1 Running the program
2 Reference
3 Encrypted File Format
3.1 Syntax
3.2 Semantics
3.3 Key Derivation Function
4 References and Acknowledgements


 (require synology-decrypt) package: synology-decrypt

This package implements a library and command-line client to decrypt files encrypted by the Synology Cloudsync program.

Files may be encrypted with either a password or a private key. This module has the following limitations:
  • It only supports password based decryption.

  • It only supports version 3.1 of the encryption format.

1 Running the program🔗ℹ

racket main.rkt <encrypted file path> <decrypted output path>

When run like this, the program will read standard input to obtain the decryption password. Standard input is read to avoid leaking the password in shell history or in-memory process information. Type the password and press Ctrl+D to close standard input.

Run with --help to see all the options.

2 Reference🔗ℹ

This package can also be used as a library.


(decrypt-ports password 
  [#:external-lz4 use-external-lz4?]) 
  (or/c string? #f)
  password : string?
  input-port : input-port?
  output-port : output-port?
  use-external-lz4? : boolean? = #f
Decrypts data from input-port, using password as the password. Decrypted and decompressed data is written to output-port. If the encrypted file metadata contained file_md5 containing the md5 hash of the original file, returns that, otherwise returns #f.

If use-external-lz4? is #t, the lz4 is used. If it is missing in the system path, an error is raised.

The external lz4 program can be slightly faster for hundreds of MBs of data.


(decrypt-file password    
  #:external-lz4 use-external-lz4?)  void?
  password : string?
  input : path-string?
  output : path-string?
  use-external-lz4? : (or/c boolean? 'decide)
Decrypts data from the file with path input which must be readable, using password as the password. Decrypted and decompressed data is written to the path output. If the encrypted file metadata had the original file’s md5 checksum, verifies that the decrypted output’s hash matches that. Raises an error on mismatch.

If use-external-lz4? is 'decide, some heuristics are used to decide whether to use internal or external lz4 based on the size of the file. If it is a boolean? the semantics are that of decrypt-ports.

3 Encrypted File Format🔗ℹ

The Synology Cloudsync encrypted file is a binary file describing structured data. The structured data begins with some magic bytes identifying the file, then a series of dictionaries. Dictionary keys are strings, while values can be integers, byte strings, strings or nested dictionaries.

3.1 Syntax🔗ℹ

The syntax can be described with this BNF grammar.




magic magic-hash dictionary+












0x42 dictionary-entry* 0x40




key value








string  |  bytes  |  int  |  dictionary




0x10 bytes-with-len




0x11 bytes-with-len




0x01 int-with-len




length byte?+




unsigned short, big endian encoded (2 bytes)




1 byte length followed by length bytes (in practice always 1)

3.2 Semantics🔗ℹ

The encryption scheme uses the password to derive a 32-byte key and 16-byte initialization vector (IV). The Key Derivation Function is the one used by OpenSSL. The key+IV is used to decrypt enc_key1 using AES in Cipher Block Chaining (AES-CBC) mode.

The decrypted enc_key1 will be a hex string. It should be converted to bytes and fed back into the Key Derivation Function. This will result in the final key+IV used to decrypt the actual file contents.

The first dictionary in the file describes the encryption information. It consists of the following key-value pairs:

Once the encryption information is obtained, the remaining file (except for the last dictionary) consists of data dictionaries which have two key-value pairs:

The data values are always 8192 bytes long, except the last one. The way encryption is performed is to pass the original file through AES-CBC (which is a stream cipher) using the key+IV derived above. The data is padded with PKCS7 padding as part of the process. Then the encrypted data is split in 8192 byte chunks. If "compress" is true (1), the original file is compressed using LZ4 before encryption.

This means, to decrypt the data, one must feed all the chunks into a stateful AES decryption routine, initialized with the key+IV above. Then the data must be run through LZ4 decompression to obtain the original file.

Finally, the last dictionary in the file is an additional meta-data dictionary that contains the MD5 checksum of the decrypted (original) file.

3.3 Key Derivation Function🔗ℹ

TODO Describe in words.

; helper
(define (openssl-kdf-iter password salt key-size iv-size key-iv-buffer temp)
  (let ([repeat-count (if (eq? 0 (bytes-length salt)) 1 1000)])
    (if (< (bytes-length key-iv-buffer) (+ key-size iv-size))
        (let ([temp (repeated-hash (bytes-append temp password salt) repeat-count)])
          (openssl-kdf-iter password salt key-size iv-size (bytes-append key-iv-buffer temp) temp))
(define (openssl-kdf password salt key-size iv-size)
  (let* ([count 1000]
         [key-iv-output (openssl-kdf-iter password salt key-size iv-size (bytes) (bytes))])
    (list (subbytes key-iv-output 0 key-size) (subbytes key-iv-output key-size))))

4 References and Acknowledgements🔗ℹ

All the work to reverse engineer the file format was done by others.

This package relies on several Racket libraries.
  • Bogdan Popa’s binfmt package was invaluable in quickly parsing the file format, and their lz4 package was useful for decryption.

  • Ryan Culpepper’s crypto package for an excellent cryptography implementation wrapping OpenSSL.