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exn:  fail:  http123

6 Exceptions🔗ℹ


(struct exn:fail:http123 exn:fail (info))

  info : (hash/c symbol? any/c)
Represents an error related to this library, including protocol errors, communication errors, and misues of library features.

The info field contains an immutable hash with additional details about the error. The following are some common keys in info; the presence or absence of any of these keys depends on the specific error.
  • 'code a symbol indicating what kind of error occurred, in a form more suitable for comparison than parsing the error message

  • 'version either 'http/1.1 or 'http/2, only present for protocol-dependent errors

  • 'http2-error a symbol indicating an HTTP/2 error code (eg, 'PROTOCOL_ERROR) or 'unknown if the error code is unfamiliar, only present when using HTTP/2

  • 'received one of 'yes, 'no, or 'unknown, indicating whether the request was received and processed by the server

  • 'request the request that the error is related to

  • 'response the response that the error is related to

  • 'wrapped-exn contains a more specific exception that represents the immediate source of the error