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Shplait Language

Shplait Language🔗ℹ

The Shplait language syntactically resembles the Rhombus language, but the type system is close to that of ML. For a quick introduction, see the tutorial section or the tutorial videos.

 #lang shplait package: shplait

    1 Tutorial

      1.1 Getting Started

      1.2 Simple Data

      1.3 Using Built-in Operators and Functions

      1.4 Conditionals

      1.5 Lists

      1.6 Definitions

      1.7 Datatypes

      1.8 Testing and Debugging

      1.9 Anonymous Functions

      1.10 Syntax Objects

      1.11 Syntax Templates and Patterns

      1.12 Tuples and Options

      1.13 Programs and Modules

      1.14 State

    2 Notation

    3 Types

    4 Definitions and Functions

    5 Conditionals and Matching

    6 Other Expression Forms

    7 Predefined Types and Functions

      7.1 Numbers

      7.2 Booleans and Equality

      7.3 Void

      7.4 Strings

      7.5 Symbols

      7.6 Lists

      7.7 Arrays

      7.8 Boxes

      7.9 Options

      7.10 Tuples

      7.11 Maps

    8 Syntax Objects, Patterns, and Templates

    9 Modules and Imports

    10 Macros

    11 Type Checking and Inference

    12 Language Options

      12.1 Untyped Mode

      12.2 Lazy Mode

      12.3 Inference Fuel