Implementation of structures
1 A section
1.1 My subsection

Implementation of structures🔗ℹ

1 A section🔗ℹ

In section My subsection we present, blah blah.

1.1 My subsection🔗ℹ


Blah n, as described by M. Foo.

(require srfi/n)

(provide some-ident)
(module* test racket
  (require (submod ".."))
  (require rackunit)
  (check-equal? (some-ident) "foo"))

(define (some-ident)
  (syntax-e #`#,"foo"))

It would be nice to be able to alter existing chunks, by inserting stuff later, for example:

<c> ::=
(define-syntax-rule (double x)
  (+ x x))

But we would actually want:

(define-syntax-rule (double x) -- should be greyed out
  (let ((x-cache x))
    (+ x-cache x-cache))) -- everything except the changed bits should
-- be greyed out