tzgeolookup – Lookup timezone names for geographic coordinates

tzgeolookup – Lookup timezone names for geographic coordinates🔗ℹ

Alex Harsányi

 (require tzgeolookup) package: tzgeolookup

This package allows determining the time zone name for any geographic coordinate on earth. It works entirely off-line, without having to contact any web service for this information.

This package only returns the time zone name, but it can be used in conjunction with the tzinfo package, which provides functions to determine the time offset for a time zone.


(lookup-timezone latitude longitude)  string?

  latitude : real?
  longitude : real?
Return the IANA timezone name corresponding to the location at latitude and longitude. The coordinates are expressed in degrees, with the range of -180 to 180 for latitude and -90 to 90 for longitude. For example, calling (lookup-timezone 40.7092 -74.0151) will return the string "America/New_York".

The function will always return a time zone string. If the location is not inside a time zone defined by a geopolitical area, the nautical time zone for that location is returned instead. This is a string in the format "Etc/UTC+number".

Timezone boundaries sometimes overlap, and the stored data in this package also contains imprecisions. It is possible that this function will return the wrong time zone if the location is within a few hunred meters from a timezone boundary. See also lookup-timezone*.

Note: sometimes location data is provided in "easting" and "northing" coordinates, which follow the mathematical X, Y notation. with "easting" being the longitude and "northing" being the latitude.


(lookup-timezone* latitude longitude)  (listof string?)

  latitude : real?
  longitude : real?
Return a list of all time zone names that fall under the location idetified by latitude and longitude.

Multiple time zones will be returned when the location is in an area where time zones overlap or when the location is within a few hundred meters from a time zone boundary. The actual time zone will always be in the returned list.


(clear-timezone-cache)  void?

Clear cached data that was loaded from disk during calls to lookup-timezone. Depending on the number and variety of time zone lookups, the loaded data may take several megabytes of memory. If the program has finished the timezone lookup functionality, it may call this function to release the memory. Data will be loaded again, as needed, when lookup-timezone is called again.

Lookups are faster when the data is cached, this function should only be called if the program knows it won’t do timezone lookups for a while.