Math Quiz
(require math-quiz) | package: math-quiz |
Start the program by clicking on one of Exercise buttons
Button |
| Description |
÷ |
| Starts 3 digit division exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
int or fract ÷ |
| Starts division with exact (int/fract) result. |
| ________________________________________ |
100/10 |
| Starts division table exercises (up to 100/10). |
| ________________________________________ |
* |
| Starts multiplication exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
10*10 |
| Starts multiplication table exercises (up to 10*10). |
| ________________________________________ |
+ - |
| Starts the addition/subtraction exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
< = > |
| Starts the comparison exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
odd even |
| Starts the 3 digit odd or even exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
sequence |
| Starts a missing number in a sequence exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
B B A |
| Starts Before Between After number exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
PosVal |
| Starts Position Value exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
Round |
| Starts number rounding exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
Ordinals |
| Starts ordinal number spelling exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
fractions |
| Starts Fractions exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
clock |
| Starts Clock exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
N->Roman |
| Starts Arabic to Roman number exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
Roman->N |
| Starts Roman to Arabic number exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
cash USD |
| Starts Return Change exercises (USD). |
| ________________________________________ |
cash Peso |
| Starts Return Change exercises (Philippine Peso). |
| ________________________________________ |
ABC sort |
| Starts Alphabetical Sorting exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
skip+count |
| Starts Positive Skip Counting exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
skip-count |
| Starts Negative Skip Counting exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
missing X |
| Starts Find the missing Operand exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
operators |
| Starts missing operators (+ -) exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
time |
| Starts elapsed time exercises. |
| ________________________________________ |
| Given, Asked, Process, Equation, Solution, Answer |
| ________________________________________ |
Perimeter/Area |
| Starts circumference/area related exercises. |
1 Number of Exercises
Default number of exercises given in each choice above is 20, but you can change this in Setup->Set number of exercises menu option to 1-30 exercises. When you click on this menu, the slider window will open. Move the slider to desired value and close the slider window by clicking X in the top right corner. When one of the exercises is running, the Setup menu is disabled until the exercises are completed. Likewise, while a set of exercises is running, all start exercise buttons are disabled.
2 Arithmetic Exercises
Once you start the arithmetic (+ -, *, integer ÷, ÷, 10*10, 100/10) exercises, enter the result of requested exercise in the text field, and click Calculate button. Instead of clicking the Calculate button, you can also hit enter key on keyboard. If the result was correct, the confirmation will be printed in black in the panel below. If, on the other hand, the result was not correct, the same line will be printed in red.
2.1 Arithmetic levels +-
Plus and minus exercises start by default at level 1; two digit addition only, with no carry over. This can be changed with Setup->Set + - difficulty level sub-menu. Level 1 is 2 digit limited addition, level 2 is 2 digit limited mixed addition/subtraction, level 3 is 3 digit unlimited addition/subtraction, level 4 is subtraction with negative result. Level 5 is simple fraction (equal denominators) addition/subtraction, level 6 is one denominator divisible by other denominator addition/subtraction. Level 7 is both denominators divisible with the same number, level 8 is denominators not divisible, and level 9 is mixed exercises from level 6,7, and 8. Level 0 is mixed addition/subtraction, of numbers up to 18, designed to teach kids fast calculation without using fingers for counting.
2.2 Arithmetic levels *
Multiplication exercises start by default at level 2, which is 3 digit by 3 digit multiplication. This can be changed with Setup->Set * level: 1, multiplies of 10; 2, 3d*; 3, fractions sub-menu. Level 1, uses multiples of 10 as a factor, and level 3 multiplies fractions.
2.3 Arithmetic levels Integer/fraction division
Integer/fraction division exercises start by default at level 1; one digit divisor. This can be changed with Setup->Set integer/fraction ÷ difficulty level sub-menu. Level 2 is 1 digit divisor with remainder. Level 3 is 2 digit divisor, but observing the max allowed dividend (as set by max size of numbers sub-menu). Level 4 uses 2 digit divisor, but requires remainder. Level 5 uses 2 digit divisor, but will exceed the max size of numbers. Level 6 requires remainder. Level 7 is fraction division.
2.4 Numeric Precision
All arithmetic exercises require exact (integer or fraction) results. Only exceptions are division (÷) that requires almost always inexact, (real – floating point) numbers, but limited only to 2 digits after the decimal point. No need to enter more - excess digits will be discarded! You can change the default setting of 2 digits after decimal point in Setup->Set division precision menu. The pop-up slider allows 0-7 digit setting. Having said that, of-course, if division exercise actually gives an integer result (as in 10 / 2 = 5) entering only 5 as a result is fine. Likewise if result has less than 2 digits after decimal point, as in (7 / 2 = 3.5), entering only 3.5 is okay. The other is integer division (÷) where all even levels (2 4 6) require result to be entered as: 12r3 (where the problem was stated as 63÷5).
2.5 Maximum Factor
Default maximum factor (for both multiplication and division tables) is set to 10, but for a beginner student, this can be changed with Setup->Set max factor for * ÷ table. Slider will go from 5 (5*5) to 12 (12*12), but the default value is 10. If you set it to 12, then consequently, division table works from 144/12. The rationale for starting with (5*5), is for a young student to start easy, and then gradually increase difficulty by changing up to (12*12).
2.6 Maximum Size of Numbers
To change the max size of numbers (for most exercises, except for those where it obviously does not make sense, like Roman numbers) click on Setup->Set max size of numbers menu. Move the slider to desired size. Slider goes from 100 to 900 with default of 700. It is recommended to lower the number to say, max 350, to avoid huge results in (*) exercises.
3 Comparison Exercises
The comparison exercise <=>, works slightly differently. It opens a separate input window, and of-course does not require numerical result. Student is asked to input one of comparison symbols > = < depending on the two numbers shown to the left and the right of the input field, as in: 133 [ ] 211 . In this case the student should type < in the input field, as 133 is smaller than 211.
3.1 Comparison Levels
Comparison exercise works in 3 levels. Level one (integer comparison, described above) is the default level. This can be changed with Setup->Set comparison type: integer or fraction menu to compare fractions, as in 3/4 [ ] 3/5. Level 2 is easy fractions (having the same numerators or denominators). Level 3 is using different numerators and denominators.
3.2 Restoring the Accidentally Closed or Hidden Window
In case that the student accidentally closes the comparison input window (clicking the X on the title-bar of the window), before the set of exercises is completed, then click on the Lost and Found->Show Comparison Window menu, and the window will pop up again in the same state as when it was closed.
All of the exercises described below, also have an entry in the Lost and Found->Show ****** Window menu, so this will not be mentioned again.
4 Odd/Even Exercises
The odd/even exercise works also differently, but the input pop-up window is self explanatory. It displays the number, and two radio buttons labeled odd, and even. If the number is odd, click odd radio button, and vice versa. Then click Check button to send your choice to be evaluated. Hitting enter key also works.
5 Sequence Exercises
The sequence exercise also pops-up a window with sequence in question shown as following: 1 2 3 [ ] 5 . In this case the student should enter 4 in the input field and click on Check button, or just hit enter key.
5.1 Sequence Cheat Button
Additional Cheat button is disabled in levels 1,2,3. It is only active in level 4. Of-course not all sequences are as easy as the one shown here. There are 3(4) levels, that can be set from the Setup->Set sequence difficulty level menu. Level 1 (which is set as a default) is appropriate for first graders. Level 4 is just a cheat level, for level 3. It enables the Cheat button. When this button is clicked, it will display the missing number in the input field. Clicking Check after that will verify the result, and display the next question. Every time that the Cheat button is used, this will be confirmed in report printout.
6 B B A Exercise
The (B B A) Before, Between, After, exercise pops the window which allows the input of the requested number. As a help to the student the status line on the bottom of the window displays what is expected, as in; before, or between, or after.
7 Position Value Exercise
The Position value exercise pops up the window with 4 radio buttons labeled ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. At the same time one four digit number is displayed with one of the digits being red. Corresponding to that digit position, the student should click the appropriate radio button.
8 Rounding Exercise
The Rounding exercise pops up the window showing one multi-digit number. One of the digits is red, and the student should round this number on the red digit position.
9 Ordinals Exercise
The Ordinal number exercise pops up the window showing one (up to 3 digit) cardinal number. The student should enter the ordinal number of the same number, as in 5 enter 5th, 122 enter 122nd.
10 Fractions Exercises
The Fractions exercise pops up the window with pie-chart drawn in it, containing a random number of red and black slices. The student should enter in input field red-slices/all-slices, as in: 3/5 (if the drawing contained 3 red and 2 black slices). No need to enter spaces as in 3 / 5 , but the program can handle that as well.
10.1 Max Number of Fraction Slices
The default max size of pie-chart is 10 slices, but that can be changed with Setup->Set number of fraction slices sub-menu. Slider goes from 5-12 slices.
10.2 Maximum fraction denominator
Likewise there is a menu entry Setup->Set maximum fraction denominator sub-menu, for changing maximum size of denominator for any exercise that works with fractions: (non graphical) fraction comparison, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions. The reason for two different choices for basically the same thing (max denominator), is that graphical display for fractions works well with up to 12 slices. After that it becomes hard to read, while for the purely numeric fractions it does not matter. Denominator choice goes from 6 to 18, with 15 being the default.
10.3 Fraction Exercise Levels
Fractions exercise works in 4 levels. Level 1 (reading the fraction, described above) is the default level. This can be changed with Setup->Set fraction level: read or compare sub-menu to display and compare 2 fractions. Level 2 works in a similar way to Comparison Exercises (fractions level). Student should enter <, =, > into the middle input field to indicate weather the left fraction pie-chart is smaller, equal, or greater than the right one. Level 3 and 4 work almost the same, except that all 3 input fields are active, and all 3 require input. Enter left fraction (as in 1/3) into the left field, right fraction into the right field, and <, =, > into the middle field. Level 4 is tougher, because both numerators and denominators will be different.
10.4 Fraction Error Reporting
Error reporting for level 3 is complicated and can be confusing. Program can report wrong fraction (in either left or right input fields), then wrong comparison input, and finally if any of the fields has been left blank, the non counting missing input error.
11 Clock Exercises
The Clock exercise pops up the window with clock face drawn in it. The student should enter hr:mn in the input field, and click Check, or hit enter key.
11.1 Clock Exercise Levels
There are 5 levels of clock exercises that can be changed with Setup->Set clock level: tell time or before/after time. Default is tell time (level 1). In level 2-5 (before/after) the student should first read the time on the clock face, and then enter before or after time, as requested by the prompt. Level 2 is +/- 60min, level 3 is +/- 60,30min, level 4 is +/- 60,30,15min, and level 5 is random minutes from 10 to 600 rounded to 10 minutes.
12 Roman Numerals Exercises
The default maximum roman number is 100 (to help beginners start with smaller numbers only). However in the Setup->Set max Roman number sub-menu, you can change the default from minimum 10 to maximum Roman number, which is 3999.
12.1 N->Roman Exercises
The N->Roman exercise pops up the window with Arabic number prompt. The student should enter the equivalent Roman number into the input field. Roman numerals should be entered in capital letters. However the program will accept lowercase letters without complaint.
12.2 Roman->N Exercises
The Roman->N exercise pops up the window with Roman number prompt. The student should enter the equivalent Arabic number into the input field.
13 Cash Return Exercises
The cash (USD) exercise pops a window with price of a purchased item as a prompt. The window contains 10 input fields (100$, 50$, 20$, 10$, 5$, 1$, quarters, dimes, nickels, cents). The status line on the bottom of the window explains that the customer has paid with 500$, and that the correct amount of cash must be returned. It also explains that entering more than 4 in any of denomination input fields is counted as an error. The student should first calculate the correct cash-return (as in 500 - price), and then enter numbers from 1-4 in denomination input fields, until correct return is reached. Entering 0 in some input fields that will not be used is not required. Just leave them empty.
13.1 Cash Return Error Reporting
This exercise behaves slightly differently from all previous exercises. It does not clear the input fields as soon as enter, or check button is clicked. It will clear the inputs only if the answer was correct, or if the answer was empty (as in, when no numbers are entered). In case of erroneous input, whether the change is wrong, or the student entered more than 4 in any field, the input fields will not be erased. The student can then find the error, and correct it.
13.2 Cash Return - Philippine Peso
The cash (Philippine Peso) exercise behaves in exactly the same way, except there is no 10 centavos (dime) coin in Philippines. Consequently the d input field is disabled (shaded).
14 ABC Sort Exercises
The ABC sort exercise pops the window with 5 English words in random order. Each word has an input field in front of it. Input the numbers from 1 to 5 in each field corresponding to the word’s alphabetical order.
14.1 ABC Sort Errors
Just like the Cash Return Error Reporting, it does not clear the inputs in case of error. Errors can be of two types. Words were not correctly indexed, or indices did not follow the rules, as in there are two or more same indices or one or more indices are out of scope, as in 0,6,7..., or one or more indices were left blank. Error will be counted only in the first case, when the words were not correctly indexed, but all indices from 1-5 were used. All the rest of indexing errors will be printed in the report field in green, and will not be penalized.
15 Skip Count Exercises
The skip+count/skip-count exercise pops the window with one large input field that has one (starting) number already in it. Student should continue entering numbers as per increment/decrement indicated on the prompt after the input field. Comma (,) must separate all the numbers, and student must enter minimum 9 additional numbers.
15.1 Skip Count increment/decrement
Default skip increment/decrement is set to 2, but this can be changed with Setup->Set max skip-count increment/decrement sub-menu, with range from 2 to 10. This, of-course is the absolute value of increment and if negative skip counting exercise was started, increment will be converted to corresponding negative value. However to make exercise more interesting, the increment is still randomly chosen, varying from max-1 (if max>3) or max-2 (if max>6) to max.
15.2 Skip Count Error Reporting
Exercise will report 4 possible errors:
Incorrect number(s) starting with X in (n1 n2 n3 (X) n4 ...). If one or more numbers are wrong. The wrong number will be shown in parentheses.
Started with X instead of Y. If student erases the starting number Y, and starts counting from their own starting number X.
Only X numbers entered! Where X is a number smaller than 10. This error is not counted!
Erroneous input (x y z...) - error will not be counted! If input is syntactically wrong (as in space instead of comma, or any other characters entered.
Just like with Cash Return Error Reporting, input field will not be cleared on errors.
16 Missing X Exercises
The missing X exercise is the missing arithmetic operand exercise. It presents the equation of the form X (+-*/) N = M, or N (+-*/) X = M. The student must answer with the value of X. Erroneous answer prints out the solution equation, just like GAPESA Error Reporting, and Perimeter/Area exercises.
16.1 Missing X levels
There are 3 levels for missing X exercise. Level 1 (+ -), level 2 (* /), and level 3 mix of 1 & 2.
17 Operators Exercises
The operators exercise will display an arithmetic term with all operators (+ or -) missing. Student is asked to enter operators inside input fields, as in: 15 [+] 5 [-] 10 = 10.
17.1 Operators levels
There are 3 levels for operators exercise: level 1 is one missing operator, level 2 is two, and level 3 is three missing operators. This can be set with Setup->Set missing Operators level sub-menu.
18 Time Exercises
The time exercise is about finding the elapsed time between two or more points. Requires answer in the form: 5h 23m (if elapsed time is 323min). If hour is zero, it still has to be entered as 0h. No spaces between 5 and h or m are allowed.
18.1 Time levels
There are 3 levels for time exercise. Level 1 is easy, level 2 a bit more complicated, and level 3 is a mix of previous 2 levels.
19 GAPESA Exercises
The GAPESA exercise is math problem given in words. It stands for Given, Asked, Process, Equation, Solution, and Answer. It pops a window with the text of a problem. The student must write the equation on a scratch-pad, calculate the solution and answer it in the input field.
19.1 GAPESA Levels
There are 10 levels of this exercise. Level 1 (the default) is addition only, level 2 is subtraction only. Level 3 is a mix of addition and subtraction problems, chosen at random. Level 4 is addition and subtraction combined in one exercise, level 5 is all levels of (+ - +-) combined. Level 6 is multiplication problems, level 7 is easy (1 digit) division problems, level 8 is a mix of multiplication and easy division problems, level 9 is division problems, and level 10 is multiplication and division combined. This can be set with Setup->Set GAPESA level sub-menu.
19.2 GAPESA Precision
If the student is working on division exercises, then precision of the answer becomes an issue. Just like in arithmetic division problems, the number of significant (taken into account) decimal places can be set with Setup->Set Division Precision sub-menu. Default is 2 places. Do not round up the answer, just give 2 decimal digits (or whatever is set up for division precision) without rounding the number. However in existing set of exercises, only 2 problems require inexact (floating point) number. All the others are set up so, that the answer is always an integer, except in exercises that require a fraction as a result. In that case just input 1/3 (if this is the correct answer). Do not use spaces as in 1 / 3, because 1/3 is a number (fraction), and 1 / 3 is not a number!
19.3 GAPESA Error Reporting
In case the student answers with wrong solution (wrong number), error message will be printed in red, but it will also show the correct equation for the solution.
20 Perimeter/Area Exercises
The Perimeter/Area exercises deal with calculation of circumference and area of several different types of polygons, including the circle (in higher levels). The exercise behaves exactly the same way as the GAPESA Exercises explained above, except for the levels, which are 8 here. Level 1, 2, 3, are perimeter exercises, levels 4, 6, & 7 are area exercises, and level 5 & 8 are mixed perimeter/area exercises. The levels are chosen with Setup->Set Perimeter/Area level sub-menu. Exercises involving circle require floating point results, therefore the precision (number of decimal places required) is set with Setup->Set division precision sub-menu. This is set by default to 2. Again, do not round up/down the answers. Circle exercises use 3.14 as the value of PI (which is noted in the text of each exercise). Do not use more precise values for PI, because the results will not be accepted!
21 Error reporting for ALL Exercises
For all exercises, if wrong result was entered, the report line (in the report panel) will be printed in red, and the computer will beep. Program will not move on (give next problem) until original problem is answered correctly. This will count as a mistake, and will be penalized after completion of exercises in the following way: Each mistake will result in one additional exercise, up to 5 mistakes. No more penalty exercises will be given after 5.
In case that the student does not focus the input field while entering the result, or he/she inputs a non number, or an invalid symbol for comparison exercises, the reminder will be printed in green, computer will still beep, but this will not be counted nor penalized as error.
22 Time Counting and Penalties for Exceeded Time
Program is also counting the time that the student is using for exercises. At the onset of each set of exercises a certain number of minutes is allotted to exercises. Running time is reported on Status line when each new problem is printed. If the student exceeds the allowed time, penalty exercises will be given. The number of penalty exercises is also limited to maximum 5. This will happen before penalty for mistakes is taken into the account. However all mistakes will still be counted and penalized after the time penalty is completed.
22.1 Adjusting the Time for Exercises
To speed up, or slow down the exercises, give less (or more) time to each exercise open the Setup->Set % of inc/dec allotted time. The slider goes from 50 (%) to 200 (%), with the latter increasing the time to 200%, while first one decreases the time to 50%. Default is 100%, which does not change the default values set by the program. Once this change in speed is made, it remains in place for all future exercises, until such time you change the speed again using the same sub-menu. To return the speed to default set by the program, set the slider back to 100%.
The default execution times set by the program are:
15 seconds per exercise for (+ -) level 0
20 seconds per exercise for (+ -) level 1
30 seconds per exercise for (+ -) level 2 & 5
1.5 minutes per exercise for (+ -) level 3 4 & 6
2.5 minutes per exercise for (+ -) level 7 8 & 9
30 seconds per exercise for (*) level 1
2 minutes per exercise for (*) level 2 & 3
2 minutes for integer/fraction ÷ level 1 2 & 7
2.5 minutes for integer/fraction ÷ level 3 & 4
3 minutes for integer/fraction ÷ level 5 & 6
3 minutes per exercise for (÷)
30 seconds per exercise for multiplication/division tables
20 seconds for integer comparison exercises
30 seconds for fraction comparison exercises level 2
1.5 minutes for fraction comparison exercises level 3
12 seconds for odd/even exercises
1 minute for sequence level 1
2 minutes for sequence level 2
3 minutes for sequence level 3 & 4
30 seconds for Before Between After exercises
12 seconds for Position Value
30 seconds for Rounding numbers
15 seconds for Ordinal numbers
20 seconds for Fractions level 1
40 seconds for Fractions level 2
1 minute for Fractions level 3
1.5 minutes for Fractions level 4
30 seconds for Clock
1.5 minutes for Clock before/after time
30 seconds for Roman numbers
2.5 minutes for cash return exercises
2 minutes for ABC-sort exercises
2 minutes for skip+count exercises
2.5 minutes for skip-count exercises
2 minutes for missing X level 1
3 minutes for missing X level 2 & 3
30 seconds for operators level 1
1.5 minutes for operators level 2
2.5 minutes for operators level 3
3 minutes for time exercises level 1
4 minutes for time exercises level 2 & 3
3 minutes for GAPESA level 1
3.5 minutes for GAPESA level 2 & 3
4 minutes for GAPESA level 4 & 5
5 minutes for GAPESA level 6 7 & 8
6 minutes for GAPESA level 9 & 10
3 minutes for Perimeter/Area level 1 4 & 5
4 minutes for Perimeter/Area level 2 3 & 7
5 minutes for Perimeter/Area level 6 & 8
23 Pause Button
The button above all start exercise buttons is labeled Pause. The purpose for this is a toilet break. If a student needs to go to the toilet, they can press this button, and exercises will be suspended. Most importantly the running time will be stopped, and the input-field will not accept any inputs. When the student is ready to resume, she/he can click again on Resume button (after the first click, the button label has changed from Pause to Resume), and exercises will resume. The time spent during the break will not count. However, any set of exercises can be paused only one time. After that the Pause button is disabled until the next set of exercises is started. Pause button is only active if number of exercises is set to 5 or more.
24 Font Adjustment
On computers with small display, most of the default font sizes that the program is using are to small for comfortable use. Therefore the font adjustment Preferences menu was added to the program. That menu contains several sub-menus for changing the size of individual fonts, or all fonts at the same time in increments up to +3/-3 point sizes. Whenever the font size(s) are changed with one of the Font sub-menus, the program has to be restarted for the change to take effect. However, there’s no need to update fonts every time, as the program is (after every change of fonts) updating .jmq-fontrc file (in the same directory as the program).
25 Stop Button
To exit/stop the running set of exercises, use the Stop button. You can then start the next set of exercises, with the same setup you have set before with the Setup menu.
26 Clear Reports
The last sub-menu under Setup menu is Clear all reports. This will erase all report printouts from previous exercises.
27 Help menu
Help menu contains 4 sub-menus: Documentation, HTML Documentation, About Math Quiz, and Update math-quiz. Of those 4, only the HTML Documentation is enabled all the time, because when you start it, it opens up in a browser and does not impede your interaction with the program. You can have it opened all the time, and still continue to interact with the program. The other 3 are disabled whenever the set of exercises is running, because they block the rest of the program. They get enabled again, when the running set of exercises is completed, or when the pause is in effect (Pause button has been used). However, note that Update math-quiz is a special case, explained below.
27.1 Update math-quiz
One of the sub-menus under Help menu is Update math-quiz. This menu is only active if the user has the Racket language installed on their computer, and if math-quiz is installed via Racket Package Installer. If this is not the case (you are running binary only version downloaded from, then the Update ... sub-menu will be disabled, as it serves no purpose.
28 Exit
When finished with exercises, exit the program by clicking X in the right top corner of the main window.