This package adds the capability to create new Racket application from a set of pre-built, but working, starter templates hosted at
The raco new command clones the chosen template and removes the git history to provide you with a fresh start.
All templates are use non-restrictive Apache2/MIT licences so you can use them in your own project freely.
1 Download/Install
In DrRacket, in File|Package manager|Source, enter new.
Or, on the command line, type:
raco pkg install new
2 Usage
Note: If you haven’t already done so, Set your PATH environment variable so you can use raco and other Racket command line functions.
For a list of available templates type
% raco new
Install a template by including the template name and a destination folder.
% raco new <template-name> <destination-dir>
If no destination path is provided the template is installed in the current folder.
% raco new <template-name>