector of the names of its methods. Given a struct, returns a vector of the names of its fields.