version-case: conditionally compile code based on current version number
Source code can be found at:
This library provides support for conditionally compiling code based on the version of Racket. One common application of this module is to write compatibility bindings.
The library is supported for Racket 6.0 and later.
1 Example
The following example shows how one can use web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-logresp, a web server logging facility that supports both request and response logging, if the current Racket version is at least 8.6, while falling back to web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-log, another web server logging facility that only supports request logging, when the current Racket version is less than 8.6.
(require version-case (prefix-in sequencer: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-log) (for-syntax racket/base)) (version-case [(version< (version) "8.6") (require (prefix-in log: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-log)) (define-syntax-rule (with-logging (options ...) dispatcher ...) (sequencer:make (log:make options ...) dispatcher ...))] [else (require (prefix-in log: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-logresp)) (define-syntax-rule (with-logging (options ...) dispatcher ...) (log:make options ... (sequencer:make dispatcher ...)))]) ... (serve #:dispatch (with-logging () ...))
#lang racket/base (require version-case (for-syntax racket/base)) (printf "~a~n" (version-case [(version<= (version) "4") 'huh?] [else 'ok]))
2 Usage
(require version-case) | package: version-case |
(version-case clause ...)
clause = [test code ...] | [else code ...]
3 Gotchas
The tests are done at compile time. If the language of your module doesn’t include compile-time bindings for function application, you may see funny error messages. For example, racket/base doesn’t automatically provide the necessary compile-time bindings, so if you use version-case with it, you also need to do a (require (for-syntax racket/base)).
4 Thanks
Special thanks to Carl Eastlund providing the implementation that doesn’t use eval, and for feedback. Thanks also to Ambjorn Elder for noticing a bug regarding the use of syntax-case within a version-case’s body.