On this page:
1.1 For Most Users
1.2 For Contributors and Power Users

1 Setup🔗ℹ

Preparing this project for your system depends on what you want to do. If you just want to use Vulkan for your program, follow the first set of instructions. If you are a contributor or want to use your copy of the source code, then follow the second set of instructions.

1.1 For Most Users🔗ℹ

  1. Install this package using raco pkg install vulkan

  2. Install the Vulkan SDK, or the latest graphic drivers for your system with Vulkan support.

  3. Confirm that libvulkan.so (Linux, etc.) or vulkan-1.dll (Windows) are accessible via get-lib-search-dirs.

1.2 For Contributors and Power Users🔗ℹ

  1. Clone https://github.com/zyrolasting/racket-vulkan/

  2. Run raco pkg remove vulkan to remove any existing copy of this collection on your system.

  3. In the new directory, run raco pkg install --link to install the collection as a link to your copy of the source.

  4. Install the Vulkan SDK or the latest graphic drivers for your system with Vulkan support.

  5. Confirm that libvulkan.so (Linux, etc.) or vulkan-1.dll (Windows) are accessible via get-lib-search-dirs.

  6. Run the unit tests using raco test -x -p vulkan to verify that the code is operational.

  7. Run racket examples/minimal.rkt in the repository to make sure you can create and destroy a Vulkan instance.

As an aside, if you ever modify unsafe.rkt, be sure to run raco make or raco setup on it to capture any changes. It takes a while to compile.