4 Testing Utilities🔗ℹ
Link to this section with
#:doc '(lib "rackunit/scribblings/rackunit.scrbl")]
4.1 Checking documentation completeness🔗ℹ
Link to this section with
#:doc '(lib "rackunit/scribblings/rackunit.scrbl")]
Checks to see if the module path named by
lib (e.g.
has documented all of its exports and prints an error message to
(current-error-port) if not.
If skip is a regexp, then exporting matching that regexp
are ignored. If it is a symbol, then that export is ignored. If
it is a list of symbols and regexps, then any exporting matching any of the
symbols or regexps are ignored. If it is a function, the function is treated
as a predicate and passed each export of the module. If skip is
#f, no exports are skipped.
Changed in version 1.10 of package racket-index: Changed lib to accept any module path.
4.2 Logging Test Results🔗ℹ
Link to this section with
#:doc '(lib "rackunit/scribblings/rackunit.scrbl")]
NOTE: This library is deprecated; use raco/testing, instead.
Changed in version 1.11 of package testing-util-lib: Allow any value for the display?
and exit? arguments, not just booleans.
Added in version 1.1 of package testing-util-lib.
Changed in version 1.11: Allow any value for the parameter and coerce it to a boolean.
Added in version 1.2 of package testing-util-lib.