On this page:
17.1 Untyped versions of percent

17 let-in binding and destructuring form🔗ℹ

 (require phc-toolkit/percent) package: phc-toolkit

The forms in this module may possibly be moved to a separate package, as part of the template library described in Versatile parser and template library (for now the template library is not implemented yet).


(% parallel-binding 
   body )
parallel-binding = binding and parallel-binding
  | binding
binding = pattern  = expr
maybe-in = 
  | in
expr = expression
Locally binds the variables in the patterns to the expr. Each binding clause should contain as many patterns as expr produces values. The body forms are evaluated with the given variables bound.

The bindings are executed in sequence, as if bound with let*, unless grouped using and, in which case they are executed in parallel, as if bound with let.

NOTE: TODO: for now bindings are run in sequence, and parallel bindings have not been implemented yet.



This identifier is only valid in certain forms, like (% x = 10 in (+ x x)). It is an error to use it as an expression otherwise.


(define% (name pattern )
  body )
pattern = variable
  | [variable : type]
  | cons-pattern
  | list-pattern
  | vector-pattern
cons-pattern = (pattern . pattern)
  | (pattern :: pattern)
list-pattern = (pattern )
  | (pattern  :: tail-pattern)
tail-pattern = pattern
vector-pattern = #(pattern )
variable = identifier
Locally binds the variables in the patterns to the expr. Each binding clause should contain as many patterns as expr produces values. The body forms are evaluated with the given variables bound.

The bindings are executed in parallel, as if bound with let.

17.1 Untyped versions of percent🔗ℹ

 (require phc-toolkit/untyped/percent) package: phc-toolkit