On this page:
3.2.1 Symbolic Constants
3.2.2 Assertions and Assumptions
3.2.3 Verification
3.2.4 Synthesis
3.2.5 Angelic Execution
3.2.6 Optimization
3.2.7 Reasoning Precision

3.2 Solver-Aided Forms🔗ℹ

The Essentials chapter introduced the key concepts of solver-aided programming. This section describes the corresponding syntactic constructs in detail.

3.2.1 Symbolic Constants🔗ℹ


(define-symbolic id ...+ type)

(define-symbolic id type #:length k)
  type : (and/c solvable? type?)
  k : natural?
The first form binds each provided identifier to a distinct symbolic constant of the given solvable type. The identifiers are bound to the same constants every time the form is evaluated.

> (define (always-same)
    (define-symbolic x integer?)
> (always-same)


> (always-same)


> (equal? (always-same) (always-same))


The second form creates a list of k distinct constants and binds it to id. The same constants are bound to id every time the form is evaluated. The form requires k to evaluate to a natural number statically—i.e., at macro expansion time.

> (define (always-same-3)
    (define-symbolic y integer? #:length (+ 1 2))
> (always-same-3)

(list y$0 y$1 y$2)

> (always-same-3)

(list y$0 y$1 y$2)

> (equal? (always-same-3) (always-same-3))


> (define (always-same-n n)
    (define-symbolic y integer? #:length n)

eval:9.0: define-symbolic: expected a natural? for #:length

  at: (define-symbolic y integer? #:length n)

  in: (define-symbolic y integer? #:length n)


(define-symbolic* id ...+ type)

(define-symbolic* id type #:length k)
  type : (and/c solvable? type?)
  k : natural?
The first form creates a stream of distinct symbolic constants of the given solvable type for each identifier, binding the identifier to the next element from its stream every time the form is evaluated.

> (define (always-different)
    (define-symbolic* x integer?)
> (always-different)


> (always-different)


> (eq? (always-different) (always-different))

(= x$2 x$3)

The second form binds id to a list of the next k elements from its stream every time the form is evaluated. The expression k may produce different natural numbers depending on the calling context.

> (define (always-different-n n)
    (define-symbolic* y integer? #:length n)
> (always-different-n 2)

(list y$4 y$5)

> (always-different-n 3)

(list y$6 y$7 y$8)

> (equal? (always-different-n 4) (always-different-n 4))

(&& (= y$9 y$13) (= y$10 y$14) (= y$11 y$15) (= y$12 y$16))

3.2.2 Assertions and Assumptions🔗ℹ


(assert expr)

(assert expr msg)
  msg : string?
Checks that expr produces a true value. Rosette keeps track of all assertions and assumptions encountered during symbolic evaluation in the current verification condition (VC). If expr evaluates to #f, the assertion adds #f to the VC and throws an error with the optional failure message msg. If expr evaluates to a symbolic boolean value, this value is added to the VC and execution continues. If expr evaluates to any other value, assert has no effect. The contents of the VC can be examined using the (vc) procedure, and they can be cleared using the clear-vc! procedure.

> (assert #t) ; No effect.
> (assert 1)  ; No effect.
> (vc)        ; The VC tracks assumptions and assertions.

(vc #t #t)

> (define-symbolic x boolean?)
> (assert x)
> (vc)        ; x is added to the VC's asserts.

(vc #t x)

> (assert #f "bad value")

[assert] bad value

> (vc)

(vc #t #f)

> (clear-vc!) ; Clear the VC.
> (vc)

(vc #t #t)


(assume expr)

(assume expr msg)
  msg : string?
Behaves like assert except that it updates the assumption component of the current verification condition when expr evaluates to #f or to a symbolic boolean.

> (vc)

(vc #t #t)

> (assume #t) ; No effect.
> (assume 1)  ; No effect.
> (vc)        ; The VC tracks assumptions and assertions.

(vc #t #t)

> (define-symbolic x boolean?)
> (assume x)
> (vc)        ; x is added to the VC's assumes.

(vc x #t)

> (assume #f "bad value")

[assume] bad value

> (vc)

(vc #f #t)

> (clear-vc!) ; Clear the VC.
> (vc)

(vc #t #t)

3.2.3 Verification🔗ℹ


(verify expr)

Searches for a binding of symbolic constants to concrete values that satisfies all the assumptions and violates at least one of the assertions encountered during the evaluation of expr. The binding must also satisfy all the assumptions and assertions accumulated in the verification condition (vc) before the call to verify. If such a binding exists, the query returns one as part of a satisfiable solution?; otherwise, the query returns (unsat).

Formally, (verify expr) searches for a model of the formula (vc-assumes P)(vc-asserts P)(vc-assumes Q) ∧ ¬ (vc-asserts Q), where P is the verification condition before the call to verify and Q is the verification condition generated by evaluating expr.

The verify query does not retain the assumptions and assertions generated by expr, leaving the current verification condition (vc) unchanged after the query returns.

> (define-symbolic a b c d boolean?)
> (vc)

(vc #t #t)

; This query forces a to be false:
> (verify (assert a))


 [a #f])

> (vc) ; VC is unchanged.

(vc #t #t)

> (assume a)
> (assert b)
> (vc)

(vc a (|| b (! a)))

; This query forces a, b, c to be true, and d to be false:
> (verify
     (assume c)
     (assert d)))


 [a #t]

 [b #t]

 [c #t]

 [d #f])

> (vc)

(vc a (|| b (! a)))

; This query has no solution because we assumed a above:
> (verify (assert a))


; Clearing the VC gives the expected solution:
> (clear-vc!)
> (vc)

(vc #t #t)

> (verify (assert a))


 [a #f])

3.2.4 Synthesis🔗ℹ


(synthesize input expr)

(synthesize #:forall input #:guarantee expr)
Taking I to be the set of symbolic constants (symbolics input) and H to be the complement of I, searches for a binding BH from H to concrete values that satisfies expr as follows. If BH is extended with any binding BI from I to concrete values, then the extended binding BHBI satisfies all the assertions generated by evaluating expr whenever it satisfies the assumptions generated by expr, as well as the assumptions and assertions accumulated in the verification condition (vc) before expr is evaluated. If such a binding BH exists, the query returns one as part of a satisfiable solution?; otherwise, the query returns (unsat).

Formally, (synthesize input expr) searches for a model of the formula ∃ H. (∃ I. pre(H, I)) ∧ (∀ I. pre(H, I) ⇒ post(H, I)), where pre(H, I) is (vc-assumes P)(vc-asserts P)(vc-assumes Q), post(H, I) is (vc-asserts Q), P is the verification condition accumulated before the evaluation of expr, and Q is the verification condition generated by evaluating expr. This formula is stronger than the classic synthesis formula ∃ H. ∀ I. pre(H, I) ⇒ post(H, I). The additional constraint, ∃ I. pre(H, I), rules out trivial solutions that allow pre(H, I) to be false on all inputs I. The formulas pre(H, I) and post(H, I) are required to be free of quantifiers, so no quantified formulas can be part of the assumptions or assertions that make up a synthesis query.

The synthesize query does not retain the assumptions and assertions generated by expr, but it does retain the updates to (vc), if any, produced by evaluating input. In other words, (synthesize input expr) is equivalent to (let ([v input]) (synthesize v expr)), where v is a fresh variable.

> (define-symbolic x c integer?)
> (vc)

(vc #t #t)

; This query finds a binding for c that works for all even x:
> (synthesize
     #:forall (list x)
       (assume (even? x))
       (assert (odd? (+ x c)))))


 [c 1])

> (vc)   ; VC is unchanged.

(vc #t #t)

> (assume (odd? x))
> (vc)

(vc (! (= 0 (remainder x 2))) #t)

; This query finds a binding for c that works for all odd x:
> (synthesize
   #:forall    (list x)
   #:guarantee (assert (odd? (+ x c))))


 [c 0])

> (vc)

(vc (! (= 0 (remainder x 2))) #t)

; This query has no solution because we assumed (odd? x) above:
> (synthesize
   #:forall (list x)
     (assume (even? x))
     (assert (odd? (+ x c)))))


; Clearing the VC gives the expected solution:
> (clear-vc!)
> (vc)

(vc #t #t)

> (synthesize
   #:forall (list x)
     (assume (even? x))
     (assert (odd? (+ x c)))))


 [c 1])

3.2.5 Angelic Execution🔗ℹ


(solve expr)

Searches for a binding of symbolic constants to concrete values that satisfies all the assumptions and assertions encountered during the evaluation of expr, as well as all the assumptions and assertions accumulated in the verification condition (vc) before the call to solve. If such a binding exists, the query returns one as part of a satisfiable solution?; otherwise, the result is an unsatisfiable solution.

Formally, (solve expr) searches for a model of the formula (vc-assumes P)(vc-asserts P)(vc-assumes Q)(vc-asserts Q), where P is the verification condition before the call to solve and Q is the verification condition generated by evaluating expr.

The solve query does not retain the assumptions and assertions generated by expr, leaving the current verification condition (vc) unchanged after the query returns.

> (define-symbolic x y boolean?)
> (assume x)
> (vc)   ; x is added to the VC's assumes.

(vc x #t)

; This query forces both x and y to be true.
> (solve (assert y))


 [x #t]

 [y #t])

> (vc)   ; VC is unchanged.

(vc x #t)

; This query has solution because we assumed (not x) above:
> (solve (assert (not x)))


; Clearing the VC gives the expected solution:
> (clear-vc!)
> (vc)

(vc #t #t)

> (solve (assert (not x)))


 [x #f])


(solve+)  procedure?

Returns a stateful procedure that uses a fresh solver? instance to incrementally solve a sequence of constraints.

The returned procedure consumes a constraint (i.e., a boolean value or symbolic term), a positive integer, or the symbol 'shutdown.

If the argument is a constraint, it is pushed onto the solver’s constraint stack and a solution for all constraints on the stack is returned.

If the argument is a positive integer k, then the top k constraints are popped from the solver’s constraint stack and the result is the solution to the remaining constraints.

If the argument is 'shutdown, all resources used by the procedure are released, and any subsequent calls to the procedure throw an exception.

> (define-symbolic x y integer?)
> (define inc (solve+))
> (inc (< x y))   ; Push (< x y) and solve.


 [x 0]

 [y 1])

> (inc (> x 5))   ; Push (> x 5) and solve.


 [x 6]

 [y 7])

> (inc (< y 4))   ; Push (< y 4) and solve.


> (inc 1)         ; Pop (< y 4) and solve.


 [x 6]

 [y 7])

> (inc (< y 9))   ; Push (< y 9) and solve.


 [x 6]

 [y 7])

> (inc 'shutdown) ; Release resources.
> (inc (> y 4))   ; Unusable after shutdown.

solver-push: contract violation:

  expected: solver?

  given: #f

  argument position: 1st

3.2.6 Optimization🔗ℹ


   #:guarantee expr)
maybe-minimize = 
  | #:minimize min-expr
maybe-maximize = 
  | #:maximize max-expr
  min-expr : (listof (or/c integer? real? bv?))
  max-expr : (listof (or/c integer? real? bv?))
Searches for an optimal binding of symbolic constants to concrete values that satisfies all the assumptions and assertions encountered during the evaluation of expr, as well as all the assumptions and assertions accumulated in the verification condition (vc) before the evaluation of expr. The binding is optimal in that it minimizes the cost terms in the min-expr list and maximizes those in the max-expr list. If such a binding exists, the query returns one as part of a satisfiable solution?; otherwise, the query returns (unsat). For more details on solving optimization problems, see the Z3 optimization tutorial.

Formally, (solve expr) searches for an optimal model of the formula (vc-assumes P)(vc-asserts P)(vc-assumes Q)(vc-asserts Q), where P is the verification condition before the evaluation of expr, Q is the verification condition generated by evaluating expr, the cost terms min-expr are minimized, and the cost terms max-expr are maximized.

The optimize query does not retain the assumptions and assertions generated by expr, but it does retain the updates to (vc), if any, produced by evaluating min-expr and max-expr. In other words, (optimize #:minimize min-expr #:maximize max-expr #:guarantee expr) is equivalent to (let ([v min-expr] [w max-expr]) (optimize #:minimize v #:maximize w #:guarantee expr)), where v and w are fresh variables.

> (define-symbolic x y integer?)
; This query maximizes x + y while ensuring that y - x < 1 whenever x < 2:
> (optimize
   #:maximize (list (+ x y))
     (assume (< x 2))
     (assert (< (- y x) 1))))


 [x 1]

 [y 1])

3.2.7 Reasoning Precision🔗ℹ


(current-bitwidth)  (or/c #f positive-integer?)

(current-bitwidth k)  void?
  k : (or/c #f positive-integer?)
 = #f
A parameter that defines the current reasoning precision for solver-aided queries over integer? and real? constants. Setting current-bitwidth to a positive integer k instructs Rosette to approximate both reals and integers with signed k-bit words. Setting it to #f instructs Rosette to use infinite precision for real and integer operations. As a general rule, current-bitwidth should be set once, before any solver-aided queries are issued.

When current-bitwidth is #f, Rosette translates queries over reals and integers into constraints in the theories of reals and integers. These theories are effectively decidable only for linear constraints, so setting current-bitwidth to a positive integer will lead to better performance for programs that perform nonlinear arithmetic.

When current-bitwidth is set to a positive integer k, Rosette translates queries over reals and integers into constraints in the theory of bitvectors (of size k), which can be decided efficiently in practice. When this form of translation is used, however, solver-aided queries can produce counterintuitive results due to arithmetic over- and under-flow, as demonstrated below.

Rosette sets current-bitwidth to #f by default for two reasons. First, this setting is consistent with Racket’s infinite-precision semantics for integers and reals, avoiding counterintuitive query behavior. Second, the current-bitwidth parameter must be set to #f when executing queries over assertions that contain quantified formulas or uninterpreted functions. Otherwise, such a query will throw an exception.

> (define-symbolic x y real?)
> (define-symbolic f (~> real? real?))
> (current-bitwidth 5)                    ; Use 5 bits for integers and reals.
> (solve (assert (= x 3.5)))              ; 3.5 = 3 under 5-bit semantics.


 [x 3])

> (solve (assert (= x 64)))               ; 0 = 64 under 5-bit semantics,


 [x 0])

> (solve (assert (and (= x 64) (= x 0)))) ; leading to counterintuitive results.


 [x 0])

> (solve                                  ; Quantifiers are not supported,
   (assert (forall (list x) (= x (+ x y)))))

finitize: cannot use (current-bitwidth 5) with a quantified

formula (forall (x) (= x (+ x y))); use (current-bitwidth

#f) instead

> (solve                                  ; and neither are uninterpreted functions.
   (assert (= x (f x))))

finitize: cannot use (current-bitwidth 5) with an

uninterpreted function f; use (current-bitwidth #f) instead

> (current-bitwidth #f)                   ; Use infinite-precision semantics ...
> (solve (assert (= x 3.5)))              ; to obtain the expected results.


 [x 7/2])

> (solve (assert (= x 64)))


 [x 64])

> (solve (assert (and (= x 64) (= x 0))))


> (solve                                  ; Quantifiers work, and
   (assert (forall (list x) (= x (+ x y)))))


 [y 0])

> (solve (assert (= x (f x))))            ; so do uninterpreted functions.


 [x 0]

 [f (fv real?~>real?)])

> (define-symbolic i j integer?)
> (solve                                  ; But nonlinear integer arithmetic
   (begin                                 ; is undecidable.
     (assert (> i 0))
     (assert (> j 0))
     (assert (or (= (/ i j) 2) (= (/ j i) 2)))))
