Unicode Chars
1 Built-in properties
2 Auto Update

Unicode Chars🔗ℹ

John Clements <clements@racket-lang.org>

This package provides definitions for several unicode character properties defined by Unicode Technical Report #44, Unicode Character Database.
Currently, it includes three properties: XID_Start, XID_Continue, and Bidi_Mirrored.
In addition to these, though, it is built upon an auto-extraction mechanism that can download and update the given properties or any other binary property from the canonical unicode sources.

1 Built-in properties🔗ℹ

The following three properties are built-in. Of course, it’s easy to change this set....


(bidi-mirrored? codepoint)  boolean?

  codepoint : exact-nonnegative-integer?
given a number representing a unicode code point, return true when this code point has the "Bidi_Mirrored" property.


(xid-start? codepoint)  boolean?

  codepoint : exact-nonnegative-integer?
given a number representing a unicode code point, return true when this code point has the "XID_Start" property.


(xid-continue? codepoint)  boolean?

  codepoint : exact-nonnegative-integer?
given a number representing a unicode code point, return true when this code point has the "XID_Continue" property.

2 Auto Update🔗ℹ

This package contains code that automatically downloads and extracts updated versions of these (or other) properties from the canonical database.

In order to run this auto-update, evaluate the file "compute-prop.rkt". In order to change the set of properties that is automatically derived, edit the definition of prop-files contained in "compute-prop.rkt".