Open  SSL:   Secure Communication
1 TCP-like Client Procedures
ssl-connect/  enable-break
ssl-protocol-symbol/  c
2 TCP-like Server Procedures
ssl-accept/  enable-break
3 SSL-wrapper Interface
4 Context Procedures
5 Peer Verification
6 SHA-1 Hashing
7 MD5 Hashing
8 The "libcrypto" Shared Library
9 The "libssl" Shared Library

OpenSSL: Secure Communication🔗ℹ

 (require openssl) package: base

The openssl library provides glue for the OpenSSL library with the Racket port system. It provides functions nearly identically to the standard TCP subsystem in Racket, plus a generic ports->ssl-ports interface.

To use this library, you will need OpenSSL installed on your machine, but on many platforms the necessary libraries are included with the OS or with the Racket distribution. In particular:

A boolean value that reports whether the system OpenSSL library was successfully loaded. Calling ssl-connect, etc. when this value is #f (library not loaded) will raise an exception.

Either #f (when ssl-available? is #t) or an error string (when ssl-available? is #f).

1 TCP-like Client Procedures🔗ℹ

Use ssl-connect or ssl-connect/enable-break to create an SSL connection over TCP. To create a secure connection, supply the result of ssl-secure-client-context or create a client context with ssl-make-client-context and configure it using the functions described in Context Procedures.


(ssl-connect hostname    
  #:alpn alpn-protocols])  
input-port? output-port?
  hostname : string?
  port-no : (integer-in 1 65535)
  client-protocol : (or/c ssl-client-context? ssl-protocol-symbol/c)
   = 'auto
  alpn-protocols : (listof bytes?) = null
Connect to the host given by hostname, on the port given by port-no. This connection will be encrypted using SSL. The return values are as for tcp-connect: an input port and an output port.

The default 'auto protocol is insecure. Use 'secure for a secure connection. See ssl-secure-client-context for details.

The optional client-protocol argument determines which encryption protocol is used, whether the server’s certificate is checked, etc. The argument can be either a client context created by ssl-make-client-context a symbol specifying the protocol to use; see ssl-make-client-context for further details, including the meanings of the protocol symbols.

Closing the resulting output port does not send a shutdown message to the server. See also ports->ssl-ports.

If hostname verification is enabled (see ssl-set-verify-hostname!), the peer’s certificate is checked against hostname.

If alpn-protocols is not empty, the client attempts to use ALPN to negotiate the application-level protocol. The protocols should be listed in order of preference, and each protocol must be a byte string with a length between 1 and 255 (inclusive). See also ssl-get-alpn-selected.

Changed in version of package base: Added 'secure for client-protocol.
Changed in version Added #:alpn argument.


(ssl-connect/enable-break hostname 
input-port? output-port?
  hostname : string?
  port-no : (integer-in 1 65535)
  client-protocol : (or/c ssl-client-context? ssl-protocol-symbol/c)
   = 'auto
Like ssl-connect, but breaking is enabled while trying to connect.

Returns a client context that verifies certificates using the default verification sources from (ssl-default-verify-sources), verifies hostnames, and avoids using weak ciphers. The result is essentially equivalent to the following:

(let ([ctx (ssl-make-client-context 'auto)])
  ; Load default verification sources (root certificates)
  (ssl-load-default-verify-sources! ctx)
  ; Require certificate verification
  (ssl-set-verify! ctx #t)
  ; Require hostname verification
  (ssl-set-verify-hostname! ctx #t)
  ; No weak cipher suites
  (ssl-set-ciphers! ctx "DEFAULT:!aNULL:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXPORT:!SSLv2")
  ; Seal context so further changes cannot weaken it
  (ssl-seal-context! ctx)

The context is cached, so different calls to ssl-secure-client-context return the same context unless (ssl-default-verify-sources) has changed.

Note that (ssl-secure-client-context) returns a sealed context, so it is not possible to add a private key and certificate chain to it. If client credentials are required, use ssl-make-client-context instead.


  #:private-key private-key 
  #:certificate-chain certificate-chain]) 
  protocol : ssl-protocol-symbol/c = 'auto
  private-key : 
(or/c (list/c 'pem path-string?)
      (list/c 'pem-data bytes?)
      (list/c 'der path-string?)
 = #f
  certificate-chain : (or/c path-string? #f) = #f
Creates a context to be supplied to ssl-connect. The context is insecure unless 'secure is supplied or additional steps are taken; see ssl-secure-client-context for details.

The client context identifies a communication protocol (as selected by protocol), and also holds certificate information (i.e., the client’s identity, its trusted certificate authorities, etc.). See the section Context Procedures below for more information on certificates.

The protocol should be one of the following:
  • 'secure : Equivalent to (ssl-secure-client-context).

  • 'auto : Automatically negotiates the protocol version from those that this library considers sufficiently secure—currently TLS versions 1.0 and higher, but subject to change.

  • 'tls12 : Only TLS protocol version 1.2.

  • 'tls13 : Only TLS protocol version 1.3.

The following protocol symbols are deprecated but still supported:
  • 'sslv2-or-v3 : Alias for 'auto. Note that despite the name, neither SSL 2.0 nor 3.0 are considered sufficiently secure, so this protocol no longer allows either of them.

  • 'sslv2 : SSL protocol version 2.0. Deprecated by RFC 6176 (2011). Note that SSL 2.0 support has been removed from many platforms.

  • 'sslv3 : SSL protocol version 3.0. Deprecated by RFC 7568 (2015).

  • 'tls : Only TLS protocol version 1.0. Deprecated by RFC 8996 (2021).

  • 'tls11 : Only TLS protocol version 1.1. Deprecated by RFC 8996 (2021).

Not all protocol versions are supported by all servers. The 'secure and 'auto options offer broad compatibility at a reasonable level of security. Note that the security of connections depends on more than the protocol version; see ssl-secure-client-context for details. See also supported-client-protocols and supported-server-protocols.

If private-key and certificate-chain are provided, they are loaded into the context using ssl-load-private-key! and ssl-load-certificate-chain!, respectively. Client credentials are rarely used with HTTPS, but they are occasionally used in other kind of servers.

Changed in version 6.1 of package base: Added 'tls11 and 'tls12.
Changed in version Default to new 'auto and disabled SSL 2.0 and 3.0 by default.
Changed in version Added 'secure.
Changed in version Added #:private-key and #:certificate-chain arguments.
Changed in version Added the 'pem-data method for private-key.


ssl-protocol-symbol/c : contract?

(or/c 'secure 'auto 'sslv2-or-v3
      'sslv2 'sslv3 'tls 'tls11 'tls12 'tls13)
Contract for symbols representing SSL/TLS protocol versions. See ssl-make-client-context for an explanation of how the symbols are interpreted.

Added in version of package base.
Changed in version Added 'tls13.

Returns a list of symbols representing protocols that are supported for clients on the current platform.

Changed in version of package base: Added 'secure.


(ssl-client-context? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Returns #t if v is a value produced by ssl-make-client-context, #f otherwise.

Added in version of package base.

Returns the most recent SSL/TLS protocol version supported by the current platform for client connections.

Added in version of package base.

Returns a symbol representing the SSL/TLS protocol version negotiated for the connection represented by p.

Added in version of package base.

2 TCP-like Server Procedures🔗ℹ


(ssl-listen port-no    
  server-protocol])  ssl-listener?
  port-no : listen-port-number?
  queue-k : exact-nonnegative-integer? = 5
  reuse? : any/c = #f
  hostname-or-#f : (or/c string? #f) = #f
  server-protocol : (or/c ssl-server-context?  ssl-protocol-symbol/c)
   = 'auto
Like tcp-listen, but the result is an SSL listener. The extra optional server-protocol is as for ssl-connect, except that a context must be a server context instead of a client context, and 'secure is simply an alias for 'auto.

Call ssl-load-certificate-chain! and ssl-load-private-key! to avoid a no shared cipher error on accepting connections. The file "test.pem" in the "openssl" collection is a suitable argument for both calls when testing. Since "test.pem" is public, however, such a test configuration obviously provides no security.

An SSL listener is a synchronizable value (see sync). It is ready—with itself as its value—when the underlying TCP listener is ready. At that point, however, accepting a connection with ssl-accept may not complete immediately, because further communication is needed to establish the connection.

Changed in version of package base: Added 'secure.


(ssl-close listener)  void?

  listener : ssl-listener?


(ssl-listener? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Analogous to tcp-close and tcp-listener?.


(ssl-accept listener)  
input-port? output-port?
  listener : ssl-listener?


(ssl-accept/enable-break listener)  
input-port? output-port?
  listener : ssl-listener?
Analogous to tcp-accept.

Closing the resulting output port does not send a shutdown message to the client. See also ports->ssl-ports.

See also ssl-connect about the limitations of reading and writing to an SSL connection (i.e., one direction at a time).

The ssl-accept/enable-break procedure is analogous to tcp-accept/enable-break.


(ssl-abandon-port p)  void?

  p : ssl-port?
Analogous to tcp-abandon-port.


(ssl-addresses p [port-numbers?])

(or/c (values string? string?)
      (values string? port-number? string? listen-port-number?))
  p : (or/c ssl-port? ssl-listener?)
  port-numbers? : any/c = #f
Analogous to tcp-addresses.


(ssl-port? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c


  #:private-key private-key 
  #:certificate-chain certificate-chain]) 
  protocol : ssl-protocol-symbol/c = 'auto
  private-key : 
(or/c (list/c 'pem path-string?)
      (list/c 'pem-data bytes?)
      (list/c 'der path-string?)
 = #f
  certificate-chain : (or/c path-string? #f) = #f
Like ssl-make-client-context, but creates a server context. For a server context, the 'secure protocol is the same as 'auto.

If private-key and certificate-chain are provided, they are loaded into the context using ssl-load-private-key! and ssl-load-certificate-chain!, respectively.

Changed in version of package base: Added 'secure.
Changed in version Added #:private-key and #:certificate-chain arguments.
Changed in version Added the 'pem-data method for private-key.


(ssl-server-context? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Returns #t if v is a value produced by ssl-make-server-context, #f otherwise.

Returns a list of symbols representing protocols that are supported for servers on the current platform.

Added in version of package base.
Changed in version Added 'secure.

Returns the most recent SSL/TLS protocol version supported by the current platform for server connections.

Added in version of package base.

3 SSL-wrapper Interface🔗ℹ


(ports->ssl-ports input-port 
  [#:mode mode 
  #:context context 
  #:encrypt protocol 
  #:close-original? close-original? 
  #:shutdown-on-close? shutdown-on-close? 
  #:error/ssl error 
  #:hostname hostname 
  #:alpn alpn-protocols]) 
input-port? output-port?
  input-port : input-port?
  output-port : output-port?
  mode : (or/c 'connect 'accept) = 'accept
  context : (or/c ssl-client-context? ssl-server-context?)
((if (eq? mode 'accept)
  protocol : ssl-protocol-symbol/c = 'auto
  close-original? : any/c = #f
  shutdown-on-close? : any/c = #f
  error : procedure? = error
  hostname : (or/c string? #f) = #f
  alpn-protocols : (listof bytes?) = null
Returns two values—an input port and an output port—that implement the SSL protocol over the given input and output port. (The given ports should be connected to another process that runs the SSL protocol.)

The mode argument can be 'connect or 'accept. The mode determines how the SSL protocol is initialized over the ports, either as a client or as a server. As with ssl-listen, in 'accept mode, supply a context that has been initialized with ssl-load-certificate-chain! and ssl-load-private-key! to avoid a no shared cipher error.

The context argument should be a client context for 'connect mode or a server context for 'accept mode. If it is not supplied, a context is created using the protocol specified by a protocol argument.

If the protocol argument is not supplied, it defaults to 'auto. See ssl-make-client-context for further details (including all options and the meanings of the protocol symbols). This argument is ignored if a context argument is supplied.

If close-original? is true, then when both SSL ports are closed, the given input and output ports are automatically closed.

If shutdown-on-close? is true, then when the output SSL port is closed, it sends a shutdown message to the other end of the SSL connection. When shutdown is enabled, closing the output port can fail if the given output port becomes unwritable (e.g., because the other end of the given port has been closed by another process).

The error argument is an error procedure to use for raising communication errors. The default is error, which raises exn:fail; in contrast, ssl-accept and ssl-connect use an error function that raises exn:fail:network.

See also ssl-connect about the limitations of reading and writing to an SSL connection (i.e., one direction at a time).

If hostname verification is enabled (see ssl-set-verify-hostname!), the peer’s certificate is checked against hostname.

If alpn-protocols is not empty and mode is 'connect, then the client attempts to use ALPN; see also ssl-connect and ssl-get-alpn-selected. If alpn-protocols is not empty and mode is 'accept, an exception (exn:fail) is raised; use ssl-set-server-alpn! to set the ALPN protocols for a server context.

Changed in version of package base: Added #:alpn argument.

4 Context Procedures🔗ℹ


(ssl-load-verify-source! context    
  [#:try? try?])  void?
  context : (or/c ssl-client-context? ssl-server-context?)
  src : 
(or/c path-string?
      (list/c 'directory path-string?)
      (list/c 'win32-store string?)
      (list/c 'macosx-keychain (or/c #f path-string?)))
  try? : any/c = #f
Loads verification sources from src into context. Currently, only certificates are loaded; the certificates are used to verify the certificates of a connection peer. Call this procedure multiple times to load multiple sets of trusted certificates.

The following kinds of verification sources are supported:

If try? is #f and loading src fails (for example, because the file or directory does not exist), then an exception is raised. If try? is a true value, then a load failure is ignored.

You can use the file "test.pem" of the "openssl" collection for testing purposes. Since "test.pem" is public, such a test configuration obviously provides no security.

Changed in version of package base: Added (list 'macosx-keychain #f) variant.



(let ([source/c (or/c path-string?
                      (list/c 'directory path-string?)
                      (list/c 'win32-store string?)
                      (list/c 'macosx-keychain (or/c #f path-string?)))])
  (listof source/c))
(ssl-default-verify-sources srcs)  void?
  srcs : 
(let ([source/c (or/c path-string?
                      (list/c 'directory path-string?)
                      (list/c 'win32-store string?)
                      (list/c 'macosx-keychain (or/c #f path-string?)))])
  (listof source/c))
Holds a list of verification sources, used by ssl-load-default-verify-sources!. The default sources depend on the platform:

Changed in version of package base: Changed default source on Mac OS.

Loads the default verification sources, as determined by (ssl-default-verify-sources), into context. Load failures are ignored, since some default sources may refer to nonexistent paths.


(ssl-load-verify-root-certificates! context-or-listener 
  context-or-listener : 
(or/c ssl-client-conntext? ssl-server-context?
  pathname : path-string?
Deprecated; like ssl-load-verify-source!, but only supports loading certificate files in PEM format.


(ssl-set-ciphers! context cipher-spec)  void?

  context : (or/c ssl-client-context? ssl-server-context?)
  cipher-spec : string?
Specifies the cipher suites that can be used in connections created with context. The meaning of cipher-spec is the same as for the openssl ciphers command.


(ssl-seal-context! context)  void?

  context : (or/c ssl-client-context? ssl-server-context?)
Seals context, preventing further modifications. After a context is sealed, passing it to functions such as ssl-set-verify! and ssl-load-verify-root-certificates! results in an error.


(ssl-load-certificate-chain! context-or-listener    
  pathname)  void?
  context-or-listener : 
(or/c ssl-client-context? ssl-server-context?
  pathname : path-string?
Loads a PEM-format certification chain file for connections to made with the given server context (created by ssl-make-server-context) or listener (created by ssl-listen). A certificate chain can also be loaded into a client context (created by ssl-make-client-context) when connecting to a server requiring client credentials, but that situation is uncommon.

This chain is used to identify the client or server when it connects or accepts connections. Loading a chain overwrites the old chain. Also call ssl-load-private-key! to load the certificate’s corresponding key.

You can use the file "test.pem" of the "openssl" collection for testing purposes. Since "test.pem" is public, such a test configuration obviously provides no security.


(ssl-load-private-key! context-or-listener    
  asn1?])  void?
  context-or-listener : 
(or/c ssl-client-context? ssl-server-context?
  path-or-data : (or/c path-string? (list/c 'data bytes?))
  rsa? : any/c = #t
  asn1? : any/c = #f
Loads the first private key from path-or-data for the given context or listener. The key goes with the certificate that identifies the client or server. Like ssl-load-certificate-chain!, this procedure is usually used with server contexts or listeners, seldom with client contexts.

If path-or-data is a path or string, the private key is loaded from a file at the given path. Otherwise, path-or-data must be a list of the form (list 'data data-bytes), and the key is parsed from data-bytes directly.

If rsa? is #t (the default), the first RSA key is read (i.e., non-RSA keys are skipped). If asn1? is #t, the file is parsed as ASN1 format instead of PEM. Currently asn1? parsing is only supported with when path-or-data is a path-string?.

You can use the file "test.pem" of the "openssl" collection for testing purposes. Since "test.pem" is public, such a test configuration obviously provides no security.

Changed in version of package base: Added support for specifying key data directly by providing a list of the form (list 'data data-bytes) for path-or-data.


  context-or-listener : 
(or/c ssl-client-context? ssl-server-context?
  pathname : path-string?
Loads a PEM-format file containing certificates that are used by a server. The certificate list is sent to a client when the server requests a certificate as an indication of which certificates the server trusts.

Loading the suggested certificates does not imply trust, however; any certificate presented by the client will be checked using the trusted roots loaded by ssl-load-verify-root-certificates!.

You can use the file "test.pem" of the "openssl" collection for testing purposes where the peer identifies itself using "test.pem".


(ssl-server-context-enable-dhe! context    
  [dh-param])  void?
  context : ssl-server-context?
  dh-param : (or/c path-string? bytes?) = ssl-dh4096-param-bytes


(ssl-server-context-enable-ecdhe! context    
  [curve-name])  void?
  context : ssl-server-context?
  curve-name : symbol? = 'secp521r1
Enables cipher suites that provide perfect forward secrecy via ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (DHE) or ephemeral elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDHE) key exchange, respectively.

For DHE, the dh-param must be a path to a ".pem" file containing DH parameters or the content of such a file as a byte string.

For ECDHE, the curve-name must be one of the following symbols naming a standard elliptic curve: 'sect163k1, 'sect163r1, 'sect163r2, 'sect193r1, 'sect193r2, 'sect233k1, 'sect233r1, 'sect239k1, 'sect283k1, 'sect283r1, 'sect409k1, 'sect409r1, 'sect571k1, 'sect571r1, 'secp160k1, 'secp160r1, 'secp160r2, 'secp192k1, 'secp224k1, 'secp224r1, 'secp256k1, 'secp384r1, 'secp521r1, 'prime192v, 'prime256v.

Changed in version of package base: Allow a byte string as the dh-param argument to ssl-server-context-enable-dhe!.

Byte string describing 4096-bit Diffie-Hellman parameters in ".pem" format.

Changed in version of package base: Added as a replacement for ssl-dh4096-param-path.


(ssl-set-server-name-identification-callback! context    
  callback)  void?
  context : ssl-server-context?
  callback : (string? . -> . (or/c ssl-server-context? #f))
Provides an SSL server context with a procedure it can use for switching to alternative contexts on a per-connection basis. The procedure is given the hostname the client was attempting to connect to, to use as the basis for its decision.

The client sends this information via the TLS Server Name Identification extension, which was created to allow virtual hosting for secure servers.

The suggested use is to prepare the appropriate server contexts, define a single callback which can dispatch between them, and then apply it to all the contexts before sealing them. A minimal example:

(define ctx-a (ssl-make-server-context 'tls))
(define ctx-b (ssl-make-server-context 'tls))
(ssl-load-certificate-chain! ctx-a "cert-a.pem")
(ssl-load-certificate-chain! ctx-b "cert-b.pem")
(ssl-load-private-key! ctx-a "key-a.pem")
(ssl-load-private-key! ctx-b "key-b.pem")
(define (callback hostname)
  (cond [(equal? hostname "a") ctx-a]
        [(equal? hostname "b") ctx-b]
        [else #f]))
(ssl-set-server-name-identification-callback! ctx-a callback)
(ssl-set-server-name-identification-callback! ctx-b callback)
(ssl-seal-context! ctx-a)
(ssl-seal-context! ctx-b)
(ssl-listen 443 5 #t #f ctx-a)

If the callback returns #f, the connection attempt will continue, using the original server context.


(ssl-set-server-alpn! context    
  [allow-no-match?])  void?
  context : ssl-server-context?
  alpn-protocols : (listof bytes?)
  allow-no-match? : boolean? = #t
Sets the ALPN protocols supported by the server context. The protocols are listed in order of preference, most-preferred first. That is, when a client connects, the server selects the first protocol in its alpn-protocols that is supported by the client. If the client does not use ALPN, then the connection is accepted and no protocol is selected. If the client uses ALPN but has no protocols in common with the server, then if allow-no-match? is true, the connection is accepted and no protocol is selected; if allow-no-match? is false, then the connection is refused.

Added in version of package base.


(ssl-set-keylogger! context logger)  void?

  context : (or/c ssl-server-context? ssl-client-context?)
  logger : (or/c #f logger?)
Instructs the context to log a message to logger whenever TLS key material is generated or received. The message is logged with its level set to 'debug, its topic set to 'openssl-keylogger, and its associated data is a byte string representing the key material. When logger is #f, the context is instructed to stop logging this information.

Warning: if logger has any ancestors, then this information may also be available to them, depending on the logger’s propagation settings.

Debugging is the typical use case for this functionality. The owner of a context can use it to write key material to a file to be consumed by tools such as Wireshark. In the following example, anyone with access to "keylogfile.txt" is able to decrypt connections made via ctx:

(define out
   #:exists 'append
(define logger
  (lambda ()
    (define receiver
      (make-log-receiver logger 'debug 'openssl-keylogger))
    (let loop ()
      (match-define (vector _ _ key-data _)
        (sync receiver))
      (write-bytes key-data out)
      (newline out)
      (flush-output out)
(define ctx (ssl-make-client-context 'auto))
(ssl-set-keylogger! ctx logger)

Added in version of package base.

5 Peer Verification🔗ℹ


(ssl-set-verify! clp on?)  void?

  clp : 
(or/c ssl-client-context? ssl-server-context?
      ssl-listener? ssl-port?)
  on? : any/c
Requires certificate verification on the peer SSL connection when on? is #t. If clp is an SSL port, then the connection is immediately renegotiated, and an exception is raised immediately if certificate verification fails. If clp is a context or listener, certification verification happens on each subsequent connection using the context or listener.

Enabling verification also requires, at a minimum, designating trusted certificate authorities with ssl-load-verify-source!.

Verifying the certificate is not sufficient to prevent attacks by active adversaries, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. See also ssl-set-verify-hostname!.


(ssl-try-verify! clp on?)  void?

  clp : 
(or/c ssl-client-context? ssl-server-context?
      ssl-listener? ssl-port?)
  on? : any/c
Like ssl-set-verify!, but when peer certificate verification fails, then connection continues to work. Use ssl-peer-verified? to determine whether verification succeeded.


(ssl-peer-verified? p)  boolean?

  p : ssl-port?
Returns #t if the peer of SSL port p has presented a valid and verified certificate, #f otherwise.


(ssl-set-verify-hostname! ctx on?)  void?

  ctx : (or/c ssl-client-context? ssl-server-context?)
  on? : any/c
Requires hostname verification of SSL peers of connections made using ctx when on? is #t. When hostname verification is enabled, the hostname associated with a connection (see ssl-connect or ports->ssl-ports) is checked against the hostnames listed in the peer’s certificate. If the peer certificate does not contain an entry matching the hostname, or if the peer does not present a certificate, the connection is rejected and an exception is raised.

Hostname verification does not imply certificate verification. To verify the certificate itself, also call ssl-set-verify!.


(ssl-peer-certificate-hostnames p)  (listof string?)

  p : ssl-port?
Returns the list of hostnames for which the certificate of p’s peer is valid according to RFC 2818. If the peer has not presented a certificate, '() is returned.

The result list may contain both hostnames such as "" and hostname patterns such as "*".


(ssl-peer-check-hostname p hostname)  boolean?

  p : ssl-port?
  hostname : string?
Returns #t if the peer certificate of p is valid for hostname according to RFC 2818.


(ssl-peer-subject-name p)  (or/c bytes? #f)

  p : ssl-port?
If ssl-peer-verified? would return #t for p, the result is a byte string for the subject field of the certificate presented by the SSL port’s peer, otherwise the result is #f.

Use ssl-peer-check-hostname or ssl-peer-certificate-hostnames instead to check the validity of an SSL connection.


(ssl-peer-issuer-name p)  (or/c bytes? #f)

  p : ssl-port?
If ssl-peer-verified? would return #t for p, the result is a byte string for the issuer field of the certificate presented by the SSL port’s peer, otherwise the result is #f.


(ssl-default-channel-binding p)  (list/c symbol? bytes?)

  p : ssl-port?
Returns the default channel binding type and value for p, based on the connection’s TLS protocol version. Following RFC 9266 Section 3, the result uses 'tls-exporter for TLS 1.3 and later; it uses 'tls-unique for TLS 1.2 and earlier.

Added in version of package base.


(ssl-channel-binding p type)  bytes?

  p : ssl-port?
  type : 
(or/c 'tls-exporter
Returns channel binding information for the TLS connection of p. An authentication protocol run over TLS can incorporate information identifying the TLS connection ('tls-exporter or 'tls-unique) or server certificate ('tls-server-end-point) into the authentication process, thus preventing the authentication steps from being replayed on another channel. Channel binding is described in general in RFC 5056; channel binding for TLS is described in RFC 5929 and RFC 9266.

If the channel binding cannot be retrieved (for example, if the connection is closed), an exception is raised.

Added in version of package base.
Changed in version Added 'tls-exporter. An exception is raised for 'tls-unique with a TLS 1.3 connection.


(ssl-get-alpn-selected p)  (or/c bytes? #f)

  p : ssl-port?
Returns the ALPN protocol selected during negotiation, or #f if no protocol was selected.

If a server does not support any of the protocols proposed by a client, it might reject the connection or it might accept the connection without selecting an application protocol. So it is recommended to always check the selected protocol after making a connection.

Added in version of package base.

6 SHA-1 Hashing🔗ℹ

 (require openssl/sha1) package: base
The openssl/sha1 library provides a Racket wrapper for the OpenSSL library’s SHA-1 hashing functions. If the OpenSSL library cannot be opened, this library logs a warning and falls back to the implementation in file/sha1.


(sha1 in)  string?

  in : input-port?
Returns a 40-character string that represents the SHA-1 hash (in hexadecimal notation) of the content from in, consuming all of the input from in until an end-of-file.

The sha1 function composes bytes->hex-string with sha1-bytes.


(sha1-bytes in)  bytes?

  in : input-port?
Returns a 20-byte byte string that represents the SHA-1 hash of the content from in, consuming all of the input from in until an end-of-file.

The sha1-bytes function from racket/base computes the same result and is only slightly slower.


(bytes->hex-string bstr)  string?

  bstr : bytes?
Converts the given byte string to a string representation, where each byte in bstr is converted to its two-digit hexadecimal representation in the resulting string.


(hex-string->bytes str)  bytes?

  str : string?
The inverse of bytes->hex-string.

7 MD5 Hashing🔗ℹ

 (require openssl/md5) package: base
The openssl/md5 library provides a Racket wrapper for the OpenSSL library’s MD5 hashing functions. If the OpenSSL library cannot be opened, this library logs a warning and falls back to the implementation in file/md5.

Added in version of package base.


(md5 in)  string?

  in : input-port?
Returns a 32-character string that represents the MD5 hash (in hexadecimal notation) of the content from in, consuming all of the input from in until an end-of-file.

The md5 function composes bytes->hex-string with md5-bytes.


(md5-bytes in)  bytes?

  in : input-port?
Returns a 16-byte byte string that represents the MD5 hash of the content from in, consuming all of the input from in until an end-of-file.

8 The "libcrypto" Shared Library🔗ℹ

The openssl/libcrypto library provides a foreign-library value for the "libcrypto" shared library.


libcrypto : (or/c #f ffi-lib?)

Returns a foreign-library value for "libcrypto", or #f if the library could not be found or loaded. The load attempt uses the versions specified by openssl-lib-versions.

Either #f when libcrypto is non-#f, or a string when libcrypto is #f. In the latter case, the string provides an error message for the attempt to load "libcrypto".

A list of versions that are tried for loading "libcrypto". The list of version strings is suitable as a second argument to ffi-lib.

9 The "libssl" Shared Library🔗ℹ

The openssl/libssl library provides a foreign-library value for the "libssl" shared library.


libssl : (or/c #f ffi-lib?)

Returns a foreign-library value for "libssl", or #f if the library could not be found or loaded. The load attempt uses the versions specified by openssl-lib-versions.

Either #f when libssl is non-#f, or a string when libssl is #f. In the latter case, the string provides an error message for the attempt to load "libssl".