Struct-type properties with a struct-like interface
Source code: https://github.com/AlexKnauth/struct-like-struct-type-property.
(require struct-like-struct-type-property) | |
package: struct-like-struct-type-property |
(define-struct-like-struct-type-property name [field ...] prop-option ...)
prop-option = #:property prop-expr val-expr
Defines these identifiers:
prop:name, a struct-type property
name, a constructor for a struct that implements the property
name?, a predicate for values that have the property
name-field ..., an accessor for each field
The property prop:name expects a function that takes a "self" argument and returns a name result. When someone wants to use the value as a prop:name, this function should construct a more basic structure that contains the field values.
> (require struct-like-struct-type-property) > (define-struct-like-struct-type-property foo [a b c]) > (foo-a (foo 1 2 3)) 1
> (foo? (foo "a" "b" "c")) #t
> (struct bar [x] #:property prop:foo ; when a bar is used as a foo, do this (lambda (self) (foo (first (bar-x self)) (second (bar-x self)) (third (bar-x self))))) > (foo-a (bar (list 4 5 6))) 4
> (foo? (bar (list 'd 'e 'f))) #t
> (match (bar (list 1 3 5)) [(foo a b c) c]) 5
The #:property prop-expr val-expr options specify super-properties. Anything that implements prop:name will automatically implement all the properties specified by the given prop-exprs.
> (require struct-like-struct-type-property)
> (define-struct-like-struct-type-property quadratic [a b c] #:property prop:procedure (λ (self x) (+ (* (quadratic-a self) (sqr x)) (* (quadratic-b self) x) (quadratic-c self)))) > (define f (quadratic 1 -2 -3)) > (f 0) -3
> (f 1) -4
> (f 2) -3
> (f 3) 0
> (f 4) 5
> (struct vertex-form [a vertex] #:property prop:quadratic (λ (self) (match (vertex-form-vertex self) [(list h k) (define a (vertex-form-a self)) (define b (* -2 a h)) (define c (+ (* a (sqr h)) k)) (quadratic a b c)]))) > (define g (vertex-form 1 '(1 -4))) > (g 0) -3
> (g 1) -4
> (g 2) -3
> (g 3) 0
> (g 4) 5