On this page:
class_  clause
interface_  clause
veneer_  clause
class_  clause.macro
interface_  clause.macro
class_  and_  interface_  clause.macro
veneer_  clause.macro
class_  meta.describe
interface_  meta.describe
veneer_  meta.describe
class_  meta.Info
class_  meta.Info
interface_  meta.Info
interface_  meta.Info
veneer_  meta.Info
veneer_  meta.Info
18.14.6 Class, Interface, and Veneer Clause Macros🔗ℹ



The space for class, interface, and veneer names as bound by class, interface, and veneer.

The spaces for bindings of identifiers that implement class, interface, and veneer clauses, respectively.


class_clause.macro 'defined_name pattern ...':

  option; ...






| 'defined_name pattern ...':

    option; ...



| ...




~op_stx: id


~op_stx id


~all_stx: id


~all_stx id


~info: id


~info id

Like defn.macro, but defines a name in the class_clause space as a clause form for use within a class body.

The compile-time body block returns the expansion result. The result must be a sequence of groups to be spliced in place of the macro use, where each group can be either a another class clause, an expression, a definition, or an export.

In addition to ~op_stx and ~all_stx options like defn.macro, the optional ~info body form binds an id to a class_meta.Info value. Use the class_meta.Info.lookup function to access information about the class declaration that appears before the use of the class-clause macro.

> class_clause.macro 'lazy_method $id(): $(body :: Block)':

    'private field result: #false

     method $id():

       result || (block:

                    def v $body

                    result := v


> class Person(name):

    lazy_method greeting():

      "Hello, " +& name

> def ming = Person("Ming")

> ming.greeting()

"Hello, Ming"

> ming.greeting() === ming.greeting()



interface_clause.macro 'defined_name pattern ...':

  option; ...






| 'defined_name pattern ...':

    option; ...



| ...

Like class_clause.macro, but for interface clauses and binding in the interface_clause space.


class_and_interface_clause.macro 'defined_name

                                    pattern ...':

  option; ...






| 'defined_name pattern ...':

    option; ...



| ...

Like class_clause.macro, but defines for use both in class clauses and interface clauses by binding in both the the class_clause and interface_clause spaces.


veneer_clause.macro 'defined_name pattern ...':

  option; ...






| 'defined_name pattern ...':

    option; ...



| ...

Like class_clause.macro, but for veneer clauses and binding in the veneer_clause space.

Provided as meta.

Returns an object containing information about name, which must be bound as a class name or internal class name for class_meta.describe, as an interface name or internal interface name for interface_meta.describe, or as a veneer name for veneer_meta.describe. Use class_meta.Info.lookup, interface_meta.Info.lookup, or veneer_meta.Info.lookup to extract details from the information object.





method (info :: class_meta.Info).lookup(

  key :: Symbol

) :: Any






method (info :: interface_meta.Info).lookup(

  key :: Symbol

) :: Any






method (info :: veneer_meta.Info).lookup(

  key :: Symbol

) :: Any

Provided as meta.

A value satisfying class_meta.Info can be obtained from class_meta.describe or received by a class-clause macro through an ~info declaration. Similarly, a value satisfying interface_meta.Info or veneer_meta.Info can be obtained by interface_meta.describe or veneer_meta.describe, or received by an interface- or veneer-clause macro through an ~info declaration. In a macro declared with class_and_interface_clause.macro, a value received by ~info is an instance of either class_meta.Info or interface_meta.Info, which indicates the context where the macro is used.

The class_meta.Info.lookup, interface_meta.Info.lookup, and veneer_meta.Info.lookup functions access information via a key symbol. The currently recognized keys are described below, but more may be added in the future.

When received within a class-, interface-, or veneer-clause macro, the information reported for a key covers only class, interface, or veneer clauses before the macro use, so a use of the same key in the same class but in a later clause may report different information. Furthermore, the information has not been fully checked; for example, the name of a class, interface, or veneer being extended is reported as it appears, and has not yet been checked to be a valid class, interface, or veneer name, and multiple names may be reported if a class contains multiple extends clauses. Similarly, field- or method-name lists may include duplicates.

When obtained via class_meta.describe, interface_meta.describe, or veneer_meta.describe, the information covers the whole body of the referenced class, interface, or veneer form. When a class or interface name is used, then information about private fields and methods is omitted from queries; using an internal name for a class or interface includes information about private fields and methods. A class- or interface-clause macro, which directly receives only partial information, can expand to a use of an expression macro that uses class_meta.describe or interface_meta.describe to get more information based on a retained or newly declared internal name.

Recognized keys for classes:

Recognized keys for interfaces:

Recognized keys for veneers: