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error.annot_  msg

10.1 Errors🔗ℹ


fun error(

  ~exn: exn :: (Function.of_arity(2)

                  || Function.of_arity(3)

                  || Function.of_arity(4))

          = Exn.Fail,

  ~srcloc: srcloc :: maybe(Srcloc) = #false,

  ~who: who :: maybe(error.Who) = #false,

  msg :: ReadableString,

  ~details: details :: [List.of(ReadableString)] = [],

  clause :: error.Clause,


) :: None

Throws the result of exn as an exception, constructing the error message from srcloc, who, msg, details, and the clauses in order.

If who is not #false, it is added to the beginning of the message, and a :  separator is added in between.

The msg part of the error message is meant to fit on a single line. If details is non-empty, then ; is added to the end of msg, and each element of details is written on its own line with a 1-space prefix.

The clauses are added to the end of the error message. Construct a clause with functions like error.val, error.vals, error.annot, or error.text. Each clause will start on its own line with a 2-space prefix.

When exn is called by error, the first argument is a string message, and the second argument is Continuation.Marks.current(). If exn accepts at least three arguments, then PairList[srcloc] is provided as the third argument if srcloc is a Srcloc or PairList[] otherwise. If exn accepts four arguments, then the list of clauses is provided as the fourth argument.

Conventions for using error:

> error("oops")


> error(~who: #'me, "oops")

me: oops

> error(~who: #'me,


        ~details: ["something has gone wrong;",

                   "see the manual for more information"])

me: oops;

 something has gone wrong;

 see the manual for more information

> error(~who: #'me,

        ~exn: Exn.Fail.Annot,



        error.val(~label: "fruit", #'Apple))

me: fruit does not satisfy annotation

  annotation: Tropical

  fruit: #’Apple

> error(~who: #'me,

        "mismatch between fruit and vegetable",

        error.val(~label: "fruit", [#'Apple, 0]),

        error.val(~label: "vegetable", [#'Lettuce, -1]))

me: mismatch between fruit and vegetable

  fruit: [#’Apple, 0]

  vegetable: [#’Lettuce, -1]


fun error.message(

  ~srcloc: srcloc :: maybe(Srcloc) = #false,

  ~who: who :: maybe(error.Who) = #false,

  msg :: ReadableString,

  ~details: details :: [List.of(ReadableString)] = [],

  clause :: Error.Clause,


) :: String

Like error, but without the ~exn argument, and the result is a message string instead of throwing an exception.

> error.message(~who: #'me, "oops")

"me: oops"



Satisfied by a ReadableString, Symbol, or Name.


class error.Clause(msg :: String):




fun error.text(~label: label :: String,

               v :: Any)

  :: error.Clause



fun error.val(~label: label :: String = "value",

              v :: Any)

  :: error.Clause



fun error.vals(~label: label :: String = "value",

               v :: Any, ...)

  :: error.Clause



fun error.annot(~label: label :: String = "annotation",

                annot_str :: String)

  :: error.Clause

An error.Clause represents a piece of an error message that has a label followed by a value or text. The error.text constructor is the most generic one, where the argument v is converted with to_string to include in the message. If the string form of v spans multiple lines, each line will get a 3-space prefix to incorporate it into the message string; see also error.reindent.

The error.val and error.vals function convert each v to a string using repr.

Use error.annot to report an annotation in an error message, where Syntax.to_source_string may be useful (especially in in a macro’s implementation) to construct a suitable string form of an annotation.

The msg field of a error.Clause omits a 2-space prefix that will be added to the clause by error or error.message, but if it spans multiple lines, then msg will include a 3-space prefix on each line after the first one.

> error.text(~label: "name", "Alice")

Clause("name: Alice")

> error.val([1, 2, 3])

Clause("value: [1, 2, 3]")

> error.val(~label: "list", [1, 2, 3])

Clause("list: [1, 2, 3]")

> error.vals(1, 2, 3)

Clause("values:\n   1\n   2\n   3")

> error.annot("List.of(Int)")

Clause("annotation: List.of(Int)")


fun error.annot_msg(what :: String = "value")

Constructs the text of a “does not satisfy annotation” error, using what as the noun in the message.


fun error.reindent(

  s :~ String,

  ~space: space :: String = " ",

  ~tab: tab :: String = "   ",

  ~label: label :: String = "",

  ~max_len: max_len :: NonnegInt

              = 72 - (2 + label.length() + 1 + space.length())

) :: String

The indentation function used by error.text and related functions. If s has multiple lines or if it is longer than max_len characters, then s is prefixed with a newline, and each line of s is prefixed with tab. Otherwise, s is prefixed with just space.

The label argument is used only to determine the default value of max_len.