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7 Structure Expectations🔗ℹ


(expect-struct id [accessor-id expect-expr] ...)

  expect-expr : any/c
Creates an expectation that checks a value is an instance of the structure type id, then checks the value of applying each accessor-id to the struct with the corresponding expect-expr. If any expect-expr is not an expectation, it is converted to one with ->expectation. Not all accessors of id need to be provided; extra fields in structures checked by the expectation do not cause any faults. Accessors may be provided in any order.

The id must have a transformer binding to a struct-info? value, and that value must supply the structure type’s predicate. Accessors of the struct’s supertypes are allowed. Faults found by the expectation in accessed fields have a struct-accessor-context value added to their contexts.

> (struct fish (color weight) #:transparent)
> (expect! (fish 'red 5) (expect-struct fish [fish-color 'blue]))

expected a different value

  subject: (fish 'red 5)

  in: the fish-color struct field

  expected: equal? to 'blue

  actual: 'red


(define-struct-expectation struct-maybe-id)

struct-maybe-id = struct-id
  | (id struct-id)
Binds id to a procedure that constructs expectations with expect-struct. The bound procedure accepts one keyword argument for each non-inherited field of struct-id and passes it to struct-id. If id is not provided, it defaults to expect-struct-id. All keyword arguments to the bound procedure are optional; if not provided they default to expect-any.

Like expect-struct, struct-id must have a transformer binding to a struct-info?, which is inspected by define-struct-expectation to determine what accessors to generate keyword arguments for. All accessors must be of the pattern struct-id-field-id (such as fish-color) or an "ambiguous keyword form" syntax error is reported. For accessors matching this pattern, the corresponding keyword used by the bound procedure is the symbol 'field-id converted to a keyword.

> (struct fish (color weight) #:transparent)
> (define-struct-expectation fish)
> (expect! (fish 'red 5) (expect-fish #:weight 20))

expected a different value

  subject: (fish 'red 5)

  in: the fish-weight struct field

  expected: equal? to 20

  actual: 5


(struct struct-accessor-context context (accessor-id)
  accessor-id : identifier?
A context that indicates a fault lies in a struct field defined by accessor-id.


(make-struct-accessor-context accessor-id)

  accessor-id : identifier?
Returns a struct-accessor-context with a default context-description string referencing accessor-id.

> (make-struct-accessor-context #'shape-area)


 "the shape-area struct field"

 #<syntax:eval:1:0 shape-area>)