(require message-loop) | package: message-loop |
1 Introduction
Provides a single-threaded message loop that can be used as an aggregation point to trigger arbitrary actions. Essentially a thread that listens on an async channel, sends the result through a dispatch table, and then loops.
The message loop can be started before or after listeners are added. When a message is posted, all listeners who have registered for that type of message will have a chance to react, in an unspecified order.
2 Examples
> (require struct-plus-plus racket/async-channel rx-tx-async-channel) > (require message-loop) > (struct++ person (name age) #:transparent) > (start-message-loop) > (define comm-ch (rx-tx-async-channel++)) > (define ch (make-async-channel)) ; Listen for 'birth messages and send out a nicely formatted string
> (add-listener (listener++ #:listen-for '(birth) #:id 'listener1 #:action (λ (l msg) (define p ( msg)) (async-channel-put ch (format "listener ~a, message ~v. ~a was born" ( l) (message-type msg) (person-name p)))))) > (post-message (message++ #:type 'birth #:data (person "Bob" 17))) ; listener notices that bob was born, puts that fact on the channel > (println (sync ch)) "listener listener1, message 'birth. Bob was born"
; Add multiple listeners at once, one for 'birthday messages and one for 'birthday-modify messages
> (add-listeners (listener++ #:listen-for '(birthday) #:id 'listener2 #:action (λ (l msg) (define p ( msg)) (async-channel-put ch (format "listener ~a heard that ~a had a birthday at time ~a" ( l) ( p) 1234)))) (listener++ #:listen-for '(birthday-modify) #:id 'listener3 #:comm comm-ch #:action (λ (l msg) (match-define (struct* message ([data (and prsn (struct person (name age)))])) msg) (define new-age (add1 age)) (async-channel-put ( (listener.comm l)) (set-person-age prsn new-age)))) (listener++ #:listen-for '(type-only) #:id 'type-only-listener #:action (λ (l msg) (async-channel-put ch msg)))) ; post a birthday for bob, get back a string describing it > (post-message (message++ #:type 'birthday #:data (person "Bob" 17))) > (println (async-channel-get ch)) "listener listener2 heard that Bob had a birthday at time 1234"
; post a birthday-modify for bob, get back an updated version of bob > (post-message (message++ #:type 'birthday-modify #:data (person "Bob" 17))) > (println (sync ( comm-ch))) (person "Bob" 18)
; post a birthday for Alice to demonstrate that the listener didn't stop after running once > (post-message (message++ #:type 'birthday #:data (person "Alice" 24))) > (println (async-channel-get ch)) "listener listener2 heard that Alice had a birthday at time 1234"
; ditto for birthday-modify > (post-message (message++ #:type 'birthday-modify #:data (person "Alice" 24))) > (println (sync ( comm-ch))) (person "Alice" 25)
; post a message type. the message struct will be created > (post-message 'type-only) > (println (async-channel-get ch)) #<message>
; multiple listeners can trigger from a single message > (define ch (make-async-channel))
> (add-listeners (listener++ #:listen-for '(multi) #:id 'listener-X #:action (λ (l msg) (async-channel-put ch ( l)))) (listener++ #:listen-for '(multi) #:id 'listener-Y #:action (λ (l msg) (async-channel-put ch ( l))))) ; We will get back the IDs of the listeners that receive the message > (post-message (message++ #:type 'multi)) > (println (sort (for/list ([i 2]) (sync ch)) symbol<?)) '(listener-X listener-Y)
> (define ch (make-async-channel)) > (define bob (person "Bob" 42)) ; One listener that listens for both 'matriculate and 'graduate messages
> (add-listener (listener++ #:listen-for '(matriculate graduate) #:id 'multiple-type-listener #:action (λ (l msg) (define p ( msg)) (async-channel-put ch (format "listener ~a, message type ~v for ~a" ( l) (message-type msg) ( p)))))) ; Receive a 'matriculate message > (post-message (message++ #:type 'matriculate #:data bob)) > (println (sync ch)) "listener multiple-type-listener, message type 'matriculate for Bob"
; Receive a 'graduate message > (post-message (message++ #:type 'graduate #:data bob)) > (println (sync ch)) "listener multiple-type-listener, message type 'graduate for Bob"
3.1 Processing
(stop-message-loop) → any
3.2 Messages
The message structure is used to signal that interested listeners should activate.
(message++ #:type type [ #:source source #:data data]) → message? type : message-type? source : any/c = #f data : any/c = #f
(message.type msg) → message-type?
msg : message? (message.source msg) → any/c msg : message? ( msg) → any/c msg : message?
(post-message msg) → any
msg : message?
3.3 Listeners
The listener structure defines what message types to listen for and what to do with them.
(listener++ #:listen-for message-types #:action action [ #:id id #:comm comm]) → listener? message-types : (or/c (listof message-type?) message-type?) action : (-> listener? message? any) id : symbol? = (gensym "listener-") comm : rx-tx-async-channel? = (rx-tx-async-channel++)
listen-for is a list of message types to listen for. NOTE: As a convenience, you may specify a single message type and it will be converted to a one-element list in the process of creating the struct.
action is the procedure that will be called when the relevant message type comes in. It is called with the listener itself and with the message that triggered the listener.
id allows you to easily distinguish between listeners.
comm provides a pair of async channels that can be used to communicate to and from the listener.
(listener.listen-for l) → (listof message-type?)
l : listener? (listener.action l) → (-> listener? message? any) l : listener? ( l) → symbol? l : listener? (listener.comm l) → rx-tx-async-channel? l : listener?
(add-listener l) → any
l : listener?
(add-listeners l ...) → any
l : listener?