(require typed-racket-eff) | package: typed-racket-eff |
typed/racket + effect system, The project integrate an effect system into typed/racket.
1 Guide
(effect log : (-> String Void)) (effect raise : (-> String Void)) (define/eff (f) : Void { raise log} (log "hello") (raise "failed") (log "world")) (with-eff/handlers ([log (λ ([resume : (-> Void Void)] [v : String]) : Void (printf "~a~n" v) (resume (void)))] [raise (λ ([resume : (-> Void Void)] [err : String]) : Void (printf "got error: ~a~n" err))]) (f))
Type Checker: type mismatch; object lacks expected method ‘log’ in: (with-eff/handlers ((raise (λ ((resume : (-> Void Void)) (err : String)) : Void (printf "got error: ~a~n" err)))) (f))
1.1 Forward effect
(define/eff (g) : Void { raise} (with-eff/handlers ([raise #:forward] [log (λ ([resume : (-> Void Void)] [v : String]) : Void (printf "log(g): ~a~n" v) (resume (void)))]) (f)))
The function g handle the log effect, and let f use it’s raise.
1.2 Finally
(effect fread : (-> Void String)) (define/eff (f) : Void { fread} (println (fread (void)))) (define in (open-input-file "file.rkt")) (with-eff/handlers ([fread (λ ([resume : (-> String Void)] [_ : Void]) (read-line in))]) #:finally (λ () (close-input-port in)) (f))
1.3 Higher-order effect
The higher-order effect can be done by use Eff type and the effect object, then passing current effect object eff to the invoked function, but the API is still sharp, it’s easy to forget the pattern (λ (args ...) ((f args ...) eff)).
(effect number-to-string : (-> Number String)) (define/eff (f [x : Number]) : String { number-to-string} (number-to-string x)) (: emap : (All (I A B) (-> (-> A (Eff B I)) (Listof A) (Eff (Listof B) I)))) (define (emap f l) (λ (eff) ({inst map B A} (λ (x) ((f x) eff)) l))) (with-eff/handlers ([number-to-string (λ ([resume : (-> String Void)] [v : Number]) (resume (format "~a" v)))]) (emap f (list 1 2 3)))
(effect name : type)
(effect-out name)
(Eff T (effs ...))
(effs ...)
Produce an Object where each method with an effect signature, this is the effect object type.
(define/eff (name [param : T] ...) : T_out { e* ...} body* ... body)
(with-eff : T_out { e* ...} body* ... body)
This macro also bind a list of function to wrap eff object, e.g.so you can invoke effect just like usual function.
(with-eff/handlers (handlers ...) body)
(effect log : (-> String Void)) (effect raise : (-> String Void)) (define/eff (f) : Void { raise log} (log "hello") (raise "failed") (log "world")) (with-eff/handlers ([log (λ ([resume : (-> Void Void)] [v : String]) : Void (printf "~a~n" v) (resume (void)))] [raise (λ ([resume : (-> Void Void)] [err : String]) : Void (printf "got error: ~a~n" err))]) (f))
3 Limitation
To generate proper call/prompt and abort/cc, every effect handler can only take one input type, so if you want to transfer several arguments, use structure to wrap them.