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Keyword Utils

Keyword Utils🔗ℹ

source code: https://github.com/AlexKnauth/kw-utils

    1 Keywords in Hash Tables

      1.1 Keyword Rest Arguments

      1.2 Grouping All Keywords into a Hash Table

        1.2.1 kw-hash-lambda

        1.2.2 Applying functions with keywords from a hash

        1.2.3 Function contracts with kw-hash

    2 Keywords in Parallel Lists

      2.1 keyword-apply/sort

      2.2 kw-lists-lambda

      2.3 keyword-lambda

    3 arity+keywords

      3.1 Procedure arities with keywords

      3.2 Getting the arity from function arguments syntax

    4 Higher Order Functions with Keywords

      4.1 Map with keyword arguments

      4.2 Partial application with keywords

      4.3 Creating functions that map over lists