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 (require resyntax) package: resyntax

Resyntax is a refactoring tool for Racket. The tool can be guided by refactoring rules, which are macro-like functions defined in terms of syntax-parse that specify how to search for and refactor different coding patterns. Resyntax comes with a standard set of refactoring rules that improve code written in #lang racket or #lang racket/base. For example, consider the following program:


#lang racket/base
(define (swap x y)
  (let ([t (unbox x)])
    (set-box! x (unbox y))
    (set-box! y t)))

This program uses let unnecessarily. The let expression can be replaced with a define form, reducing the indentation of the code. Resyntax is capable of detecting and automatically fixing this issue. Running resyntax fix --file my-program.rkt rewrites the above to the following:


#lang racket/base
(define (swap x y)
  (define t (unbox x))
  (set-box! x (unbox y))
  (set-box! y t))

To see a list of suggestions that Resyntax would apply, use resyntax analyze instead of resyntax fix. Each suggestion includes an explanation of why the change is being recommended.

    1 Installation

    2 The Resyntax Command-Line Interface

      2.1 Running resyntax analyze

      2.2 Running resyntax fix

    3 Refactoring Rules and Suites

      3.1 Exercising Fine Control Over Comments

      3.2 Narrowing the Focus of Replacements

      3.3 Resyntax’s Default Rules

      3.4 What Makes a Good Refactoring Rule?