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$_  ^

4 Text block: maths and formulas🔗ℹ

 (require text-block/math) package: text-block

The functions exported by text-block/math are prefixed with $ to avoid name collisions with Racket’s arithmetic functions. The default prefix can be changed on require with filtered-in, for example:

> (require racket/require
           (for-syntax racket/base racket/string)
           (filtered-in (lambda (name)
                          (and (char=? #\$ (string-ref name 0))
                               (string-replace name "$" "¶")))
> (¶+ 'a 'b)

(tblock #:width 5 #:height 1 #:baseline 0 '("a + b"))


($+ t ...)  tblock?

  t : tblock/any
($- t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($/ t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($* t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($sqr t)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($cube t)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($sqrt t)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($expt t1 t2)  tblock?
  t1 : tblock/any
  t2 : tblock/any
($integral below above)  tblock?
  below : tblock/any
  above : tblock/any
($sum below above)  tblock?
  below : tblock/any
  above : tblock/any
($product below above)  tblock?
  below : tblock/any
  above : tblock/any
Compose tblocks horizontally for arithmetic operations.

The functions $sqr, $cube and $expt may add parenthesis around their first argument to avoid ambiguity.


($_ t t_)  tblock?

  t : tblock/any
  t_ : tblock/any
($^ t t^)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
  t^ : tblock/any
($^_ t t^ t_)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
  t^ : tblock/any
  t_ : tblock/any
($_^ t t^ t_)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
  t^ : tblock/any
  t_ : tblock/any
Places a tblock as a subscript, as superscript, or as both, relative to t.

> (displayln (happend ($_ "log" 'n) "(x)"))

log (x) n
> (displayln ($_^ ($square-bracket (happend "3" ($sqrt 'x)))
                  ($sqr "n")))
n² ⎡ ▁▁⎤ ⎣3╲▏x⎦ x=1


($left-brace t ...)  tblock?

  t : tblock/any
($right-brace t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($brace t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($left-paren t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($right-paren t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($paren t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($left-square-bracket t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($right-square-bracket t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($square-bracket t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($left-ceiling t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($right-ceiling t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($ceiling t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($left-floor t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($right-floor t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
($floor t ...)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
Each function places a bracket of some shape to the left or right of the ts, or encloses them with both brackets.

> (displayln
    (happend "3x + "
             ($left-brace (lines->tblock
                           '("a if x > 0"
                             "b if x < 0"
                             "c if x = 0")
                           #:baseline 1)))))
⎡ ⎧a if x > 0⎤ ⎢3x + ⎨b if x < 0⎥ ⎢ ⎩c if x = 0⎥


($overbrace t t^)  tblock?

  t : tblock/any
  t^ : tblock/any
($underbrace t t_)  tblock?
  t : tblock/any
  t_ : tblock/any
Places a brace and t^ or t_ above or below the tblock t. The baseline of the returned tblock is the same as that of t.

> (displayln
   (happend ($overbrace " Mon verre est vide. " "optimiste…")
            ($underbrace " C'est un message. " "…ayant soif")))
optimiste… ╭─────────┴─────────╮ Mon verre est vide. C’est un message. ╰────────┬────────╯ …ayant soif


($formula tree formula-dict)  tblock?

  tree : any/c
  formula-dict : dict?
Formats the given racket quoted math expression tree as a tblock.

The default dictionary used by $formula.

> (displayln
   ($formula '(+ (sqrt
                  (/ (log (/ (+ x 3)
                             (- x 2)))
                     (- (expt x y) z)))
                 (f a b (/ c (+ a b))))))
▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ ▏ ⎛x + 3⎞ ▏log⎜─────⎟ ▏ ⎝x - 2⎠ ⎛ c ⎞ ▏────────── + f⎜a, b, ─────⎟ ▏ y ⎝ a + b⎠ ╲▏ x - z

> (displayln
   ($/ (happend "-b ± " ($sqrt "b² - 4ac"))
       ($* 2 'a)))
▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ -b ± ╲▏b² - 4ac ─────────────── 2 a

> (displayln
   (happend @sigma
            " = "
            ($sqrt (happend
                    ($/ 1 'N)
                    " "
                    ($sum "i=1" 'N)
                    ($sqr ($- ($_ 'x 'i)
▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ ▏ N ▏ ▁▁▁ ▏1 ╲ σ = ▏─ ╱ ⎛x - μ⎞² ▏N ▔▔▔ ⎝ i ⎠ ╲▏ i=1