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2.3 Utilities🔗ℹ

send just calls display. If print-txrx? is set, it also logs what was sent.

(provide print-txrx?)
(define print-txrx? : (Parameter Boolean) (make-parameter #f))
(: send ((U Bytes String) -> Void))
(define (send x)
  (define y (if (bytes? x) x (string->bytes/latin-1 x)))
  (when (print-txrx?)
    (eprintf "--> ~a ~a~n" y (bytes->list y)))
  (display y))

Racket’s read-bytes may return fewer bytes than requested if end-of-file is reached early. This function will quit with an error message if the server ends the response stream at an unexpected moment. If print-txrx? is set, it also logs what was received.

(: expect (Nonnegative-Integer -> Bytes))
(define (expect n)
  (define res (read-bytes n))
  (when (print-txrx?)
    (eprintf "<-- ~a ~a~n" res (if (eof-object? res) "" (bytes->list res))))
  (define len (if (eof-object? res) 0 (bytes-length res)))
  (if (or (eof-object? res) (len . < . n))
      (error 'expect "expected ~a bytes, got ~a with early end-of-file" n len)