On this page:
3.1 Stability
3.2 Auto-Generated attributes and choice-methods
3.3 Forms for Defining a Grammar and Its Attributes
3.4 Custom Properties
3.5 Refiners
3.6 Scope Graph Functions
3.7 Core Properties
3.8 Types
3.8.1 Parametric Types
3.9 Miscellaneous Utilities
3.10 Debug Logging
3.11 Turning Your Grammar Specification Into a Program
3.12 RACR Convenience Functions
3.13 xsmith/  app
3.14 Canned Components
random-string/  ascii
random-string/  ascii-no-null
random-string/  ascii-no-control

3 Xsmith Reference🔗ℹ

3.1 Stability🔗ℹ

Xsmith does not currently promise API stability between versions.

3.2 Auto-Generated attributes and choice-methods🔗ℹ

Many attributes and choice-methods are auto-generated by Xsmith:



Node type names, attribute names, and choice-method names are just symbols, so they are not hygienic. The names of symbols used or defined by the xsmith library start with xsmith or _xsmith, so don’t tread on those namespaces.

3.3 Forms for Defining a Grammar and Its Attributes🔗ℹ


(define-spec-component component-name)

Defines a spec component. Spec components include information about a language grammar and attributes, and can be combined to generate an xsmith fuzzer. You add grammar productions with add-to-grammar, you add properties with add-property, and you can add attributes and choice-methods with add-attribute and add-choice-method, respectively. Spec components are combined with define-xsmith-interface-functions.

(define-spec-component my-spec-component)
; Now use add-to-grammar, add-property, etc.
; Then use my-spec-component in assemble-part-specs.


[spec-component ...]
option ...)
option = #:fuzzer-name fuzzer-name:id
  | #:fuzzer-version fuzzer-version-string
  | #:program-node program-node:id
  | #:properties [property ...]
  | #:command-line-name command-line-name:id
  | #:function-name function-name:id
  | #:comment-wrap comment-wrap-function
  | #:format-render format-render-function
  | #:default-max-depth default-max-depth
  | #:default-type-max-depth default-type-max-depth
  | #:type-thunks type-thunks
  | #:features ([feature-name:id feature-default-value:boolean [optional-feature-docstring:string ...]] ...)
  | #:extra-parameters ([parameter-name:id parameter-docstring:string parameter-expression param-converter])
Combines and compiles spec components into a generator. Defines a function to parse a command line and generate programs.

The fuzzer name defaults to the name of the first spec component provided. The command-line function is named the id passed to #:command-line-name, defaulting to <fuzzer-name>-command-line with <fuzzer-name> replaced appropriately. The command-line function takes no arguments and parses current-command-line-arguments.

#:comment-wrap takes a list of strings which contain info about the generated program, such as the command line used to generate it, the #:fuzzer-name, the #:fuzzer-version, and the random seed number. It should return a string representing those lines commented out. Such as the following, assuming the # character is the line-comment character in your language:

(λ (lines)
   (map (λ (x) (format "# ~a" x)) lines)

fuzzer-version takes a string describing the version of the current fuzzer, used in automatically-generated output.

#:format-render is a function which takes the output of your render-node-info property as input and should return a string representing the program (perhaps by use of a pretty-printing function). If your render-node-info property produces a string already, you will not need to specify the #:format-render argument.

The #:default-max-depth sets the “max” tree depth generated. It’s a bit of a fib – there are situations where Xsmith will allow deeper generation, but they are limited. See xsmith-max-depth. Similarly the #:default-type-max-depth sets the maximum depth that will be used for type concretization. In other words, when a type variable is concretized it will only choose base types past that depth. However, deeper types can still be made through other means.

The #:type-thunks argument should be a list or thunk that returns a list of thunks that return a type. I.e. (listof (-> type?)) or (-> (listof (-> type?))). However, #f may be returned instead of a thunk or instead of a type to filter out a given type in some situations.

The #:features argument takes a list of lists containing a feature name (as an identifier) and a default value (as a boolean), and optionally a list of documentation strings. Each feature will be included in the command-line options as --with-<feature-name>. Documentation strings will be displayed in the --help text, one per line. The values of these features is available via xsmith-feature-enabled?.

#:extra-parameters is a list of specifications for extra custom command line parameters. Each list contains an identifier to be used as the name of the parameter (e.g. for use in the command-line interface), a documentation string, a parameter, and a normalization function (or #f). The normalization function should take the string given on the command line and convert it to the value that is actually parameterized during program generation. The following example defines a --max-widgets parameter with a default of 3:

(define widget-parameter
  (make-parameter 3))
  #:extra-parameters ([max-widgets
                       "The maximum number of widgets"

The command-line options generated by default are:
  • --help – See all command-line options. The --help list will automatically stay up to date, unlike this documentation.

  • --version – Prints the version info of Xsmith and exits.

  • --server <true-or-false> – Whether to run the web server. Defaults to false.

  • --server-port <port-number> – Port to use when running server. Defaults to 8080.

  • --server-ip <ip-address> – Listen for connections to <ip-address>. Use false to accept connections from all the machine’s addresses. Defaults to

  • --server-path <url-path> – Run the server at localhost:8080/url-path. Defaults to /.

  • --netstring-server <socket-path> – Run as a netstring server on a Unix domain socket at given path.

  • --netstring-ignore-input <netstring-ignore-input> – Whether to ignore netstring input and just use random seeds for netstring server mode.

  • --seed <seed> – Random seed for program generation. Defaults to whatever Racket does to initialize randomness normally.

  • --output-file <filename> – Outputs to <filename> instead of standard output when not used with --server.

  • --max-depth <n> – Maximum depth of the generated program tree.

  • --render-on-error <true-or-false> – Print the partial tree (using the render-node-info property) if an error is encountered. Defaults to false.

  • --s-exp-on-error <true-or-false> – Whether to show a partial program tree when an error occurs. Defaults to false.

  • --s-exp-print-override <true-or-false> – Print an s-expression representation of the tree instead of using the normal renderer. Defaults to false.

  • --s-exp-show-base-fields <mode> – Show (hidden) base fields when printing s-exp representation for debugging. t to show all fields, f for none, xsmithserialnumber for serial numbers.

  • --inspection-serials <serial-numbers> – Comma separated serial numbers for extra debug printing. Defaults to none.

  • --print-debug <print-debug?> – Print debug info even when generation is successful. Defaults to false.

  • --seq-to-file <seq-to-file> – Output the generated randomness sequence to a file at the given path. If not given, no file will be saved.

  • --seq-from-file <seq-from-file> – Use the bytes in the given file as the source of randomness. Supersedes any other options that define the random source.

  • --with-<feature> <true-or-false> – Enables or disables generator-specific features, where <feature> is replaced with concrete feature names.

  • --timeout <timeout> – Timeout for generation, in seconds.

Various attributes are automatically defined within the spec, see Auto-Generated attributes and choice-methods.

Properties (defined with define-property) are used to derive more RACR attributes as well as Xsmith choice-methods, and extra properties can be used in your fuzzer by adding them with #:properties. Each property may have a transformer function that alters other properties, attributes, or choice-methods. All properties referenced within a spec-component are used to generate attributes and choice-methods, as well as any properties specified in the maybe-properties list. Unless values for that property have also been specified within a spec component, properties in the #:properties list will only be able to generate rules based on the default value for the property. Note that any property that has a value attached to a node in the grammar will be run, but if you have defined custom properties that don’t have values attached you may need to add the properties to this list. In other words, if you have a property that defines an attribute on the default node without attaching a value to any node, you need to add it here or the attribute won’t actually be added.


(add-to-grammar spec-component grammar-clause ...)

grammar-clause = (node-name maybe-parent-name (field ...) prop ...)
maybe-parent-name = parent-name
  | #f
field = name/type-id
  | (name/type-id maybe-type-id maybe-kleene-star maybe-init-expr)
maybe-type-id = 
  | : type-name
maybe-kleene-star = 
  | *
maybe-init-expr = 
  | = init-expr
prop = #:prop prop-id prop-val
Adds grammar productions to spec-component.

Names in the grammar productions are limited to alphabetic characters, but there could be additional restrictions. In particular:

Due to the alphabetic character limitation, kebab-style or snake_style names are invalid. Depending on the restriction, you may want to use alllowercase, camelCase, or PascalCase style names.

node-name will be the name of the grammar production in RACR. parent-name is either the name of the parent grammar production or #f.

Fields are then specified. Each nonterminal inherits all fields of its parent nodes. A field has a name, a type, an optional kleene star, and an optional initialization expression. The type of each field is the name of the nonterminal that it must be or #f for fields that may contain arbitrary Racket values. A field name may be the same as the type, in which case the type does not need to be specified. If a type is not specified and the name does not match the name of a nonterminal, then the type #f is used. If the optional kleene star is supplied, the field will be a list field. If a kleene star is provided for a non-false type, the name and type must be specified separately.

The init-expr for each field specifies a default value for the field. When a node is generated, each init-expr is evaluated unless a non-default value is supplied to the generating function. If no init-expr is supplied, the following defaults are used:

For nodes with a kleene star, init-expr may return a list or a number. If a number is provided, the default value is a list of that many of the non-kleene-star default value.

 [Expression #f ()]
 [LiteralInt Expression (v = (random 1000))]
 [AdditionExpression Expression ([left : Expression] [right : Expression])]
 [SumExpression Expression ([addends : Expression * = (random 5)])])

The example defines a piece of a grammar that includes some kinds of expressions. When a LiteralInt expression is generated, it’s v field will be populated with a random number. Since the random expression is evaluated for each fresh LiteralInt, they will (probably) receive different values for v. When an AditionExpression node is generated, it will be populated with an Expression hole node for each of its left and right fields. When a fresh SumExpression is generated, its addends field will be populated with a list of zero to four Expression hole nodes.


(add-attribute spec-component rule-name rule-clause ...)

rule-clause = (nonterminal-name rule-function)
Adds a RACR attribute rule to the spec-component. The format for each rule is similar to that required by RACR’s ag-rule form.

 [LiteralInt (λ (n) (ast-child 'v n))]
 [AdditionExpression (λ (n) (+ (att-value 'interp (ast-child 'left n))
                               (att-value 'interp (ast-child 'right n))))]
 [SumExpression (λ (n) (apply + (map (λ (c) (att-value 'interp c))
                                     (ast-children (ast-child 'addends n)))))])


(add-choice-method spec-component rule-name rule-clause ...)

rule-clause = (nonterminal-name rule-function)
Adds an Xsmith choice-method to the spec-component.

Xsmith creates a choice object class for each node type in the specification grammar, following the same class hierarchy that AST nodes themselves do. Choice objects are created every time Xsmith fills in a hole node. One choice object is created for every node type that is legal to use in filling the hole. Choice objects are then filtered according to the choice-filters-to-apply property, and then the choice-weight property of the remaining choice objects is used to determine the probability of choosing each one. When a choice object is selected, its fresh property is used to generate a new AST node of its type. If all choices are eliminated, an exception is raised with a message stating which filter step invalidated each potential choice.

Choice-methods are methods on the choice objects. Some choice-methods are used by choice-filters-to-apply to filter choices. Other choice-methods may be used by those filters or in the body of the fresh property as helper methods. While most information about the AST and the current choice are probably computed using attributes, information about choosing a specific node type to fill in an abstract hole (such as an expression hole which may be filled with many different types of expressions) are computed using choice-methods.

Choice-methods are methods in Racket’s class system and therefore have the this macro available for use in their bodies to access other methods (e.g. with the send macro). Choice-methods also have the current-hole macro available within their body so that they can query attributes of the RACR AST being elaborated (e.g. with att-value to access attributes and ast-parent to inspect other nodes in the AST).

Since choice-methods are methods in Racket’s class system, they must be defined with a literal lambda (with no parameter for the implicit this argument). If a method needs to modify state (such as to cache the computation of available references of the appropriate type), I would normally recommend the “let-over-lambda” pattern, but that is not allowed in this case. To make up for this, I recommend using make-weak-hasheq to hold the state, using the this object as a key.

This is a poor example, but it demonstrates how attributes and choice-methods can be used together to help make choices:
 [#f 7]
  (λ () (if (att-value 'my-helper-attribute (current-hole))
 [#f (send this my-weight-helper)])


(add-property spec-component prop-name prop-clause ...)

prop-clause = (nonterminal-name prop-value)
Adds property values to the spec-component.

Since property transformers are macros that may accept arbitrary domain-specific syntax, the grammar of prop-value varies for each property.



Within the body of a choice-method, (current-hole) returns the hole node being considered for replacement. This allows choice-methods to query attribute attributes of the grammar.

Elsewhere it raises a syntax error.


(make-hole hole-type-expression)

Within the context of a spec component (e.g. in the body of add-attribute, add-property, add-to-grammar, etc), make-hole is a function to generate a hole of a given type.

For example, to make a hole node that will eventually be replaced with some type of Expression node:

(make-hole 'Expression)

This function is essentially used by add-to-grammar as the default value for grammar fields with nonterminal types that lack an init-expr.

Outside of a spec component context, it raises a syntax error.


(make-fresh-node node-type-expression optional-field-value-dict)

Within the context of a spec component (e.g. in the body of add-attribute, add-property, add-to-grammar, etc), make-fresh-node is a function to generate a fresh node of the given type. Construction of the new node is guided by the fresh property.

For example, to generate a fresh AdditionExpression node, specifying values for some of its fields:
(make-fresh-node 'AdditionExpression
                  (hash 'left (make-fresh-node 'LiteralInt
                                               (hash 'v 5))))

Note that the fresh node is initially created unattached to the rest of the program tree. This means that any nodes whose fresh implementation needs to inspect the tree may fail. In particular, reference nodes can only lift bindings when attached to the tree, and will probably fail if created with make-fresh-node.

3.4 Custom Properties🔗ℹ

Properties are used to create domain-specific languages or terse declarative syntax for specifying attributes and choice-methods. Custom properties are probably only useful for shared infrastructure for multiple languages (perhaps with the exception of define-non-inheriting-rule-property).


(define-property name
maybe-dups = 
  | #:allow-duplicates? literal-bool
maybe-reads = 
  | #:reads transformer-arg-spec ...
maybe-rewrites = 
  | #:rewrites transformer-arg-spec ...
maybe-appends = 
  | #:appends transformer-arg-spec ...
maybe-transformer = 
  | #:transformer transformer-function
transformer-arg-spec = (property prop-name)
  | (attribute rule-name)
  | (choice-method rule-name)
  | (grammar)
Defines a property for use with add-property.

Properties can have a transformer function that produce attributes, choice-methods, or other property values. Property transformers can read the values set for the property by add-property, and optionally the values of other properties as well. Not all properties must have a transformer – some properties may just be a single place to store information that is used by (multiple) other properties.

The transformer function accepts a dictionary mapping grammar node names (as symbols) to the syntax objects from the right-hand-side of add-property uses for each property that it reads. The transformer function must return a list of dictionaries mapping grammar node names (as symbols) to syntax objects for the properties, attributes, and choice-methods that it writes.

Property transformers are run during define-xsmith-interface-functions in an order determined by the read/write dependencies among the properties. Appending goes before rewriting, which goes before reading.

If a property appends (using the #:appends keyword) to a property or rule, its return dictionary will be appended to the existing dictionary for that property/rule. This allows a property or rule to be specified in part by the property that appends and in part by another property or the user. If an appended rule (or property that disallows multiple values) ends up with two values for any node, an error is raised.

If a property rewrites (using the #:rewrites keyword) to a property or rule, its return dictionary replaces any previous dictionary for that property/rule. Rewriting a property also automatically implies reading that property. A property or rule may only be rewritten by one property transformer.

Example showing the arguments and return type needed by transformers: The transformer argument order is its own property, then #:reads dictionaries in the order declared, then #:rewrites dictionaries in the order declared. The transformer return order is #:rewrites dictionaries in the order declared then #:writes dictionaries in the order declared.
(define-property my-property
  #:reads (property a) (property b)
  #:rewrites (property c)
  #:appends (attribute d) (choice-method e)
  (λ (this-prop-dict prop-a-dict prop-b-dict prop-c-dict)
    ; compute output dictionaries...
    (list dict-for-c dict-for-d dict-for-e)))

The syntax object value for a property can be anything, since property transformers define the grammar and semantics of properties.

The syntax object value for attributes and choice-methods should be a syntax object specifying a function (i.e. a lambda). attributes may be any syntax that evaluates to a function (so you may return an identifier that references a function or an expression that computes a function such as let-over-lambda), but choice-method syntax is provided to Racket’s class macro, which requires literal lambda forms.

Dictionaries may or may not contain an entry for each nonterminal in the grammar. A dictionary may even be empty.

In addition to nonterminals, each dictionary may include a mapping for the value #f, which will define a default value used for the (super secret) parent node that define-xsmith-interface-functions defines. If nothing is specified for #f, attributes and choice-methods will have a default which errors, providing a helpful error message.

If the #:allow-duplicates? argument is supplied and is #t, then add-property may be used more than once for the property for the same node, and the syntax object in the dictionary for the property will be a syntax list of the syntax objects specified in the various add-property calls. But by default only one use of add-property is allowed per property per node type, and the syntax object in the dict is the single syntax object from the one call.

Here is a simple example that basically desugars straight to an attribute with a default:

(define-property strict-child-order?
  #:appends (attribute xsmith_strict-child-order?)
  (λ (this-prop-info)
    (define xsmith_strict-child-order?-info
       (for/hash ([(n v) (in-dict this-prop-info)])
         (values n (syntax-parse v [b:boolean #'(λ (n) b)])))
       #f #'(λ (n) #f)))
    (list xsmith_strict-child-order?-info)))

The rationale for this example property is to:
  • Allow values to be specified by just #t or #f, rather than (λ (n) #t)

  • To implicitly provide a default value to the root node (#f).

For more realistic examples of properties, see the file private/core-properties.rkt in the Xsmith implementation. Generally they are big, hairy macros.


(define-simple-property property-name rule-type optionals)

rule-type = attribute
  | choice-method
optionals = 
  | #:rule-name rule-name
  | #:default default
  | #:transformer transformer
This provides a simpler interface to quickly define properties that have no dependencies on other properties.

Defines a property that generates an attribute or choice-method according to rule-type. The optional #:default value will be associated with the implicit #f node (and thus be inherited by other nodes unless overrided). The default is given as literal syntax (i.e., no hash-quote or syntax form needed). The optional transformer should be a syntax parser, or in other words, it must be a function from a syntax object to a syntax object. The default transformer is the identity function, meaning the rule is written verbatim. Note that using the default transformer means there is little reason to use a property, since you can just use add-attribute or add-choice-method directly instead.

By default the name of the generated attribute or choice-method is the same as the name of the property, but this may be overrided by providing #:rule-name.


(define-non-inheriting-rule-property property-name
maybe-rule-name = 
  | #:rule-name rule-name
default-value = #:default default-expr
maybe-transformer = 
  | #:transformer transformer-func
Like define-simple-property, but it defines a property that generates an attribute or a choice-method that does NOT inherit its implementation from its superclass.

rule-type must be either attribute or choice-method.

rule-name defaults to property-name, but you can make it give the rule a different name than the property.

default-expr is the default value of the property. Any nonterminal that does not have a different value specified gets this one. Note that the default is required, not optional, despite being a keyword argument.

transformer-func is an optional transformer to transform the value. It is not called with a dictionary like the transformers of define-property, but rather it receives each value individually. This allows a small amount of sugar. Note that the value supplied as the default-expr is also transformed by the transformer-func when it is supplied. When no transformer-func is supplied, values are passed through literally.

  #:default #f
  #:transformer (syntax-parser [#f #'(λ () #f)]
                               [#t #'(λ () #t)]))
 [A #f ()]
 [B A ()]
 [C B ()])
 [A #t]
 [C #t])

Normally B would inherit a method from A when none was specified for it. But in this case it inherits the default (#f). When a user tries (att-value 'some-bool-flag <node-of-type-B>) it will return #f, not #t.

3.5 Refiners🔗ℹ

Xsmith supports iterative refinement, which is a technique that allows for the modification of an existing AST. There are no default refiners, and their use is entirely optional. You might use a refiner to handle simplifications due to a post-generation analysis, such as using native mathematical operations instead of a specialized library when it has been proven that such operations will not produce unsafe results.


(define-refiner spec-name
                refiner-clause ...)
maybe-follows = 
  | #:follows refiner-name ...
maybe-refiner-predicate = 
  | #:refiner-predicate pred
maybe-global-predicate = 
  | #:global-predicate pred
Each refiner-clause is a list of functions that each take exactly one argument: a node. The final function in the list (the "refiner function") must return an AST node which will replace the node that was passed in to the function. Each preceding function is a predicate that determines whether the refiner function will be run. The list need only provide a refiner function; the predicate functions are optional.

Refiners can have an order imposed on them if so desired. You can specify the #:follows parameter, which accepts either a refiner name or a list of refiner names. All refiners will be sorted based on these #:follows declarations, and executed in the order determined.

If you want to predicate the execution of a refiner itself, you can use the #:refiner-predicate parameter. This parameter accepts a single function that, if given, will be run prior to attempting to run the refiner at all. If it returns anything other than #f, the refiner will be run. The function should be a thunk (i.e., it should accept zero arguments). This is useful if you wish to have a refiner toggled on or off by a command-line argument.

Additionally, you may wish to have some predicate shared among all clauses of a refiner. The #:global-predicate parameter allows for this. Similar to #:refiner-predicate, #:global-predicate accepts a single predicate function as argument. This function will be prepended to the list of functions for each clause.

The refiner-clauses are similar to those used by the add-property (and similar) functions. One key difference with refiners is that there is always a #f clause given. (The default implementation of this clause if omitted by the user is [(λ (n) #f)], which means the refiner has no effect for any node which does not have a matching clause defined.) The predicate defined by #:global-predicate (if present) will not ever be applied to the #f clause. This means that if you want its functionality to be applied to nodes which do not have matching clauses, you will need to use it in a custom #f clause.

(define-spec-component arith)
 ; ...
 [ArithOrVal #f ()]  ; This simplifies choices for generation.
 [Val ArithOrVal ([v = (random -100 100)])]  ; Integer values on the specified
                                             ; interval (-100, 100).
 [ArithOp ArithOrVal ([lhs : ArithOrVal]    ; Arithmetic operations have a
                      [rhs : ArithOrVal])]  ; left-hand side and a right-hand
                                            ; side, which can be either a value
                                            ; or another arithmetic operation.
 [AddOp ArithOp ()]  ; +
 [SubOp ArithOp ()]  ; -
 [MulOp ArithOp ()]  ; *
 [DivOp ArithOp ()]  ; /
 [ModOp ArithOp ()]  ; %
 ; ...)
; ... (more code here)
  ; This refiner makes all literal integer values into even values by
  ; incrementing them by 1. The `#:refiner-predicate` parameter says that it
  ; will only be run when the `make-even` feature is enabled. This does
  ; require the make-even feature to be defined in the `define-xsmith-interface-functions`
  ; macro.
  #:refiner-predicate (λ () (xsmith-feature-enabled? 'make-even))
  [Val [(λ (n) (odd? (ast-child 'v n)))
        (λ (n) (make-replacement-node
                 (hash 'v (+ 1 (ast-child 'v n)))))]])
  ; The `replace-rhs-val-with-zero` refiner looks at the right-hand side of
  ; every ArithOp to see if it's a Val. If it is, its internal value will
  ; be replaced with 0.
  #:global-predicate (λ (n) (node-subtype? (ast-child 'rhs n) 'Val))
  [ArithOp [(make-replacement-node
              (node-type n)
              (hash 'rhs (make-fresh-node
                           (hash 'v 0))))]])
  ; To prevent divide-by-zero errors, this refiner looks for generated
  ; DivOps and checks whether their right-hand side is a 0. If it is, it
  ; is replaced with a 13.
  #:follows replace-rhs-val-with-zero
  #:refiner-predicate (λ () (xsmith-feature-enabled? 'prevent-divide-by-zero))
  [DivOp [(λ (n) (node-subtype? (ast-child 'rhs n) 'Val))
          (λ (n) (eq? 0 (ast-child 'v (ast-child 'rhs n))))
          (λ (n) (make-replacement-node
                   (hash 'rhs (make-fresh-node
                                (hash 'v 13)))))]])
; ... (more code here)
  ; ... (other options specified here as needed)
  #:features ([make-even #f]
              [prevent-divide-by-zero #t]))


(make-replacement-node new-node-type
children = (hash child-name child-value ...)
During refinement, you may wish to replace an entire node with a new node of a different type. make-replacement-node handles all the logic involved in “replacing” a node in RACR for you.

A new-node-type must be given, which is a symbol corresponding to a node type in the grammar. Then, original-node is the node which is being replaced. The new node will completely take the place of the old node; there will no longer be any references to original-node in the AST. Additionally, all children of the original-node will be copied to the new node except those replaced by the children hash. This is simply a hash of child names to values, just like in make-fresh-node.

 [PlusOp [(λ (n) (make-replacement-node 'MinusOp n))]])

Note that make-replacement-node should only be used in the bodies of refiner functions! If a replacement is made but the refiner fails for some other reason (i.e., it returns #f), the replacement will be undone.

3.6 Scope Graph Functions🔗ℹ

This section describes the API to the Scope Graph model of binding.


(struct binding (name ast-node type def-or-param))

  name : string?
  ast-node : ast-node?
  type : type?
  def-or-param : (or/c 'definition 'parameter)
Struct for binding information of nodes that create bindings.

Notably this is returned by the attribute xsmith_binding.

The ast-node field is the grammar node containing the definition of name. The def-or-param field is there to distinguish names that are bound as function parameters vs names that are bound as (local or global) definitions.

Probably all you need to do with this, though, is get the name field and stuff it in the name field of your definition nodes in the fresh method.


(current-well-formedness-regexp)  regexp?

(current-well-formedness-regexp r)  void?
  r : regexp?
 = #px"rp*i?d"
For most languages you probably don’t need to fuss with this.

When the xsmith_binding attribute is used or when Xsmith searches for a valid reference with xsmith_get-reference, this regexp determines valid scope-graph resolution paths. The path elements (reference, parent, import, definition) are turned into characters (r, p, i, and d respectively). If the path from reference to definition matches this regexp, it is valid. If two definitions have the same name and paths from a reference to both definitions are valid, the definition that is in scope for the reference is determined by current-path-greater-than.

Because Xsmith doesn’t currently support import elements at all, modifying this regexp is somewhat of a moot point.



(-> (listof (or/c 'reference 'parent 'import 'declaration))
    (listof (or/c 'reference 'parent 'import 'declaration))
(current-path-greater-than comparator)  void?
  comparator : 
(-> (listof (or/c 'reference 'parent 'import 'declaration))
    (listof (or/c 'reference 'parent 'import 'declaration))
If there are two valid resolution paths (determined by current-well-formedness-regexp) for a name, this comparator determines which path is chosen. The comparator must return a non-false value if the left operand is greater than the right, otherwise #f The greatest path is chosen.

By default the comparator walks down the paths, comparing each element. A path is greater than another if its first differing element is greater. From least to greatest, path elements are 'reference, 'parent, 'import, 'declaration.

For most languages you probably don’t need to fuss with this.

3.7 Core Properties🔗ℹ

These properties are available for specification on Xsmith grammars. Many of them define or modify the behavior of core functionality, such as fresh modifying how fresh program nodes are instantiated, or type-info defining a language’s type rules.

Many are optional, but for any language at all you probably need to use type-info and may-be-generated. Additionally, for any language with variables you need binder-info and reference-info. Next, the fresh property will likely become necessary for a few fields that Xsmith can’t infer. Then the most important of the truly optional properties is likely choice-weight.



Acceptable values for this property are #t or #f, and the default is #t.

If may-be-generated is false, the node is not added to the list of possibile choices to replace an appropriate AST hole. It is useful to set it to false for abstract node types or for specialized node types that are meant to be swapped in only after a full tree is generated, such as by a later analysis to determine validity of an unsafe operation. This property is NOT inherited by subclasses.

 ; Expression is abstract and should not be instantiated,
 ; only AdditionExpression, SubtractionExpression, etc.
 [Expression #f]
 ; Only safe addition expressions should be generated,
 ; but maybe a later pass after generation swaps some
 ; safe addition expressions for unsafe ones after analysis.
 [UnsafeAdditionExpression #f])



This property is used to specify the type system used by the generator. You should specify a type system even for dynamically typed languages so that programs don’t just crash with dynamic type errors.

(define number (base-type 'number))
(define int (base-type 'int number))
(define float (base-type 'float number))
(define bool (base-type 'bool))
 [AdditionExpression [(fresh-subtype-of number)
                      (λ (n t) (hash 'l t 'r t))]]
 [SubtractionExpression [(λ (n) (fresh-subtype-of number))
                         (λ (n t) (hash 'l t 'r t))]]
 [EqualityExpression [bool
                      (λ (n t)
                        (define arg-type (fresh-type-variable))
                        (hash 'l arg-type
                              ; You could compute more by using
                              ; a function and computing the type
                              ; given the actual child node.
                              'r (λ (r-node) arg-type)))]]
 [Lambda [(function-type (fresh-type-variable) (fresh-type-variable))
          (λ (n t) (hash 'arg (function-type-arg-type t)
                         'Expression (function-type-return-type t)))]])

The property is two armed. The first arm specifies the type(s) that a node can inhabit, and its value is unify!-ed with the node’s type during type checking. The second arm specifies a relationship between a parent node and its children. Children nodes are allowed to be subtypes of the type specified by their parent, so a node’s type is subtype-unify!-ed with the type specified by its parent during type checking.

The first part is the type (or partially-constrained type variable) that the given node can inhabit. The expression given is evaluated fresh every time a node is type checked or considered for generation. When determining the type of a node, this value is unify!-ed with this value.

Additionally, the expression for a node’s type constraint may be a function that takes the node and returns a type instead of a type directly. However, the function may be passed a hole node that does not yet have properly populated fields and that may be a supertype of the node type you are defining the constraint for. So if you use a function here, you need to check the node with (att-value 'xsmith_is-hole? node)

The second part is a function that takes a node, its type, and must return a dictionary mapping its children nodes to types. The dictionary keys may be the node objects of the node’s children OR the symbol of the field name the child inhabits. The values in the hash may be types or functions from node to type. For kleene-star children, if they are all supposed to have the same type, it is convenient to use the field name as the key. However, if a kleene-star child needs a different type for each element of the list, you should use the nodes themselves as keys or use a function as dictionary value.

Note that the type argument of the function may always be a type variable. Even if the only possible type that could come in is, say, the int type, it may come in wrapped as a type variable that has been unified such that int is the only possibility, but it is not equal? to the int type. To deconstruct types, you should create the type you want to deconstruct, unify! it with the type you want to deconstruct, then deconstruct the one you built. For example:
 [Cons Expression ([newval : Expression] [list : Expression])])
 [Cons [(list-type (fresh-type-variable))
        (λ (n t)
          (define lt (fresh-list-type))
          (unify! lt t)
          (define inner (list-type-type lt))
          (hash 'newval inner 'list t))]])

If the typing function makes any decisions about the type of the parent node when deciding the type of the child nodes, the decision needs to be reflected by either some unification with the child node types, construction/deconstruction using the parent type, or by saving the decision in the parent node and unifying with it in future passes. Here’s an example of a subtly broken type rule:

 [Convert Expression (Expression)])
 [Convert [(fresh-type-variable int float)
           (λ (n t)
               ; Don't do this.
               [(can-unify? t int) (hash 'Expression float)]
               [(can-unify? t float) (hash 'Expression int)]))]])

This example uses the input type to determine an output type, and in fact makes a decision about what the input type is. But this decision isn’t saved. The problem is that t could be a concrete int, a concrete float, or it could be a type variable that could be unified with either! In the first two cases this type rule is fine, but in the third case it will effectively decide that the type is an int, and generate a float child expression. Because it doesn’t unify and save this decision, generation in another branch of code could then unify the variable with float, which would then cause a type error when this type function is re-run.

To fix it, there are two choices.
  • You could split Convert into two rules that accept one type each.
     [IntToFloat Expression (Expression)]
     [FloatToInt Expression (Expression)])
     [IntToFloat [int (λ (n t) float)]]
     [FloatToInt [float (λ (n t) int)]])

    This solves the problem by making the type choice explicit in the requirements to generate the conversion node in the first place.

  • You could save the choice in a field of the Convert node and re-unify in later passes.

     [Convert Expression (Expression outputtype)])
     [Convert [(fresh-type-variable int float)
               (λ (n t)
                 (define it (ast-child 'outputtype n))
                 (when it
                   (unify! t it))
                 (define (save-choice chosen-type)
                   (when (not it)
                      (λ ()
                        (rewrite-terminal 'outputtype n chosen-type)))))
                   [(can-unify? t int)
                    (save-choice int)
                    (hash 'Expression float)]
                   [(can-unify? t float)
                    (save-choice float)
                    (hash 'Expression int)]))]])

Note that the complexity of the Convert example arises because the input type has a relationship with the output type that can’t be expressed in terms of a construction, decomposition, or unification of types.



This property determines how fresh nodes are constructed (by the make-fresh-node function).

Acceptable values for this property are expressions which produce a dict? object, or expressions which produce a function of type (-> dict? dict?). Keys of the dictionary must be field names of the node being generated. The values in the dictionary are used to fill node fields of the appropriate name. Any field whose name is not in the dictionary will be filled by evaluating the default init-expr defined in the grammar (via add-to-grammar).

 [Expression #f ()]
 [LiteralInt Expression (v = (random 1000))]
 [AdditionExpression Expression ([left : Expression] [right : Expression])])
 ; Make AdditionExpressions always be generated with a literal 7 argument.
 [AdditionExpression (hash 'left (make-fresh-node LiteralInt (hash 'v 7)))])

This is useful for fields that must be determined together. For example, a function call needs the function name and the number of arguments to be chosen together rather than independently.

As with all choice-methods, this and current-hole are available for use in expressions, which you may want to do for e.g. accessing available bindings or mutable information connected to the choice object.

If the result is a procedure instead of a dictionary, that procedure must accept and return a dictionary. It is called with a dictionary that is empty unless the node being created is the result of lifting a definition. In that case it will have the appropriate name and type fields with the name and type chosen by the lifting mechanism. In the case of lifting a definition, the name and type fields in the return dictionary are ignored. This procedure option is allowed because your fresh expression may need access to the name or type to determine the values of other fields. If a definition node only has a name and type field then a fresh property is unnecessary when lifting, and if lifting is the only way you generate definitions then fresh properties or initializers for definition nodes are unnecessary.

If the value for a field (i.e. values inside the result dictionary) is a procedure, it will be called with 0 arguments. This allows the fresh property to provide a default value that is not evaluated when make-fresh-node is called with an appropriate value.



This property determines the probability that different kinds of nodes will be chosen. When choices have been filtered (based on choice-filters-to-apply), one of the remaining choices is chosen at random with probability (choice-weight / sum-of-choice-weights).

The expression provided as the choice weight will be evaluated in the context of a method call, so this and current-hole are available.

Choice weights should be positive integer values. The default weight is 10 unless set explicitly. Alternatively, you can specify a function that takes the node (i.e. the current hole) and returns a weight.

 ; The default choice weight.
 [#f (λ (n) 10)]
 ; Generate more AdditionExpressions
 [AdditionExpression 20]
 [MultiplicationExpression 15]
 ; Generate fewer SumExpressions
 [SumExpression 5])



This property defines the xsmith_ast-depth non-inheriting attribute.

The property accepts an expression which much evaluate to a function of one argument (the RACR AST node) which returns an integer for the depth increase. The default is (λ (n) 1). This property is NOT inherited by subclasses.

This is useful to allow node re-use. For example, the body of an if or for statement might be a block and have the same semantics, but you might want a block inside an if to only be considered a depth increase of 1, not 2.

(define no-depth-if-body-is-block
  (λ (n) (if (node-subtype? (ast-child 'body n) 'Block) 0 1)))
 [IfStatement no-depth-if-body-is-block]
 [ForStatement no-depth-if-body-is-block])



This property takes booleans (or expressions that produce #f or non-false values). It defaults to #t for nodes that have no AST-typed children, which tend to be nodes for literals, references, etc. It defaults to #f for everything else.

If you have types that don’t have atomic constructors, you need to set wont-over-deepen to true for its basic constructor. The easiest example of this is functions – lambda nodes have at least one interior expression, and thus are not automatically recognized to be atomic values that can be used at maximum tree depth. If xsmith gets into a position where it needs a function type but it’s already at max depth and lambda is not marked #t for wont-over-deepen, xsmith with likely crash.

In other words, this is a property that lets xsmith fudge on its xsmith-max-depth settings, but you need it sometimes.



This property is used to mark nodes that define bindings. The property consists of a list of optional keyword arguments.
  • #:name-field specifies the name of a field in the node that contains the name of the definition, and defaults to name.

  • #:type-field specifies the name of a field in the node that contains a type annotation for the definition, and defaults to type.

  • #:binder-style must be either definition or parameter, reflecting whether the binding is a function parameter (default: definition). This is used by some Xsmith analyses about higher order values.

  • #:lift-target? defaults to #t. When #:lift-target? is true and the binding style is definition and not parameter then the binder is eligible to be lifted automatically.

Note that for a basic definition with default name fields, the property need only contain an empty list to mark that the node is in fact a binder.

 [Definition #f (name type Expression)
   #:prop binder-info ()]
 [FormalParameter #f (name type)
   #:prop binder-info (#:binder-style parameter)]
 [Reference #f (name)
            #:prop reference-info (read)])

Note that when definitions are lifted automatically, the name and type fields are given automatically. But if definition nodes are filled in normally (not via lifting), values must be provided by the fresh property.



This property marks nodes that are reference nodes. The argument for the property is a list containing:

 [Reference (read)]
 [Assignment (write name #:unifies Expression)])

See Lifting.

This property allows you to bias reference choice.

The property takes a function that takes three arguments:
  • The node

  • A (potentially empty) list of binding? reference options

  • A boolean that tells whether lifting a new definition is an option

The function must return one of the options, the symbol 'lift to lift a fresh definition, or #f. If it returns #f, then you can’t have a reference there, in which case you need to be sure you have other non-reference nodes available to fulfill that type. The default doesn’t ever return #f. The default value biases towards choosing parameters over definitions and lexically closer bindings over far ones.

You can give different values to different nodes, but a default on #f is probably good enough?

Here is an example that randomly chooses any option available, that only lifts when there are no existing options:
 [#f (λ (n options lift-available?)
       (if (null? options)
           (and lift-available? 'lift)
           (random-ref options)))])



This property is used on nodes that can have binders as children. It determines the visibility of those binders to their siblings. Options are 'serial (like let* in Scheme), 'parallel (like let in Scheme), 'recursive (like letrec in Scheme), and 'serial/all.

Each of 'serial, 'parallel, and 'recursive allow all non-binder children to see the bindings provided by all binder children, and differ only in how the right-hand side of the binder nodes see the binders. The 'serial/all flag is like 'serial, but each node can only see bindings in nodes declared before them in the grammar spec. The 'serial/all flag is useful for creating nodes whose non-binder children see different subsets of the binder nodes.

If the property is not specified, 'serial is assumed and used as a default.

 [Let #f ([definitions : Definition *] Expression)]
 [Letstar #f ([definitions : Definition *] Expression)]
 [Letrec #f ([definitions : Definition *] Expression)])
 [Let 'parallel]
 ; Letstar we can leave blank if we want because serial is the default.
 [Letrec 'recursive])



Specifies that a node’s children are guaranteed by the language to have a strict evaluation order. The default is false. This property is used to determine whether nodes have a dependency in their read/write/io effect conditions. (Those conditions are set by the io and reference-info properties.)

Setting this property is unnecessary, but using it allows more liberal use of references, mutation, and io effects.

 ; Most languages have some sort of sequential construct, like a block
 [Block #t])

Used to specify whether a node reads or writes a mutable container. Here “container” means any kind of record, array, list, or compound data type. If you have any kind of mutable record, array, etc, tag the read and write nodes with this effect.

The property takes a list of either the identifier read or the identifier write, then an expression for the key for the kind of mutable container. The key can be anything, but it needs to be eq? for each access of the same container type and not eq? for accesses to different container types. E.g., you could use the type constructor, or just a symbol for the name of the type.

 [MutableRecordGetField (read 'MutableRecord)]
 [MutableRecordSetField (write 'MutableRecord)]
 [MutableArrayReference (read 'MutableArray)]
 [MutableArraySet (write 'MutableArray)])



Used to specify that a node has some kind of IO effect, such as printing or reading a volatile variable.

 [Print #t])



This property specifies a predicate for whether a definition of a given type can be lifted to a node.

 [Let #f ([definitions : Definition *] Expression)]
 [Letstar #f ([definitions : Definition *] Expression)]
 [Letrec #f ([definitions : Definition *] Expression)])
 ; Allow any definition type to be lifted into the top level of a program.
 [Program (λ (n type) #t)]
 ; Lifting a definition to Lambda's formal parameter list would require changing all calls.
 [Lambda (λ (n type) #f)]
 ; Allow local variables to be lifted, except make all functions top-level.
 [Let (λ (n type) (not (function-type? type)))])

If you have more than one binding node in your language (i.e. via binder-info) you must specify this property. This property should be defined once for the base node (#f). It is a mapping from the type of a desired definition (e.g. int, float, int -> int, ...) to the AST node type (e.g. VariableDefinition, FunctionDefinition). This is important when different kinds of definitions use different AST nodes. Otherwise it is just boilerplate...

 [VariableDefinition #f (name type Expression)]
 [FunctionDefinition #f (name type Body)])
 [#f (λ (type) (if (function-type? type)

This property accepts a syntax list of choice-method names to use as a filter for the node type. Generally this should be set on the greatest super node type (or #f if there is no explicit super node type in your grammar). Each choice-method in the list is called on the choice object with no arguments. Each rule that returns #f rules the node out as a choice for filling in a hole.

Uses for this include restricting where certain nodes can appear. For example, the easiest way to create a fuzzer for a language with functions is to have a Lambda expression node. However, some languages do not support first-class functions. But you can still encode the fuzzer as having a lambda node that is simply restricted to only be generated as children of definition nodes, or perhaps only global definition nodes.

In this code snippet, we define a choice method encoding this restriction, and add it to the choice-filters-to-apply:
 [#f (λ () #t)]
 [Lambda (λ ()
           (and (parent-node (current-hole))
                (equal? (ast-node-type (parent-node (current-hole)))
                (parent-node (parent-node (current-hole)))
                (equal? (ast-node-type (parent-node (parent-node (current-hole))))
(add-property my-component
          [#f (no-lambda-except-global-def)])

Some core methods are always applied in addition to this list, such as the method defined by the may-be-generated property. If you don’t make custom filtering rules you don’t need to specify this property.



The edit property allows program trees to be edited during program elaboration. The main purpose of the edit property is to control ordering when filling out a tree. Xsmith doesn’t guarantee an ordering when filling in holes, but provides the edit property to take manual control.

The edit property is specified as a procedure that takes the node in question and returns either #f to signify that there is no edit necessary or a thunk that performs the edit. The returned thunk must perform an edit in such a way that the edit property’s procedure will return #f in the future, or editing will loop indefinitely. The edit property may be specified multiple times, each with a different procedure that potentially performs an edit. If multiple edit procedures are specified, the ordering of the procedures is not guaranteed, so if an order between them is necessary, they must have their own method of signalling between them.

One way the edit property may be used to stage edits is to specify a fresh property that fills nodes as bud nodes (with create-ast-bud), then check for that node’s dependencies (e.g. sibling nodes) in the edit property. When the dependencies are appropriately filled, the edit property can then replace the bud node with a hole node (using rewrite-subtree and make-hole) to be filled in normally. Note that if you follow this pattern, you need to take care in other properties (such as type-info) to check whether children are bud nodes before trying to query their attributes.

 ; be sure the left node is filled before the right node
 [Addition Expression ([l : Expression] [r : Expression = (create-ast-bud)])
           #:prop edit (λ (n) (and (ast-bud-node? (ast-child 'r n))
                                   (not (att-value 'xsmith_is-hole?
                                                   (ast-child 'l n)))
                                   (λ () (rewrite-subtree (ast-child 'r n)
                                                          (make-hole 'Expression)))))])



Xsmith provides built-in pretty printer functionality used for final program output and debugging support. This is given as a function which takes in one argument (a node) and renders that node in whatever format you like. Common formats include plain strings, PPrint documents, or s-expressions. If your render-node-info functions don’t return strings, then you must implement the #:format-render argument of the define-xsmith-interface-functions function to convert the final rendered AST to a string for pretty-printing as output. During debugging, this property may be called on a hole instead of a filled-in node. If this happens, Xsmith will delegate to the render-hole-info property, detailed below. The rendering function is defined as the xsmith_render-node attribute.

 [#f (λ (node) (symbol->string (ast-node-type node)))])



For help with debugging, this property allows you to render holes. By default, this function simply returns a string containing the type of the hole wrapped in angle brackets. If you have specified a custom render-node-info property and that property returns some type other than a string, it is likely you will want to configure this property to return the same type.

 [#f (λ (hole) (format "<~a>" (symbol->string (ast-node-type hole))))])



Can be used to specify that a given node is related to a given feature. The feature is given as a symbol. See also define-xsmith-interface-functions and xsmith-feature-enabled?. If this property is provided, the node can only be generated when the feature is enabled.

 ; Only generate ListsReference nodes when the `list` feature is enabled
 [ListReference list])

Used to specify whether xsmith’s reducer mode may delete elements from a list field child. In other words, when a node has a field with a kleene star specifying that it may have 0+ child nodes in that field, the reducer has a pass that can try to delete those nodes. For some nodes, the number of children is really arbitrary and it is valid to reduce them, such as for most list constructors. For other nodes, the number of children is variable but dependent on other aspects of the program, such as for function application nodes, tuple constructors, etc.

The default value for this property is #f, meaning that no list nodes may be reduced. The value #t means all list nodes may be reduced. Finally, a list of identifiers may be given explicitly listing the fields that may be reduced.

 ; Don't allow the reducer to delete nodes from any field in TupleLiteral.
 [TupleLiteral Expression ([values : Expression *])
               #:reducible-list-fields #f]
 ; Do allow the reducer to delete nodes from any field in ExpressionSequence.
 [ExpressionSequence Expression ([e : Expression *])
                     #:reducible-list-fields #t]
 ; Allow the reducer to delete nodes from explicit list of fields.
 [ExpressionSequenceAlt Expression ([e : Expression *])
                        #:reducible-list-fields (e)])

3.8 Types🔗ℹ

These type constructors and other functions are largely useful for specifying the type-info property.

While there are various predicates for different types, at any point in type checking you might actually have a type variable instead of a concrete type. So if you want to check if you have a particular type (and maybe deconstruct it), you should maybe create an instance of the type you are interested in, check if it can-unify?, then unify!-ing it if you want to deconstruct it. Note that if you do unify! a type variable, that unification needs to be consistent between multiple runs of type checking (since it runs multiple times as the tree is constructed). In other words, if you randomly choose a type at any point, you need to store that type in a grammar attribute and consistently unify against it.

When inspecting types, generally don’t use functions like function-type-return-type, which only work on function-type structs and not fresh-type-variables that have been unified to become function types. Instead, prefer functions like function-type-return-type! (note the !), which unify! the given type to the type to be accessed, then access the inner type. Alternatively, use a pattern of constructing the type you want to use as a fresh-type-variable, construct the rest of the type around it, then unify! thata outer type to the type you want to query. For example:
(define return-type (fresh-type-variable))
(unify! (function-type (fresh-type-variable return-type))
; Now return-type has been unified with the return type of the function.


(type? t)  boolean?

  t : any/c
Predicate for types.


(fresh-type-variable args ...)  type?

  args : type?
Creates a fresh type variable. If given no arguments it is unconstrained and can unify with any type. Arguments can be provided, in which case the type variable is constrained to be one of the types given. In the optional arguments, only one function type is allowed.

; Unconstrained
(define v1 (fresh-type-variable))
(define int (base-type 'int))
(define float (base-type 'float))
(define bool (base-type 'bool))
(define v2 (fresh-type-variable int bool))
(unify! v1 v2)
(can-unify? v1 float) ; #f
(can-unify? v1 int) ; #t
(unify! v2 bool)
(can-unify? v1 int) ; #f


(fresh-subtype-of t)  type?

  t : type?
Creates a fresh type variable that is constrained to be a subtype of t.


(type-variable? t)  boolean?

  t : any/c
Predicate for type variables.


(can-unify? t1 t2)  boolean?

  t1 : type?
  t2 : type?
Returns whether two types can be unified without actually unifying them.

Note that if (can-unify? t1 t2) is true, then both (can-subtype-unify? t1 t2) and (can-subtype-unify? t2 t1) are true, but it is NOT the case that (can-subtype-unify? t1 t2) and (can-subtype-unify? t2 t1) imply that (can-unify? t1 t2) is true!


(unify! t1 t2)  void?

  t1 : type?
  t2 : type?
Unifies two types. This mutates type variables so that they match other variables or types going forward.

If unification fails an exception is raised. Right now a failure to unify might mean that type variables are left in a bad state, so code generation should just give up at that point.


(can-subtype-unify? sub super)  boolean?

  sub : type?
  super : type?
Returns whether two types can be subtype-unified without actually unifying them.


(subtype-unify! sub super)  void?

  sub : type?
  super : type?
Puts two types into a subtype relationship. This mutates type variables so that they are constrained in a lattice relationship with other type variables.

Note that
  (subtype-unify! sub super)
  (subtype-unify! super sub))
is equivalent to:

(unify! sub super)

If unification fails an exception is raised. A failure in unification is basically catastrophic, so no code generation should be attempted after a unification failure.

The subtype-unify! function is used automatically during type checking to put a node’s type in the subtype relationship with the type its parent provides it, so you probably don’t need to use this function manually. The unify! function is more useful in user code.


(base-type name [supertype #:leaf? leaf?])  type?

  name : symbol?
  supertype : (or/c #f base-type?) = #f
  leaf? : any/c = #t
Creates a base type. Base types are the same if they are eq?. The name field is really just for convenience in printing for debugging.

If leaf? is true, no subtypes of this base type can be created.


(base-type? x)  any/c

  x : any/c
Predicate for base-types.


(base-type-name bt)  symbol?

  bt : base-type?
Get the name of a base type.


(function-type arg-type return-type)  type?

  arg-type : type?
  return-type : type?
Creates a function type. For multi-argument functions, use a product-type for the argument type.


(function-type? t)  boolean?

  t : any/c
Predicate for function types.


(function-type-arg-type t)  type?

  t : function-type?
Get the argument type. Remember that you can’t deconstruct type variables that are not fully constrained! I.e., don’t actually use this, use function-type-arg-type! instead.


(function-type-arg-type! t)  type?

  t : type?
Like function-type-arg-type, but unify!s the given type with a function type, and thus works on type variables.


(function-type-return-type t)  type?

  t : function-type?
Get the return type. Remember that you can’t deconstruct type variables that are not fully constrained! I.e., don’t actually use this, use function-type-return-type! instead.


(function-type-return-type! t)  type?

  t : type?
Like function-type-return-type, but unify!s the given type with a function type, and thus works on type variables.


(product-type types)  type?

  types : (or/c (listof type?) #f)
Creates a product type (tuple). If types is #f, the length of the tuple is unspecified, and it can be unify!-ed with a product type of any length.

(define any-length (product-type #f))
(define l2 (product-type (list int int)))
(define l3 (product-type (list int int int)))
(can-unify? any-length l2) ; #t
(can-unify? any-length l3) ; #t
(unify! any-length l2)
(can-unify? any-length l2) ; #t
(can-unify? any-length l3) ; #f


(product-type? t)  boolean?

  t : any/c
Predicate for product types.


(product-type-inner-type-list t)  any/c

  t : product-type?
Returns the list of types in the product-type, or #f for a product-type with a length that is still unspecified.


(product-type-inner-type-list! t)  any/c

  t : type?
Like product-type-inner-type-list, but unify!s the given type with a product type, and thus works on type variables.


(define-generic-type name (field-spec ...))

field-spec = [field-name variance]
  | field-name
variance = invariant
  | covariant
  | contravariant
Used to create generic types.

This form defines a constructor name, a predicate name?, and one accessor for each type-argument name-type-argument a la struct. If no variance is given for a field, it is invariant when subtyping.

Each instance of a generic type can be unified with other instances of the same generic.

(define number (base-type 'number))
(define int (base-type 'int number))
(define-generic-type list-type ([type covariant]))
(define t1 (list-type number))
(generic-type? t1) ; #t
(list-type? t1) ; #t
(generic-type-type-arguments t1) ; (list number)
(list-type-type t1) ; number
(define t2 (list-type int))
(can-subtype-unify? t1 t2) ; #f
(can-subtype-unify? t2 t1) ; #t
(can-unify? t1 t2) ; #f


(generic-type? t)  boolean?

  t : any/c
Returns true when t is a generic type. Not very useful, since you probably want to know if it is an instance of a specific generic.


(generic-type-name t)  symbol?

  t : generic-type?
Returns the name of a generic type. Remember that you can’t deconstruct type variables that are not fully constrained!


(generic-type-type-arguments t)  (listof type?)

  t : generic-type?
Returns the inner types of a generic type as a list. Remember that you can’t deconstruct type variables that are not fully constrained!


(nominal-record-type? t)  boolean?

  t : any/c
Predicate for nominal record types.

Partially specified nominal-record-type?s are created with nominal-record-type-with. Fully specified nominal-record-type?s are created by using concretize-type on a partially specified one. Rather than making them manually, simply rely on Xsmith’s definition-lifting mechanism to create appropriate fully-specified nominal-record-type?s.

When a partially defined nominal-record-type is unify!-ed with a fully defined nominal-record-type, the partially defined one is mutated to become the same as the fully defined one. When two partially defined nominal-record-types are unified together, an error is raised.

Every node in a language grammar that stands for a nominal-record-type constructor, accessor, or mutator must include a reference to a nominal-record-definition-type containing the nominal-record-type being used.

The reason for this is that nominal types must be defined in the program. nominal-record-definition-types are necessary because the lookups of these type names are a different type than uses of the record type that the name is bound to.

(add-to-grammar my-grammar
 [VariableReference Expression (name)]
 [StructReference Expression (fieldname
                              [structdefref : VariableReference]
                              [structval : Expression])]
 [StructReference [(fresh-type-variable)
                   (λ (n t)
                     (define type-with-field
                       (nominal-record-type-with (ast-child 'fieldname n) t))
                     (hash 'structval type-with-field
                           'structdefref (nominal-record-definition-type


(nominal-record-type-with fieldname    
  fieldtype)  type?
  fieldname : string?
  fieldtype : type?
Creates a partially-specified nominal-record-type?. Use it to specify that you want a record that contains a certain type.

Creates a completely unconstrained nominal-record-type?. It will unify with any fully constrained nominal-record-type?.

Getter for the name of a nominal-record-type?.


(nominal-record-type-name! t)  any/c

  t : type?
Like nominal-record-type-name, but it unify!s the type to a nominal record type, and thus can be used on type variables.
Getter for the inner type dictionary. If you use this on a partially-specified nominal-record-type?, you will get an incomplete dictionary.
Like nominal-record-type-known-field-dict, but it unify!s the type to a nominal record type, and thus can be used on type variables.

Constructor. See note in nominal-record-type? for how it is used.


(nominal-record-definition-type? t)  boolean?

  t : any/c
Predicate for nominal record definition types constructed with nominal-record-definition-type.
Getter for the nominal-record-type inside a nominal-record-definition-type.


(structural-record-type? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Predicate for structural record types.


(fresh-structural-record-type [field-dict    
  #:finalized? finalized?])  type?
  field-dict : (hash/c symbol? type?) = (hash)
  finalized? : any/c = #f
Constructor for a structural record type. If finalized? is #f, the result is variable and may have fields added during unification.
Get the field/type mapping held by srt.

Because this may be updated by unification, and type exploration is lazy where possible, you should use force-type-exploration-for-node! before using this on the type of any particular node.
Like structural-record-type-known-field-dict, but unify!s the given type with a structural record type, and thus works on type variables.


(force-type-exploration-for-node! n)  void?

  n : ast-node?
Type exploration is lazy, and is only done far enough for the built-in algorithm to check whether potential fresh nodes will have appropriate types for a given hole.

If you need to manually inspect details of types inside type-info, you should use this function on the node whose type is in question to be sure the returned type reflects a maximally unified view.

TODO - explain better when you need to use this.


(settled-type? t)  boolean?

  t : type?
A settled type is a type that either has no variables (a la type-has-no-variables?) or that has type variables that have been completely constrained.

In other words, all type variables contained in this type (including product-types, nominal-record-types, and structural-record-types) have been unified such that they only have one option, which is itself settled. If you have a variable that is not settled and you need a settled one, you can use concretize-type on the type you have.

See warnings in concretize-type about its use!

Note that through subtype-unify!, variables may be effectively settled without passing the settled-type? predicate. Xsmith uses subtype-unify! internally, so this could be an issue even if you don’t manually use it. When a variable is subtype-unified to be the subtype of a base type, say string, the variable can unify with the range (#f, string). If string has no subtypes, then string is the only type it can be unified with. However, the settled-type? function doesn’t currently have access to the list of subtypes (because currently they can be created dynamically), so it doesn’t know that it’s effectively settled.


(type-has-no-variables? t)  boolean?

  t : type?
If this returns true, then t is both a settled-type? AND has no type variable wrappers (i.e. created at some point by fresh-type-variable). Note that it may have product-types, nominal-record-types, and structural-record-types, but only ones that have been settled.

Mostly this is just useful to tell whether you can confidently use projection functions (e.g. product-type-inner-type-list) without running into type variable wrappers.


(concretize-type t)  type?

  t : type?
Returns a type that can-unify? with t, but that is both a settled-type? and a type-has-no-variables?. Note that it does not unify! or subtype-unify! the returned type with the input type.

This function can be useful if you want to generate a random type or proactively make a decision about an unsettled type you have where you need a settled, concrete type. But beware! You should probably NOT generate random types or unify with concretized types unless you also store them in the grammar node that represents that type. The type-checking code defined in the type-info property can be flushed and re-run many times for each node, so a node that randomly chooses its type will not be stable. Because the type algorithm imperatively unifies types, this causes mayhem. Don’t do it.

Note that to use this function you must pass a value in to the #:type-thunks argument of define-xsmith-interface-functions.

3.8.1 Parametric Types🔗ℹ

Xsmith has the start of support for parametric types, but at least one more feature is needed for them to actually work, so don’t use them. They are documented here mostly to remember the state for future implementation.

As it stands, parametric types can be generated, but with non-trivial parametric types (like listof a), xsmith needs to generate a particular accessor (list access) to get a value of type a. Because there is no atomic expression it can generate to get an a value, xsmith will crash when it reaches maximum depth. So to make xsmith work properly here, it would need another feature to annotate which non-atomic expressions it can generate to make progress towards getting a given type when necessary. This feature could likely be expanded to add hints that make interesting accessors more likely to be generated in other cases as well.

Without this future extension, Xsmith will happily generate the identity function, but often crash when generating a function like listof a -> listof a.


(make-parametric-type-based-on t)  type?

  t : type?
This function walks over the type t and returns another type that is like t but that maybe replaces some types inside with parametric types (eg. a). So if you pass in the type int, it might return a, and if you pass in listof int -> listof int it might return listof a -> listof a or a -> a or a. It chooses types to replace randomly and may replace more than one type.

See note above about how parametric types aren’t fully supported yet.

Takes a type t that contains parameter-type?s and returns a similar type with the parameter-type?s replaced with type variables. If t contains multiple copies of the same parametric type, the type variables for those copies are unified.

This should be used in the second argument of the type-info property for a parametric function. It allows a parametric function to be unified to a function call site with non-parametric types. Check out the PolymorphicFunction in the standard-ml.rkt example. (Note that the standard-ml.rkt example is somewhat broken when it comes to generating polymorphic functions due to the missing search for non-atomic paths to generate.)

See note above about how parametric types aren’t fully supported yet.


(parameter-type? t)  any/c

  t : type?
Returns true if t is a parameter type like a. Parameter types are created by make-parametric-type-based-on, but the parameter types may be nested inside the return of make-parametric-type-based-on, and not at the top level.

See note above about how parametric types aren’t fully supported yet.

3.9 Miscellaneous Utilities🔗ℹ


(fresh-int!)  number?

Returns a unique integer. The state of the generator is reset for each program generated, so that generation is reproducible.

Basically, use this rather than using your own unique number generator.


(fresh-var-name template)  string?

  template : string?
Returns a name created by appending a fresh integer to the end of template.


(fresh-var-name "variable_") ; returns the string "variable_123", or something like it.


(enqueue-inter-choice-transform thunk)  void?

  thunk : procedure?
You can’t mutate the RACR tree during attribute evaluation. But sometimes you really want to. At any rate, if your attribute (perhaps defined by a property) needs to save some information in the tree for future iterations (such as a type rule that proactively concretizes a type), you can use this to make tree changes between the filling of one tree hole and another.

In other words, if your attribute needs to use rewrite-terminal, stick that computation in a thunk, use this on it, and it will be evaluated after the current round of attribute evaluation but before the next one.

3.10 Debug Logging🔗ℹ


(xd-printf format-string args ...)  any/c

  format-string : string?
  args : (listof any/c)
Like printf, but it prints to a buffer that is output when an exception is raised during program generation.


(datt-value method node arg ...)  any/c

  method : symbol?
  node : ast-node?
  arg : any/c
A wrapper for RACR’s att-value function that prints trace info using xd-printf.

3.11 Turning Your Grammar Specification Into a Program🔗ℹ

Use the define-xsmith-interface-functions macro. This section used to have more before things were rearranged. Maybe things should be rearranged more.


(xsmith-feature-enabled? feature)  boolean?

  feature : symbol?
Returns the value set by the user via define-xsmith-interface-functions for the given feature. The feature name must have been supplied to the #:features argument of define-xsmith-interface-functions, or an error will be raised.


(xsmith-max-depth)  number?

Returns the maximum tree generation depth as set by the user via define-xsmith-interface-functions or on the command line.

Note that xsmith doesn’t always honor this depth. Eg. with wont-over-deepen or depth-increase you can adjust how xsmith works with depth. The max depth is meant to be a fuzzy best-effort maximum to be able to reasonably bound generation time.

See also Lifting.

3.12 RACR Convenience Functions🔗ℹ

 (require xsmith/racr-convenience) package: xsmith

These are a group of convenience functions around RACR. They are not necessary, and some may not be the best choices. But I have found them a little more convenient than using certain RACR APIs directly.


(expr->ast-list length-expression field-expression)

Creates an ast-list-node? containing a list of length length-expression. For each element of the list, field-expression is evaluated again.


(node-type n)  any/c

  n : any/c
Returns the symbol of the type of n, or #f if n is not a proper non-bud, non-list ast-node?.

Wrapper for ast-node-type that returns false rather than erroring when it gets bud nodes or list nodes...


(parent-node n)  any/c

  n : any/c
Wrapper for ast-parent that returns #f rather than erroring when the given node doesn’t have a parent.


(top-ancestor-node n)  any/c

  n : any/c
Calls parent-node until it reaches the last parent, and returns it.


(node-subtype? n)  any/c

  n : any/c
Wrapper for ast-subtype? that returns #f rather than erroring when the given node is a bud, list, or non-node.

3.13 xsmith/app🔗ℹ

 (require xsmith/app) package: xsmith

The xsmith/app module provides a convenient #%app replacement for accessing attributes (a.k.a. methods, or attributes on AST nodes) and methods (a.k.a. choice-methods) on choice objects.

See Procedure Applications and #%app for more details on #%app.

Note that these bindings are not provided by the main xsmith module.


(#%app form ...)

When the first form (after the [probably implicit] #%app identifier) is a quoted symbol, the form is treated as a method application.

In short, if the node n is an ast-node?, then:

($xsmith_type n)

is essentially rewritten as:

(att-value 'xsmith_type n)

Additionally, if n is an object? (probably a choice-object?), then:

($choice-method-name n 1 2 3)

is essentially rewritten as:

(send n choice-method-name 1 2 3)

In practice, whether n is an ast-node? or object? can’t be determined statically, so it is tested at runtime.

If the first form is not a quoted symbol, then the racket/base:#%app form is used.


(define-xsmith-app xsmith-app-name inner-app prefix)

Defines a macro like #%app above, but using inner-app as the fallback instead of racket/base:#%app. Use this if you want to combine the xsmith/app behavior with another customized #%app implementation.

Additionally, prefix is used instead of $. prefix is given as a symbol.

(define-xsmith-app my-xsmith-app #%plain-app $^!)

3.14 Canned Components🔗ℹ

 (require xsmith/canned-components) package: xsmith

The abstract grammars for many languages are very similar. We provide a library of canned components to get fuzzers up and running quickly for languages that include common patterns. All uses of canned components should probably start with define-basic-spec-component.

Note that add-basic-expressions and add-basic-statements aren’t good abstractions, they just facilitate some shared code of common components. You ultimately still have to know the structure of all components added.

The canned-components also export various types that the canned grammar nodes use. Of note, statements use two statement types: return-type and no-return-type. The expressions use all the other provided types.

For some examples that use these canned components, see the xsmith-examples/simple directory.

Note that these bindings are not provided by the main xsmith module.


(define-basic-spec-component grammar-component)

Defines the grammar-component using define-spec-component, then adds definitions for Expression, Statement, Definition, DefinitionNoRhs, and FormalParameter.

The Expression and Statement nodes have no fields and cannot be generated by the grammar, but serve as scaffolding for other productions in add-basic-expressions, add-basic-statements, and your own definitions.

The Definition, DefinitionNoRhs, and FormalParameter nodes all have both type and name fields. The Definition node also has an Expression field.

DefinitionNoRhs is meant to be used in forms that implicitly add a definition to subforms, but whose definition is not necessarily of the same type as a child the definition comes from. For example, a loop form where you bind a variable to each element of a given list.


(add-basic-expressions grammar-component optional ...)

optional = #:ProgramWithSequence boolean
  | #:VoidExpression boolean
  | #:AssignmentExpression boolean
  | #:IfExpression boolean
  | #:LambdaWithExpression boolean
  | #:LambdaWithBlock boolean
  | #:LetSequential boolean
  | #:ExpressionSequence boolean
  | #:Booleans boolean
  | #:Numbers boolean
  | #:Strings boolean
  | #:MutableArray boolean
  | #:MutableArraySafeAssignmentExpression boolean
  | #:ImmutableArray boolean
  | #:ImmutableList boolean
  | #:MutableStructuralRecord boolean
  | #:MutableStructuralRecordAssignmentExpression boolean
  | #:ImmutableStructuralRecord boolean
  | #:string-literal-value string
Extends grammar-component with an expression language. All nodes added come with type-info and other necessary properties specified, but they lack the render-node-info. In other words, this form gives you everything but the pretty printing for these parts of your language.

TODO - maybe just show the add-to-grammar segments in the lists of what is added. For now, you really just need to look at the source of canned-components to see what it is. It’s not a real abstraction, but I don’t want to tediously document all the internal names right now.

The following top-level node types are always added to the grammar:

If #:ProgramWithSequence is true, (ProgramWithSequence #f ([definitions : Definition *] ExpressionSequence)) is added. Use this when your language is free from the nonsense of statements.

The following Expression node types are always added:

TODO - document all of the field names

Other options mostly add a single node type with the same name as the option. The exceptions are:


Type considerations:

#:string-literal-value string-expr can be used to customized string literal generation when #:Strings #t is specified. string-expr should be an expression that evaluates to a string, such as (random-string/ascii), (random-string/ascii-no-null), (random-string/ascii-no-control).


(add-basic-statements grammar-component optional ...)

optional = #:ProgramWithBlock boolean
  | #:AssignmentStatement boolean
  | #:ExpressionStatement boolean
  | #:MutableArraySafeAssignmentStatement boolean
  | #:MutableStructuralRecordAssignmentStatement boolean
Like add-basic-expressions, extends grammar-component with a statement language, providing all necessary properties except render-node-info. If you use add-basic-statements, you must use add-basic-expressions as well.

TODO - maybe just show the add-to-grammar segments in the lists of what is added. For now, you really just need to look at the source of canned-components to see what it is. It’s not a real abstraction, but I don’t want to tediously document all the internal names right now.

The following node types are always added to the grammar:

The optional arguments add a node with the same name as the keyword.

Type considerations:



Property for nodes that use the Block node as a child to support definition children as well as a list of statements. When given #t, the child Block won’t increase the calculated AST depth.

(add-basic-statements my-component
                      #:Block #t
(add-to-grammar my-component
                [OneArmedIfStatement Statement
                                     ([test : Expression] [then : Block])
                                     #:prop block-user? #t])


(add-loop-over-container grammar-component kw-arg ...)

kw-arg = #:name identifier
  | #:loop-ast-type identifier
  | #:body-ast-type identifier
  | #:bind-whole-collection? boolean
  | #:collection-type-constructor function
  | #:loop-type-constructor function
  | #:body-type-constructor function
  | #:loop-variable-type-constructor function
Adds a looping form named #:name to grammar-component. The looping node will be of ast-type loop-ast-type, which defaults to Expression. The looping node will have 3 children:
  • collection - if #:bind-whole-collection? is #t, it will be of AST node type Definition, otherwise it will be of AST node type Expression (the default). This represents the collection to be looped over, and the #:bind-whole-collection? is a convenience to make references to the whole collection available.

  • elemname - of AST node type DefinitionNoRhs which itself has name and type fields but no Expression field. This node represents the binding to an element of the list in each iteration of the body.

  • body - of AST node type body-ast-type, which defaults to Expression. Changing this is useful to make loops whose body is a Statement or Block.

The #:collection-type-constructor should be a function from the type inside the collection to the type of the collection.

The #:loop-type-constructor should be a function from the type inside the collection to the type of the whole loop. By default #:loop-type-constructor is the same as #:collection-type-constructor, which corresponds to a loop that forms a comprehension form with a result (similar to Racket’s for/list form). However, common values for #:loop-type-constructor include (λ (elem-type) void-type) for loop expressions that only side-effect, or (λ (elem-type) (fresh-maybe-return-type)) for loops in those silly statement languages.

The #:body-type-constructor should be a function from the loop type and the element type to the type of the loop body. By default #:body-type-constructor returns the element type, but for side-effectful loops and/or statement-bodied loops it should be something else. For example, a statement-bodied loop should have #:body-type-constructor (λ (loop-type elem-type) loop-type).

The #:loop-variable-type-constructor should be a function from the type inside the collection to the type of the loop variable. By default this is the identity function. However, you can override this to make a loop over a container where the loop variable is, say, an integer that indexes the collection rather than an element of the collection. The details of how you make the bound name match the type are essentially up to the render-node-info rules you write.

Most keyword arguments are optional, but #:name is required.

 ; Sure, Python calls them lists, but my type system calls them arrays.
 #:name ArrayComprehension
 #:collection-type-constructor (λ (elem-type) (mutable (array-type elem-type))))
(add-property python-comp render-node-info
           (λ (n) (h-append (text "[")
                            ($xsmith_render-node (ast-child 'body n))
                            (text " for ")
                            (text (ast-child 'name (ast-child 'elemname n)))
                            (text " in ")
                            ($xsmith_render-node (ast-child 'collection n))
                            (text "]")))])


(return-type t)  type?

  t : type?
A type used for statements in return position.

This is used to encode where a return statement is needed and what type it must be. In other words, the block in a LambdaWithBlock has return-type, the last statement in the block is unified to have the same type.

For the curious, it is implemented as a generic-type? with a covariant inner type.

A type for statements that don’t return. In other words, it’s void-type for statements.

Use this for compound statements that can optionally contain a return statement.

I.e., (fresh-type-variable (return-type (fresh-type-variable)) no-return-type).

A void type. Used by AssignmentExpression and the like.
Subtype of number-type
Subtype of number-type


(mutable t)  type?

  t : type?
Used for encoding mutable versions of types. E.g., canned components provide (mutable (array-type (fresh-type-variable))) and similar.

It is implemented as a generic-type? with a covariant inner type.


(immutable t)  type?

  t : type?
Used for encoding immutable versions of types, much like mutable.


(array-type t)  type?

  t : type?
Constructor for array types. Implemented as a generic-type? with a covariant inner type. The canned components only use this wrapped in mutable or immutable.


(list-type t)  type?

  t : type?
Constructor for list types. Implemented as a generic-type? with a covariant inner type. The canned components only use this wrapped in mutable or immutable.

Produces a random string where each character code point is in range 0-127, 1-127, and 32-127 respectively.

A parameter that determines the length of a generated array and list. v can be either a positive integer or a thunk that produces a non-negative integer. When v is a positive integer, it is used as a limit so that the length is in range 0 to (sub1 v). Otherwise, when v is a thunk, it should produce the actual length. Default value is a thunk that produces the length in range 0 to 5.

The parameter can be set before calling <fuzzer-name>-command-line. For example, to adjust somelisp in An Upgrade: Using Canned Components so that generated list literal have length at most 2, we can write:

(module+ main
  (parameterize ([current-array-length 3])

A parameter that determines the number of effectful expressions in ExpressionSequence. v can be either a positive integer or a thunk that produces a non-negative integer. When v is a positive integer, it is used as a limit so that the number of expressions is in range 1 to v. Otherwise, when v is a thunk, it should produce the actual number of expressions. Default value is a thunk that produces a number in range 1 to 3.

A parameter that determines the length of arguments in various lambda expression (LambdaWithExpression, LambdaWithBlock, etc.). v can be either a positive integer or a thunk that produces a non-negative integer. When v is a positive integer, it is used as a limit so that the number of expressions is in range 0 to (sub1 v). Otherwise, when v is a thunk, it should produce the actual length. Default value is a thunk that produces the length in range 0 to 5.