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5.5 Unit Testing🔗ℹ










  expr expected_result




check expr expected_result






~eval: evaluator_expr






~is expected_expr


~is: expected_body; ...


~is_now expected_expr


~is_now: expected_body; ...


~is_a annot


~is_a: annot


~prints_like expected_expr


~prints_like: expected_body; ...


~matches expected_bind


~matches: expected_bind


~prints expected_expr


~prints: expected_body; ...


~throws expected_expr


~throws: expected_body; ...



Evaluates the body or expr form, catching any exception that is thrown, then determines whether the result or exception matches expected_result:

If ~eval is present, then body is quoted to be parsed and evaluated using eval at run time. A typical use of ~eval is to test syntax errors. When evaluator_expr is provided, then its result is installed as the current evaluator for eval; otherwise, an evaluator is created with Evaluator.make_rhombus. The body sequence is evaluated as an interactive form (i.e., eval is called with ~as_interactive: #true).

Providing multiple expr expected_result groups in a single check form is the same as providing each group to a separate check form. The ~eval mode is not supported in the shorthand forms of check.

The evaluation of an expr or body sequence is wrapped with a prompt for the default continuation prompt tag.

When a test fails, a failure message is printed to the current error port, but using the current error display handler when a source location is available. No output is printed for a successful test.

> check 1+1 ~is 2

> check 1+1 ~is 3

check: failed

  got: 2

  expected: 3

> check:


    ~is 2

> check:

    1+1 ~is 2

    1+1 ~is 3

check: failed

  got: 2

  expected: 3

> check:


    ~is_a Int

> check:


    ~is_a String

check: failed

  got: 2

  expected: satisfying String

> check:

    [1+1, 1+2]

    ~matches [_ :: Int, ...]

> check:


    ~prints_like '2'

> check:


    ~throws "expected: Number"

check: failed

  got: exception +: value does not satisfy annotation

                   annotation: Number

                   value: "a"

  expected: exception "expected: Number"

> check:

    + // oops: causes syntax error for overall `check` form

    ~throws "infix operator without preceding argument"

+: infix operator without preceding argument

> check:

    ~eval // lets `check` confirm the expected syntax error


    ~throws "infix operator without preceding argument"

> check:



    ~throws values("+", "infix operator without preceding argument")