On this page:
spike_  to_  dx
spike_  to_  dy
current_  color
current_  horiz_  margin
current_  vert_  margin
Compass  Direction

8 Pict Speech Balloons🔗ℹ

 import: pict/balloon package: rhombus-pict-lib


fun pin(

  content :: Pict,

  ~on: base :: Pict,

  ~at: finder :: Find,

  ~find: find_mode :: FindMode = #'always,

  ~spike: spike :: CompassDirection,

  ~margin: margin :: maybe(Real) = #false,

  ~horiz_margin: hmargin :: Real = margin || current_horiz_margin(),

  ~vert_margin: vmargin :: Real = margin || current_vert_margin(),

  ~corner_radius: corner_radius :: Real = 10,

  ~spike_radius: spike_radius :: Real = corner_radius,

  ~dx: dx :: Real = spike_to_dx(spike),

  ~dy: dy :: Real = spike_to_dy(spike),

  ~sprout: sprout :: Real = 0.5,

  ~thought: thought = #false,

  ~fill: fill :: maybe(ColorMode) = current_color(),

  ~line: line :: maybe(ColorMode) = #false,

  ~line_width: line_width :: LineWidth = #'inherit,

  ~epoch: epoch :: EpochAlignment = #'center,

  ~duration: duration :: DurationPinAlignment = #'sustain

) :: Pict

The pin function (intended to be used as balloon.pin) wraps a cartoon speech balloon around content, extends a pointer from the balloon in the direction indicated by spike, and pins the balloon onto base so that the point is at the location specified by finder.

When content is nothing, then base is returned as-is. When base is nothing, then the result is nothing.

The sprout argument applies only when spike is #'n, #'s, #'e, or #'w. In that case, sprout determines a position along the corresponding edge of the balloon as a fraction of the edge running left-to-right or top-to-bottom.

The duration argument is used in a way analogous to pict.overlay, which can insert a balloon with content into a part of the timeline of base.

The find_mode argument is used in a way analogous to pict.pin, where #'maybe mode means that a balloon is not pinned when finder fails to find a location.

When the resulting pict’s time box is padded (as opposed to sustained), then content is still pinned onto on_pict as during the time box, but no balloon is drawn behind content.


fun spike_to_dx(spike :: CompassDirection) :: Real



fun spike_to_dy(spike :: CompassDirection) :: Real

Reports the default spike offset for a given direction. The offset is relative to the point on the boundary of a balloon where the spike emerges.

Context parameters for argument defaults in pin.

Matches a symbol for a compass direction, one of #'n, #'ne, #'e, #'se, #'s, #'sw, #'w, or #'nw. The north direction, #'n, corersponds to a negative y-offset.