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Building, Distributing, and Contributing to Racket

Building, Distributing, and Contributing to Racket🔗ℹ

The main Racket source code repository is

This guide explains how to build those sources, how to create Racket distributions like the ones at https://download.racket-lang.org, and how to contribute to Racket development.

    1 Building Racket from Source

      1.1 Git Repository versus Source Distribution

      1.2 Git Repository Build Modes

      1.3 Quick Instructions: In-Place Build

      1.4 Quick Instructions: Unix-Style Install

      1.5 More Instructions: Building Racket

      1.6 More Instructions: Building Racket CS and Racket BC

      1.7 Even More Instructions: Building Racket Pieces

        1.7.1 Building Minimal Racket

        1.7.2 Installing Packages

        1.7.3 Linking Packages for In-Place Development Mode

    2 Distributing Racket Variants

      2.1 Running Build Farms

      2.2 Generating Installer Web Sites

      2.3 Managing Snapshot Web Sites

      2.4 Separate Server and Clients

      2.5 Creating a Client from an Installer Web Site

    3 Contributing to Racket Development

      3.1 Main-Repository Contributions

      3.2 Distribution-Package Contributions

      3.3 General Contribution Guidelines

      3.4 More Resources

    4 Zuo and the Racket Build System

    5 Bootstrapping Racket