4.12 Sorted Sets
(require rebellion/collection/sorted-set) | |
package: rebellion |
A sorted set is a collection of distinct elements sorted according to some comparator. Sorted sets may be mutable, immutable, or unmodifiable. Two immutable sorted sets are equal? if and only if they contain the same elements and use equal? comparators. Two mutable sorted sets are equal? if and only if they will always contain the same elements and use equal? comparators, meaning that they share the same mutable state. This is not necessarily the same as being eq?, as some sorted sets may be views of others.
All sorted sets are sequences. When iterated, a sorted set traverses its elements in ascending order as defined by its comparator. To traverse a sorted set in descending order, either use in-sorted-set with #:descending? set to true, or reverse the sorted set with sorted-set-reverse. Note that sorted-set-reverse returns a view of the original set, not a copy, so it constructs the view in constant time regardless of the size of the original set.
(sorted-set? v) → boolean?
v : any/c
(mutable-sorted-set? v) → boolean?
v : any/c
v : any/c
4.12.1 Constructing Sorted Sets
(sorted-set element ... #:comparator comparator) → immutable-sorted-set? element : any/c comparator : comparator?
> (sorted-set 8 2 5 7 #:comparator natural<=>) (immutable-sorted-set 2 5 7 8)
(sequence->sorted-set sequence #:comparator comparator) → immutable-sorted-set? sequence : (sequence/c any/c) comparator : comparator?
The sequence->sorted-set function makes an effort to avoid unnecessary copying if its input is already an immutable sorted set that’s sorted according to comparator. The precise details of this optimization are not guaranteed, but in general, converting a sequence to a sorted set and then converting it again takes the same amount of time as converting it once.
> (sequence->sorted-set (list 4 8 2 1) #:comparator natural<=>) (immutable-sorted-set 1 2 4 8)
> (sequence->sorted-set "hello world" #:comparator char<=>) (immutable-sorted-set #\space #\d #\e #\h #\l #\o #\r #\w)
(sorted-set->immutable-sorted-set set) → immutable-sorted-set?
set : sorted-set?
(define numbers (make-mutable-sorted-set (list 1 2 3 4 5) #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set->immutable-sorted-set numbers) (immutable-sorted-set 1 2 3 4 5)
(into-sorted-set comparator)
→ (reducer/c any/c immutable-sorted-set?) comparator : comparator?
> (transduce (list 4 8 2 1) #:into (into-sorted-set natural<=>)) (immutable-sorted-set 1 2 4 8)
(make-mutable-sorted-set [ initial-elements] #:comparator comparator) → mutable-sorted-set? initial-elements : (sequence/c any/c) = '() comparator : comparator?
> (make-mutable-sorted-set #:comparator natural<=>) (mutable-sorted-set)
> (make-mutable-sorted-set (list 4 7 3 5) #:comparator natural<=>) (mutable-sorted-set 3 4 5 7)
4.12.2 Querying Sorted Sets
(in-sorted-set set [ #:descending? descending?]) → (sequence/c any/c) set : sorted-set? descending? : boolean? = #false
(define fruits (sorted-set "apple" "orange" "grape" "banana" #:comparator string<=>))
> (transduce (in-sorted-set fruits) #:into (join-into-string ", ")) "apple, banana, grape, orange"
> (transduce (in-sorted-set fruits #:descending? #true) #:into (join-into-string ", ")) "orange, grape, banana, apple"
(sorted-set-empty? set) → boolean?
set : sorted-set?
(define numbers (sorted-set 1 2 3 #:comparator real<=>))
> (sorted-set-empty? numbers) #f
> (sorted-set-empty? (sorted-subset numbers (greater-than-range 5))) #t
(sorted-set-size set) → natural?
set : sorted-set?
(define numbers (sequence->sorted-set (in-range 5 15) #:comparator real<=>))
> (sorted-set-size numbers) 10
> (sorted-set-size (sorted-subset numbers (less-than-range 10))) 5
(sorted-set-comparator set) → comparator?
set : sorted-set?
> (sorted-set-comparator (sorted-set 1 2 3 #:comparator natural<=>)) #<comparator:natural<=>>
(sorted-set-contains? set value) → boolean?
set : sorted-set? value : any/c
(define numbers (sorted-set 1 2 3 4 5 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-contains? numbers 2) #t
> (sorted-set-contains? numbers 100) #f
(sorted-set-contains-any? set sequence) → boolean?
set : sorted-set? sequence : (sequence/c any/c)
(define numbers (sorted-set 1 2 3 4 5 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-contains-any? numbers (list 1 10 100)) #t
> (sorted-set-contains-any? numbers (vector 11 12 13)) #f
> (sorted-set-contains-any? numbers (list)) #f
(sorted-set-contains-all? set sequence) → boolean?
set : sorted-set? sequence : (sequence/c any/c)
(define numbers (sorted-set 1 2 3 4 5 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-contains-all? numbers (list 1 2 3)) #t
> (sorted-set-contains-all? numbers (vector 1 10 100)) #f
> (sorted-set-contains-all? numbers (list)) #t
(sorted-set-contains-none? set sequence) → boolean?
set : sorted-set? sequence : (sequence/c any/c)
(define numbers (sorted-set 1 2 3 4 5 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-contains-none? numbers (list 11 12 13)) #t
> (sorted-set-contains-none? numbers (vector 1 10 100)) #f
> (sorted-set-contains-none? numbers (list)) #t
(sorted-set-least-element set) → option?
set : sorted-set?
> (sorted-set-least-element (sorted-set 5 2 6 #:comparator natural<=>)) (present 2)
> (sorted-set-least-element (sorted-set #:comparator natural<=>)) #<absent>
(sorted-set-greatest-element set) → option?
set : sorted-set?
> (sorted-set-greatest-element (sorted-set 5 2 6 #:comparator natural<=>)) (present 6)
> (sorted-set-greatest-element (sorted-set #:comparator natural<=>)) #<absent>
(sorted-set-element-less-than set upper-bound) → option? set : sorted-set? upper-bound : any/c
(define numbers (sorted-set 5 10 20 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-element-less-than numbers 12) (present 10)
> (sorted-set-element-less-than numbers 2) #<absent>
(sorted-set-element-greater-than set lower-bound) → option? set : sorted-set? lower-bound : any/c
(define numbers (sorted-set 5 10 20 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-element-greater-than numbers 7) (present 10)
> (sorted-set-element-greater-than numbers 20) #<absent>
(sorted-set-element-at-most set upper-bound) → option? set : sorted-set? upper-bound : any/c
(define numbers (sorted-set 5 10 20 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-element-at-most numbers 12) (present 10)
> (sorted-set-element-at-most numbers 10) (present 10)
> (sorted-set-element-at-most numbers 2) #<absent>
(sorted-set-element-at-least set lower-bound) → option? set : sorted-set? lower-bound : any/c
(define numbers (sorted-set 5 10 20 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-element-at-least numbers 7) (present 10)
> (sorted-set-element-at-least numbers 5) (present 5)
> (sorted-set-element-at-least numbers 30) #<absent>
4.12.3 Sorted Set Views
(sorted-subset set element-range) → sorted-set?
set : sorted-set? element-range : range?
(define numbers (sorted-set 1 2 3 4 5 #:comparator real<=>))
> (sorted-subset numbers (closed-range 2 4)) (immutable-sorted-set 2 3 4)
When used on mutable sorted sets, the returned set is also a write-through view —
(define numbers (make-mutable-sorted-set (list 1 2 3 4 5) #:comparator real<=>)) (define numbers>3 (sorted-subset numbers (greater-than-range 3)))
> numbers>3 (mutable-sorted-set 4 5)
> (sorted-set-remove! numbers>3 4) > numbers>3 (mutable-sorted-set 5)
> numbers (mutable-sorted-set 1 2 3 5)
(sorted-set-reverse set) → sorted-set?
set : sorted-set?
When used on mutable sorted sets, the returned set is also a write-through view —
(define numbers (sorted-set 1 2 3 4 5 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-reverse numbers) (immutable-sorted-set 5 4 3 2 1)
(unmodifiable-sorted-set set)
→ (and/c sorted-set? (not/c mutable-sorted-set?)) set : sorted-set?
(define mutable-numbers (make-mutable-sorted-set (list 1 2 3 4 5) #:comparator natural<=>)) (define numbers (unmodifiable-sorted-set mutable-numbers))
> (sorted-set-add! numbers 6) sorted-set-add!: contract violation
expected: mutable-sorted-set?
given: (sorted-set 1 2 3 4 5)
in: the 1st argument of
(-> mutable-sorted-set? any/c void?)
contract from:
blaming: top-level
(assuming the contract is correct)
at: <pkgs>/rebellion/collection/private/sorted-set-interfa
ce.rkt:27:3 Synchronized Sorted Sets
v : any/c
set : mutable-sorted-set?
(define numbers (synchronized-sorted-set (make-mutable-sorted-set #:comparator natural<=>)))
> (for ([x (in-range 0 10)]) (thread (λ () (sorted-set-add! numbers x)))) > (sorted-set-size numbers) 10
Warning: the returned view is not thread-safe when iterated over as a sequence or when using in-sorted-set. All iteration over the returned view must be guarded by the synchronized view’s lock to ensure thread safety and atomicity. The lock can be acquired explicitly by using synchronized-sorted-set-lock.
> (lock! (read-write-lock-write-lock (synchronized-sorted-set-lock numbers)) (λ () (define sum (for/sum ([x (in-sorted-set numbers)]) x)) (sorted-set-add! numbers sum))) > numbers (mutable-sorted-set 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 45)
set : synchronized-sorted-set?
4.12.4 Modifying Sorted Sets
(sorted-set-add set element) → immutable-sorted-set?
set : immutable-sorted-set? element : any/c
(define numbers (sorted-set 10 20 30 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-add numbers 14) (immutable-sorted-set 10 14 20 30)
(sorted-set-add! set element) → void?
set : mutable-sorted-set? element : any/c
(define numbers (make-mutable-sorted-set (list 10 20 30) #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-add! numbers 14) > numbers (mutable-sorted-set 10 14 20 30)
(sorted-set-add-all set elements) → immutable-sorted-set?
set : immutable-sorted-set? elements : (sequence/c any/c)
(define numbers (sorted-set 10 20 30 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-add-all numbers (list 25 5 35 15)) (immutable-sorted-set 5 10 15 20 25 30 35)
(sorted-set-add-all! set elements) → void?
set : mutable-sorted-set? elements : (sequence/c any/c)
(define numbers (make-mutable-sorted-set (list 10 20 30) #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-add-all! numbers (list 25 5 35 15)) > numbers (mutable-sorted-set 5 10 15 20 25 30 35)
(sorted-set-remove set element) → immutable-sorted-set?
set : immutable-sorted-set? element : any/c
(define numbers (sorted-set 10 20 30 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-remove numbers 20) (immutable-sorted-set 10 30)
(sorted-set-remove! set element) → void?
set : mutable-sorted-set? element : any/c
(define numbers (make-mutable-sorted-set (list 10 20 30) #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-remove! numbers 20) > numbers (mutable-sorted-set 10 30)
(sorted-set-remove-all set elements) → immutable-sorted-set?
set : immutable-sorted-set? elements : (sequence/c any/c)
(define numbers (sorted-set 10 20 30 #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-remove-all numbers (list 20 30 40)) (immutable-sorted-set 10)
(sorted-set-remove-all! set elements) → void?
set : mutable-sorted-set? elements : (sequence/c any/c)
(define numbers (make-mutable-sorted-set (list 10 20 30) #:comparator natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-remove-all! numbers (list 20 30 40)) > numbers (mutable-sorted-set 10)
(sorted-set-clear! set) → void?
set : mutable-sorted-set?
(define numbers (make-mutable-sorted-set (list 10 20 30) #:comparator real<=>)) (define numbers>15 (sorted-subset numbers (greater-than-range 15)))
> numbers>15 (mutable-sorted-set 20 30)
> (sorted-set-clear! numbers>15) > numbers (mutable-sorted-set 10)
4.12.5 Sorted Set Builders
A sorted set builder is a mutable object that can create sorted sets. Values can be added to
a builder incrementally with sorted-set-builder-add, and immutable sorted sets can be built
from a builder with build-sorted-set. Builders can be reused —
(sorted-set-builder? v) → boolean?
v : any/c
(make-sorted-set-builder element-comparator)
→ sorted-set-builder? element-comparator : comparator?
(sorted-set-builder-add builder element ...+) → sorted-set-builder? builder : sorted-set-builder? element : any/c
(define builder (make-sorted-set-builder natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-builder-add builder 7 2 5 2) #<sorted-set-builder>
> (build-sorted-set builder) (immutable-sorted-set 2 5 7)
(sorted-set-builder-add-all builder elements) → sorted-set-builder? builder : sorted-set-builder? elements : (sequence/c any/c)
(define builder (make-sorted-set-builder natural<=>))
> (sorted-set-builder-add-all builder (in-range 0 5)) #<sorted-set-builder>
> (build-sorted-set builder) (immutable-sorted-set 0 1 2 3 4)
(build-sorted-set builder) → immutable-sorted-set?
builder : sorted-set-builder?
(define builder (make-sorted-set-builder natural<=>))
> (build-sorted-set (sorted-set-builder-add-all builder (in-range 0 5))) (immutable-sorted-set 0 1 2 3 4)
> (build-sorted-set (sorted-set-builder-add-all builder (in-range 10 15))) (immutable-sorted-set 0 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14)
> (build-sorted-set (sorted-set-builder-add builder 8 24)) (immutable-sorted-set 0 1 2 3 4 8 10 11 12 13 14 24)