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4.1 Header Fields
4.2 Header Objects

4 Headers🔗ℹ

A request or response contains a single header, which consists of zero or more header fields. Each field has a name (or key) and a value.

4.1 Header Fields🔗ℹ

Requests use the following representation of headers: a header is a list of header fields. The user may supply header fields in the form described by in-header-field/c, but they are checked and converted into the form described by header-field/c.

4.2 Header Objects🔗ℹ

A header<%> instance contains a list of header fields and adds useful methods.


header<%> : interface?

Interface for objects representing response headers and trailers.


(send a-header get-header-fields)  (listof header-field/c)

Gets a list of header fields, where each entry has the form (list key-bytes value-bytes). The ordering of different keys in the resulting list is not specified.

If a given key has multiple values, the result list has multiple entries for that key—that is, values are not combined. The result list preserves the order of values for a given key.


(send a-header get-header-lines)  (listof bytes?)

Gets a list of header field lines. The ordering of different keys in the resulting list is not specified.

If a given key has multiple values, the result list has multiple entries for that key—that is, values are not combined. The result list preserves the order of values for a given key.


(send a-header has-key? key)  boolean?

  key : header-field-key?
Returns #t if the header contains a field named key, #f otherwise.


(send a-header get-values key)  (or/c (listof bytes?) #f)

  key : header-field-key?
Returns the list of field values associated with key, or #f if the header does not contain a field named key.

The result list contains one element per field line in the original header. That is, this method does not perform splitting or combination of field values.


(send a-header get-value key)  (or/c bytes? #f)

  key : header-field-key?
Returns the value associated with key as a single byte string, or #f if the header does not contain a field named key.

If the original header contained multiple lines for key, the values are combined by concatenating them separated by #", ". Use get-values instead for fields that do not have comma-separable values, such as Set-Cookie.


(send a-header get-integer-value key)

  (or/c exact-integer? #f)
  key : header-field-key?
Returns the integer value associated with key. If key has no value, or if the value is not a single exact integer, returns #f instead.


(header-field-key? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Returns #t if v is a byte string that is a valid, canonical header field name, #f otherwise.

A valid header field name must match the grammar for token; in addition, it must not contain any upper-case letters.

> (header-field-key? #"content-length")


> (header-field-key? #"Content-Length")
