13.6.2 UDP
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Since UDP implements Closeable, the UDP constructor can be used with Closeable.let.
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The UDP.is_bound method reports whether udp has been bound, independent of whether it was bound explicitly or automatically.
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The UDP.is_connected method reports whether udp has been connected.
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If wait is #'some, then UDP.receive blocks until data is received, and the results are never #false. If wait is #'none, then UDP.receive never blocks, and it immediately returns with #false results if data is not immediately available. If wait is #'enable_break, then UDP.receive blocks the same as with #'some, but breaks are enabled while blocking; if breaks are disabled on entry, then either data is received or an Exn.Break exception is thrown, but not both.
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The UDP.receive_ready_evt similarly returns a synchronizable event, but synchronization has no effect, and the synchronization result is the object itself.
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If wait is #'all, then UDP.send_to blocks until data can be sent (or, at least, queued at the operating-system level), and the result is #void. If wait is #'none, then UDP.send_to immediately returns without sending if data cannot be sent (or queued at the operating-system level), and the result is #false in that case; otherwise, data is sent (or queued) immediately, and the result is #true. If wait is #'enable_break, then UDP.send_to blocks the same as with #'some, but breaks are enabled while blocking; if breaks are disabled on entry, then either data is sent or an Exn.Break exception is thrown, but not both.
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The UDP.send_ready_evt similarly returns a synchronizable event, but synchronization has no effect, and the synchronization result is the object itself.
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