infix-prefix:   a library to convert prefix expressions to infix and vice versa
1 Warnings
2 Prefix to infix
3 Infix to prefix
4 Functions

infix-prefix: a library to convert prefix expressions to infix and vice versa🔗ℹ

Ruslan Popov

 (require infix-prefix) package: infix-prefix

1 Warnings🔗ℹ

2 Prefix to infix🔗ℹ

In order to convert a prefix expressions to infix you need to create a table of operators (by make-ops-table).

Then you should call the prefix->infix function with an expression to parse and your operators table. From the library, a default operators table is available for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

#lang racket
(require infix-prefix)
(define my-ops
[+ 1 left-right]
[- 1 left]
[* 2 left-right]
[/ 2 left]))
(println (prefix->infix '(+ x y (* z w)) my-ops)) ; '(x + y + z * w)

Inner implementation:

3 Infix to prefix🔗ℹ

In order to convert an infix expression to prefix you need to define a special parser with define-infix->prefix-parser. You should supply name and operators that you need to parse.

Then you can call that parser by name and supply an expression.

#lang racket
(require infix-prefix)
(define-infix->prefix-parser my-parser
+ - * /)
(println (my-parser '(x + y * z))) ; '(+ x (* y z))

Inner implementation:

The define-infix->prefix-parser form uses match. It searches for operators inside an expression, splits expression into left and right part, and then calls itself recursively and makes a prefix expression.

4 Functions🔗ℹ


(prefix->infix expr ops)  any/c

  expr : any/c
  ops : hash?
Converts a prefix expression into infix form by operators table. The operators table must be created via make-ops-table form.


(make-ops-table clause ...)

clause = (operator precedence associativity)
  operator : symbol?
  precedence : integer?
  associativity : (or/c 'left 'right 'left-right)
Create an operators table. For more details refer to the provided grammar of clause.


(define-infix->prefix-parser name op ...)

  name : symbol?
  op : symbol?
Define an infix to prefix parser with name name. The precedence of operators is encoded in the order of op.