Hermit’s Heresy:   DQB2 Power Tools
1 Disclaimers
2 Avoiding Catastrophic Data Loss
2.1 Beware Steam Autocloud
3 Getting Started
3.1 Installation
3.2 Configuring Writable Slots
3.2.1 For Ongoing Projects
3.2.2 For One-Off Scripts
3.3 Tutorials and Examples
4 Acknowledgments
5 Reference
5.1 Loading and Saving
5.2 Image Utilities
5.3 Block Manipulation
5.4 Traversal

Hermit’s Heresy: DQB2 Power Tools🔗ℹ

Unauthorized utilities for scheming up scenes. Move mountains, carve canyons, or summon superstructures!

(Power Tools for Dragon Quest Builders 2)

1 Disclaimers🔗ℹ

Not authorized by Square Enix or Valve (Steam). Use at your own risk.

Be sure to inspect your results after modifying a stage. In particular, make sure you can sail away from and return to the island you just modified.

This tool and this documentation assumes that you are using Steam. It might work with Switch also, but I have never tested this.

2 Avoiding Catastrophic Data Loss🔗ℹ

The Steam version of Dragon Quest Builders 2 saves data in a "SD" directory. By default, this directory will be something like this:
C:\Users\kramer\Documents\My Games\DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS II\Steam\76561198073553084\SD

If you are using all 3 save slots, you will see 3 subdirectories:
  • 'B00 – Save Slot 1

  • 'B01 – Save Slot 2

  • 'B02 – Save Slot 3

It is your responsibility to understand how to back up and restore this data. It is your responsibility to make frequent backups of any important work.

Copying the entire directory is the safest way to create a backup. You can prove this to yourself by doing something like this:
  • Start and then exit DQB2. Leave Steam running.

  • Using Windows Explorer, copy one of the directories (e.g. B00) to create a backup.

  • Start DQB2, load that slot, place a single test block, and save your game.

  • Exit DQB2.

  • Confirm that the Modified Date has changed on one of your STGDAT files.

  • Using Windows Explorer, restore the files from the backup you just created.

  • Start DQB2, load that slot, and confirm that the test block is gone.

Either Google Drive or OneDrive (or maybe both?) has reported issues where an extremely small percentage of files were corrupted or lost. For this reason, I copy my backups to 2 different cloud storage providers.

2.1 Beware Steam Autocloud🔗ℹ

It might revert your changes
If you modify a save file while Steam is not running, it is likely that when you do start Steam it will overwrite your change, reverting to your previous cloud save. For this reason, you should start Steam and DQB2 before using Hermit’s Heresy. I recommend exiting DQB2 whenever you run a Hermit’s Heresy script, but you must leave Steam running. This seems to work; Steam will accept the save file modifications as if they had come from DQB2.

It might make files undeletable
One time I accidentally copied a STGDAT file into the same directory, resulting in a file named STGDAT01 - Copy.BIN. Because of the way Steam Autocloud is configured, I am now unable to remove this file. I can delete it, but Steam will restore it whenever I run DQB2. For now, this is a minor annoyance. But you can imagine if you did this with a large amount of data, it might raise some red flags on your Steam account.

3 Getting Started🔗ℹ

3.1 Installation🔗ℹ

In its current form, Hermit’s Heresy requires you to understand a little bit about programming using Racket. If you’ve never used Racket before, you should work through the Quick Introduction to Racket up to at least section 4 (Definitions). Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything; if you are following a tutorial or an example you won’t need deep programming knowledge. You just need to be familiar with how DrRacket works.

Once you’ve installed Racket, you still need to install Hermit’s Heresy. If you are comfortable using command prompt, just type

raco pkg install hermits-heresy

Or you can install Hermit’s Heresy from DrRacket. Navigate to File -> Package Manager -> Available from Catalog. Wait for it to refresh, then use the Filter to find the package named hermits-heresy. Select it and click Install.

Once you have everything installed, the following program (which does basically nothing) should run without errors:
#lang racket
(require hermits-heresy)
(block 'Chert)

3.2 Configuring Writable Slots🔗ℹ

An ongoing project is one in which you maintain and evolve your Hermit’s Heresy project (scripts and images) alongside the save file that you play conventionally, possibly for months or even years. You can read more about this workflow here.

A simpler workflow is a one-off script, in which you just run the script once and then play conventionally going forward, allowing you to discard the script as soon as you are satisfied with the results.

3.2.1 For Ongoing Projects🔗ℹ

Hermit’s Heresy protects you from accidentally overwriting your hard work. It will never write to a save slot unless you have configured that directory as writable. Personally, I use Save Slot 1 (B00) as my ephemeral save slot, and I always assume that I might intentionally or accidentally delete or overwrite it at any time. Any real, long-term work I am doing belongs in slots 2 or 3.

To configure a save slot to be writable, first ensure that it does not contain anything you don’t mind losing. Let’s assume you follow my convention and use B00 as your ephemeral slot. Create a file named hermits-heresy.config.B00.json in your B00 directory with the following content:

{"writable": true}

In general, the file must be named hermits-heresy.config.<<DIR>>.json. Including the directory name in this filename protects against mistakes. For example, if you accidentally copy your B00 config file into the B01 directory, you will not accidentally make B01 writable because the B00 config file will be ignored.

3.2.2 For One-Off Scripts🔗ℹ

In this workflow, you create an "artificial save slot" and mark it writable. You will have to
  1. manually copy your STGDAT file into this directory,

  2. pass its full path into load-stage, and

  3. copy the updated STGDAT file back to a real slot when you are done.

For example, you could create a directory named oneoff with a corresponding config file hermits-heresy.config.oneoff.json. The config file behaves the same way as in For Ongoing Projects.

3.3 Tutorials and Examples🔗ℹ

Congratulations on making it this far! Now go to DQB Forever for tutorials/examples that you can copy and modify to suit your needs.

4 Acknowledgments🔗ℹ

Thanks to the team who made DQB2 so excellent.

Thanks to all contributors who made Racket so excellent.

Thanks to turtle-insect, who paved the way in save-file-editing.

Thanks to Aura and Sapphire645 for contributions to Hermit’s Heresy.

5 Reference🔗ℹ

 (require hermits-heresy) package: hermits-heresy

5.1 Loading and Saving🔗ℹ


(save-dir)  (or/c #f path-string?)

(save-dir dir)  void?
  dir : (or/c #f path-string?)
A parameter that tells Hermit’s Heresy where your "SD" directory is. Typically used at the start of a script like this:

(save-dir "C:/Users/kramer/Documents/My Games/DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS II/Steam/76561198073553084/SD/")


(load-stage kind slot)  stage?

  kind : 
(or/c 'IoA
  slot : (or/c 'B00 'B01 'B02 path-string?)
Loads a STGDAT file.

The kinds 'BT1 'BT2 'BT3 refer to Buildertopias 1, 2, and 3.

The meaning of slot is as follows:


(save-stage! stage)  any/c

  stage : stage?
Writes the given stage to the STGDAT file it was originally loaded from.

Will produce an error if the destination directory has not been made writable.


(copy-all-save-files! #:from from-slot    
  #:to to-slot)  any/c
  from-slot : (or/c 'B00 'B01 'B02)
  to-slot : (or/c 'B00 'B01 'B02)
Copies all DQB2 save files, leaving other files (such config files) untouched. The meaning of B00/B01/B02 is explained at load-stage.

Will produce an error if the destination directory has not been made writable.

5.2 Image Utilities🔗ℹ


(get-template-image id)  pict?

  id : symbol?
Returns a prebuilt template image. Probably only useful from the interactions area of DrRacket. The current list of template images is as follows:

> (require pict hermits-heresy)
> (scale (get-template-image 'IoA-background) 0.5)


The masks can be used to guide you while you work in your image editor. The '*-bedrock-mask images black out all pixels which lack "bedrock", the indestructible block that forms the floor of the island. While playing the game normally, it is impossible to place, destroy, or even trowel blocks that are outside of the bedrock area. But using Hermit’s Heresy, it is possible to place blocks outside of the bedrock area. If you do this, you won’t be able to manipulate those blocks while playing normally.

If you want to avoid accidentally placing any blocks outside of the bedrock area, consider passing the bedrock-mask image into bitmap->area and then passing the resulting area into protect-area!.

The '*-chunk-mask images black out all pixels which cannot hold any blocks under any circumstances, because there is no place in the save file that maps to those coordinates. Using these images with protect-area! would be redundant.

> (require pict hermits-heresy)
> (scale (cc-superimpose (get-template-image 'IoA-background)
                         (get-template-image 'IoA-bedrock-mask))


You might also consider using this Minimap Exporter by Sapphire645 instead of these prebuilt '*-background images.


(save-template-image id)  any/c

  id : symbol?
Like get-template-image except it saves the image to your filesystem in the same directory as the script you are running. This allows you to import the images into paint.net or a similar program and use them as a guide for drawing your own custom geographical features.


  [#:semitransparent-handling semitransparent-handling]) 
  path : path-string?
  semitransparent-handling : (or/c 'adjust 'ignore) = 'adjust
Converts the given bitmap to a hill. Each pixel corresponds to a 1x1 column of blockspace. Transparent pixels (alpha = 0) are ignored. For all other pixels, the height of that column will be the max height (95) minus half of whichever of R,G,B has the largest value at that pixel. I recommend defining hills using grayscale (R=G=B) to avoid confusion.

This means that darker colors are taller. For example
  • A totally black pixel (R=G=B=0) indicates max height.

  • A pixel having R=G=B=16 indicates 16/2=8 blocks short of max height.

  • A pixel having R=G=B=40 indicates 40/2=20 blocks short of max height.

This version discards the remainder of the division by 2. A future version may decide to respect it via the flat chisel.

For the most accurate results, you should avoid semitransparent pixels in your hill. (In other words, alpha should always be either 0 or 255, no in-between values.) But in practice, it’s very easy to accidentally introduce semitransparency. For this reason, semitransparent-handling defaults to 'adjust which reduces the elevation based on how transparent the pixel is. If you really know what you are doing, you might want to disable this behavior by using 'ignore.


(bitmap->area path)  area?

  path : path-string?
Converts the given bitmap to an area. Each pixel corresponds to a 1x1 column of blockspace. Fully transparent pixels (alpha = 0) are considered outside of the area; all other pixels are considered inside the area.

5.3 Block Manipulation🔗ℹ

An item is a special kind of block, such as a tree or a door or a fountain. A good rule of thumb is that anything capable of facing north/east/south/west is an item. By contrast, simple blocks like Sand or Chert cannot face a cardinal direction; rotating them with your gloves has no effect.

Unfortunately, this version of Hermit’s Heresy is not capable of manipulating items. For example, put-hill! cannot overwrite items, meaning you may end up with items hidden inside your hill unless you manually destroy them first. I hope to solve this problem soon.

Note to Self: Assuming that someday I will learn how to safely overwrite items, what is the best design? Probably a parameter that would apply to all block manipulation procs. Values could be 'no 'yes 'yes-even-indestructible.


(put-hill! stage hill block)  any/c

  stage : stage?
  hill : hill?
  block : block?
Fills the space defined by the given hill with the given block. Simple blocks are overwritten, but items are left intact.


(block id)  block?

  id : symbol?
Simple blocks in DQB2 are represented as integers. Any procedure that wants a block probably also accepts an integer. But using this procedure will make your code more readable:

> (block 'Chunky-Chert)


Sometimes there is more than one integer that represents the same block. This probably doesn’t matter, but it will write an informational message anyway. If the block doesn’t appear in-game the way you expected, perhaps one of these alternate integers will work. (If any alternate does behave differently, let me know.)

> (block 'Chert)

Choosing (block 'Chert) to mean 149, but other values were possible: (149 165 174)



(find-block-name name)  any/c

  name : string?
For use from the interactions area of DrRacket to help you find the symbolic name to be used with the block procedure:

> (find-block-name "snow")

Exact Matches:

  (block 'Seeded-Snow)

  (block 'Snow)

  (block 'Snow-Cover)

Might find what you want even if you have a typo:

> (find-block-name "posion")

Possible Matches:

  (block 'Poisonous-Peat)

  (block 'Poison-shallow-block)

  (block 'Poison-surface-block)

  (block 'Poison-full-block)

If you still can’t find what you want, you can check the complete list in the source code here.


(protect-area! stage area)  area?

  stage : stage?
  area : area?
Marks all coordinates inside the given area as protected. The protected area will silently ignore all attempted future block manipulations (for example, by put-hill!).

This function is supposed to perform a union with any previously protected area, but right now it will throw a "not implemented" error if the previously protected area is not empty. Sorry about that, let me know if you need it. (Consider performing the union using your image editing software if possible.)

This function returns the previously protected area intended for use with a future hypothetical function like revert-protected-area!.


(build-mottler arg ...)  (-> fixnum?)

  arg : 
(or/c symbol?
      (list/c (or/c symbol? fixnum?)
Creates a procedure that will return a random block from the given weighted block list each time it is called.

> (define my-grassy-mottler
    (build-mottler '[Mossy-Earth 3] ; weight 3
                   'Grassy-Earth ; weight 1 by default
                   '[Earth 1] ; weight 1
                   '[Stony-Soil 2]))

Choosing (block 'Mossy-Earth) to mean 7, but other values were possible: (7 415)

Choosing (block 'Earth) to mean 2, but other values were possible: (2 414)

; c'mon RNG, please don't embarrass me here:
> (for/list ([i (in-range 25)])

'(3 141 7 141 3 2 2 141 2 141 7 7 7 7 141 141 7 141 3 7 141 141 7 7 7)


(selection stage area transforms)  selection?

  stage : stage?
  area : area?
  transforms : 
(listof (or/c (list/c 'translate fixnum? fixnum?)
              (list/c 'translate-to fixnum? fixnum?)
              (list/c 'rotate integer?)
              (list/c 'adjust-y fixnum?)))
Creates a selection. The combination of the given stage and area defines the blockspace to select from. The transforms do not cause different blocks to be selected; instead, they shift the original blockspace to appear as if it is in a different location. See also with-selection.

The meaning of the transforms is as follows. Some of the transformations depend on the "bounding rectangle", which is the smallest possible rectangle which includes all XZ coordinates inside the selection.
  • (list 'translate dx dz) – Shifts the X and Z coordinates by the given dx and dz values.

  • (list 'translate-to X Z) – Sets the X and Z coordinates of the northwest/top-left corner of the bounding rectangle.

  • 'mirror-x – Reflects such that east and west are swapped. The bounding rectangle remains in the same place.

  • 'mirror-z – Reflects such that north and south are swapped. The bounding rectangle remains in the same place.

  • (list 'rotate N) – Rotates the selection by N degrees. N must be a multiple of 90. The post-rotation bounding rectangle will be located such that the XZ coordinate of the northwest/top-left corner matches the pre-rotation bounding rectangle. For example, if the rectangle goes from (10,10) to (100,20) a 90-degree rotation would produce a rectangle that goes from (10,10) to (20,100).

  • (list 'adjust-y dy) – Shifts the Y coordinate up or down by the given dy value. Positive values raise the selection; negative values lower it.

5.4 Traversal🔗ℹ

A traversal is basically a callback that is invoked for each coordinate in the blockspace. It is a generic building block from which more complex functionality can be built. For example, here is how a traversal could be used to replace certain blocks with others:
(traverse stage
             [(block-matches? 'Snow)
              (set-block! 'Mossy-Earth)]
             [(block-matches? 'Chalk 'Chunky-Chalk)
              (set-block! 'Stony-Soil)]
             [(block-matches? 'Marble)
              (set-block! 'Copper-Vein)])))


(traverse stage traversal)  any/c

  stage : stage?
  traversal : traversal?
Executes the given traversal over the given stage.


(traversal expr ...)

Produces a traversal to be executed by traverse. Inside a traversal, certain macros become available such as block-matches? and set-block!.

Conceptually, the code inside the traversal will be executed for every coordinate in the blockspace. But optimizations might make this not strictly true. For example, it is possible to prove that the following traversal only needs to be run on coordinates which contain snow, and internal indexing of the stage may allow the traversal to run faster by skipping portions of the stage known to lack snow.
(traversal (when (block-matches? 'Snow)
             (set-block! 'Ice)))


(block-matches? block-expr ...)

Can only be used inside a traversal.

Returns true if the current block (ignoring its chisel status) matches any of the given block-exprs. Each block-expr should be either a literal symbol (such as 'Chert) or a literal number (such as 414). But if you know what you are doing, it can also be any expression that produces a fixnum?.

Using symbols is recommended to match all possible values that symbol could mean. For example, (block-matches? 'Earth) will be true when the current block is 2 or 414 because both of those values are mapped to Earth, as the following log message proves:
> (block 'Earth)



(set-block! block-expr)

Can only be used inside a traversal.

Sets the current block to the given value (chisel status is unchanged). When block-expr is a literal symbol, it is equivalent to (block block-expr). Otherwise block-expr must produce a fixnum?.

Simple blocks are overwritten, but items are left intact.


(with-selection [block-id selection-expr] body ...)

Can only be used inside a traversal.

Executes the body when the given selection produces a simple block (including vacancy) at the current coordinate. Within the body, the block-id will contain that block’s value.

In other words, the body will not be executed if the current coordinate lies outside of the selection or if the selection produces an item.