10.1.1 Language Objectives🔗ℹ

A module in #lang ricoeur/tei/spec-lang consists of interleaved runtime and documentation-time code, some of which is generated from syntactic forms that have meanings at both phases. (This is somewhat analagous to scribble/lp2, which was used in an earlier version of this library.) Additionally, to promote modularity and avoid cyclic dependency problems, some portions of a module in #lang ricoeur/tei/spec-lang are encapsulated to be invoked later, generally after being linked with encapsulated information from other #lang ricoeur/tei/spec-lang modules. (This is somewhat analagous to the racket/unit system, which was used in an earlier version of this library.) The next several sections of this manual will explain these aspects of the #lang ricoeur/tei/spec-lang language in detail.

A module in #lang ricoeur/tei/spec-lang provides its clients at least two, and possibly three, distinct kinds of services: