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Esterel in Racket

Esterel in Racket🔗ℹ

Robert Bruce Findler

This manual describes an implementation of Esterel that cooperates with Racket to the best of its ability. In particular, any side-effect free code should be able to be mixed with Esterel code and run from within a reaction.

    1 Esterel in Racket, for Racket Programmers

      1.1 A Traffic Light

      1.2 Causality

      1.3 Using Continuations to Replay Reactions and How Mutation Causes Trouble

    2 Esterel in Racket, for Esterel Programmers

      2.1 A First Esterel in Racket Program

      2.2 Using Racket Constructs When Possible

      2.3 Runtime Errors

      2.4 Signals as Values

      2.5 Onwards from Here

    3 Kernel Esterel Reference

      3.1 Running Esterel Code

      3.2 Signals

      3.3 Control Operations

    4 Esterel Reference

